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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. the blueprint is simple Build the trenches.. the game is won and lost on the OL and DL. That will never change
  2. I'm going with DL over OL although both have problems If our DL was pressuring QB's we would have more turnovers and we would have won 2 of the last 3. You have to get to the QB.. D wins championships and teams like the ravens have proven that a rock solid ferocious D can carry a team well, especially with a young O and inexperienced QB Our OL C is a big problem with G needing a boost too. But until we can get to the QB with 4 pass rushers a good QB can just sit back and wait and wait and wait for a WR or TE or RB to get open.
  3. the problem is not Edwards nor is it Lynch... neither deserves blame. The problem with the Bills is OL and Pass rush. We need a stud C and improvement at G and we need a real DE... None of our DE's are starting material not even Schobel. The biggest problem IMO is our Defensive scheme. I hate the tampa 2, and I am very against the 4-3. All we ever are in this scheme is a bend don't break. Problem with that is any decent team can bend it and break it.
  4. FA will affect who we draft #1 Who are the FA DE's out there in 2009 offseason? We also are desperate for a OLB and a C. We should be able to address at least 2 key positions in the offseason via FA
  5. That is the whole point.... If he didn't sit out he would be or should be. Right now he is not worth a top 5 LT contract the way he is playing.
  6. don't worry. These mega stadiums with their licensing fees for the right to buy season tickets along with a sagging economy that continually removes money from the workers, will be the beginning of the a major decline for the NFL and sports in general. The amount of money it takes to be a fan these days has already started a shift of kids being more interested in soccer then football. This will continue as families can no longer take the kids to see the game and kids will become disengaged with the NFL because they have limited or no access at all to the game... unless your wealthy. Wealthy kids don't make good football players.
  7. well that a !@#$ing insult to American workers. America needs more unions to protect them from wallstreet/corporate/ceo & exec greed. because the last time I checked it was the American worker who was taking it the ass for the last decade or so.
  8. he needs to out play the vets, asnd earn his playingtime when he gets his chances. The Bills will not rush their rookies into anythign if they can avoid it.
  9. Most two bit hookers have more class than the Pats and Boston sports fans in general. I find Boston sports fans to be excessively annoying and worthy of a B word slap
  10. pathetic. You have Reeed and Parrish who are vets. Reed is solid and probably 50 x's the blocker Hardy is. Parrish has earned his touches and deserves his spot. Hardy is a rookie, and he needs to earn more playing time, and eventually will. But the fact is most rookie WR's take 2-3 years to develope, so expect Hardy to be a 4th WR and a red zone specialist all of this year.
  11. NE fans are POS... But denial is how they cope with the truths.
  12. and it would only cost 20 billion....
  13. You are incorrect. Peters was an undrafted FA free to sign with any team he wanted to. He chose the Bills. but I agree with the fact that he should of just showed up and worked the system from within. He has to enact a lot of damage control now.
  14. we need bodies.. that is it. This has nothing to do with Peters besides the fact he is one less body we have...
  15. I guarentee there will be no contract for Peters this year. The muther !@#$er didn't even return phone calls or even try to make contact with the team. Nope Peters has to play this year or he loses big, and the Bills know this. They will teach him a lesson by not even negotiating an extension until next season, and they will tell him the only chnace he has is to show up and negotiate from with in. You can't let a player with 3 years left on an extension completely cut you off and show the team 0 respect. The Bills negotiated an extension with him without him asking.. the Bills stepped up last time, now Peters tries this BS strong arm tactic. Again I am guarenteeing that Peters will not get an extension until the end of the season and only if he promises to show up in the offseason and show his loyalty to the team. The Bills are not going to shell out 60 million to a player who disses them in the way Peters has regardless of what pisspoor advice his agent is giving him.
  16. all those experts that said Baltimore was getting a steal and the Bills were fools to off load him LMAO thanks Baltimore for taking that POS off our hands and giving us Trent Edwards, provciding us with a 3rd rd pick totrade for Stroud, and forcing us to draft Lynch to replace McChump...
  17. well their dynasty is a joke.. bottom line is the Bills have played some close games against the Pats only to see them walk away with it in the later parts of games... Now we know why, by the 3rd and 4th quarter they were able to make out our signals and adjust. We all watched games where it seemed like they new what we were going to do before we did it, and obviously they did. oif the Bills win a couple of those games our team could've made th eplayoffs once or twice possibly, and the Pats could of lost home field advantage in there...
  18. wow for a moment there I thought we might be refering to George Bush and Cheney.. the Patriots are just as much of a sham...
  19. I'll take James Hardy over Thomas... and I do not believe the Bills are that interested in Thomas. My prediciton is the Bills WILL NOT DRAFT THOMAS Just look at the college career of Hardy and compare it to Thomas Sweed or Kelly. Hardy's stats dominated all of them... 36 TD's in 32 college games is amazing. Thomas has significantly more catches in college then any of those 4... and he has awesome height and jumping ability. The Bills want Hardy at WR not Thomas IMO.
  20. We need to draft Hardy IMO. I like hardy over Sweed or Kelly We can get a Thomas clone in Jordy Nelson in round 3 or trade back up into late round #2 to get him. I think Getting hardy and then Nelson would cause lots of match up problems for opposing D's. http://www.nfldraftscout.com/ratings/profile.php?pyid=12364
  21. I agree... Hardy = 36 TD's in 32 college games what do the Bills need... a big bad red Zone target but I do not agree that Hardy is the best WR in the draft by a long shot. AND a 6' 5.5 " WR who can catch a football 12' in the air isn't going to need a whole lot of seperation from CB's at any level. his sheer size will allow him to snag balls and shield off defenders. I can see the Bills drafting Hardy in the 1st (most likely in a trade odnw situation) and then going after Jordy Nelson in round 3 or trading back up into late round #2 for him. IMHO we need two WR's out of this draft. both with some size.
  22. capitalism... and the NFL is goood example on how capitalism is going to run itself down to the ground if we keep stretching it the way we are. CEO's get paid stoopis money and rewarded for drivnig a corporation into the ground... just as stoopid.. how about a salary cap for corporate america and a vet minimum for the workers !!!
  23. run game won't be worth crap if opposing D's know we suck at the pass and stack the box to stop the run. AND Dick has ackowledge his strong desire for a #2 WR threat who is a tall red zone target. the later in the draft you take a WR the less of a rookie impact he likely will make.
  24. They don't call them the Bungles for nothing. I don't doubt Johnson will sit out this year, and the Bengals will have nothing to help boost there WR's which is now down to TJ if they play hard ball with CJ the cap hit is nothing, they take the hit wether Chad is on the team or not, or wether he sits out or not. i guess it would be up to Chad to pay back the Bengals some coin if he really wants to move on. however not taking the 1st rd pick with a possibility of a 2nd 1st rd pick is just stoopid.
  25. A very loud mouthed, attention hogging, complainer who is DEMANDING a trade won't fetch anywhere's near that amount. Cincy can hold him, and Chad will sit out and they will get nothing for him and Cincy wuill have to keep salary cap space open and a roster spot open in case he decides to return at any time... or they have to cut him if they do not. Cincy has very little leverage here, and anyone stupid enough to give Cincy a 1st rd pick for Chad can have him... Chad can be had for less then a 1st rd pick.
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