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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. as long as the Bills change their names to the Buffalo Jive Turkey Cracker Honkies then I see no problem. but yes it is offensive to refer to an American Indian as a Redskin
  2. He's looking sharper in this camp for sure. Lots of positive Fitz press coming from multiple outlets/fans. He still throws the occasional ball into tight coverages, and has had a few picked off here and there.. Much more positive then bad
  3. your bel13ve avatar is pretty damn ight

  4. that's why we play some preseason to see how he handles it. If the guy is going long and gaining separation, fumbles won't be much of an issue. You haven't seen this guy play for us yet... as I agree that is a concern, but he can catch and run like a MF
  5. I bought the preseason package last year, and it was worth it. $20 and you can watch any game. $5 a game if you are like me and watch just the Bills. I do find myself sneaking a peak at our rivals and teams on our schedule, which really makes the $20. Would you pay $5 to watch the Bills play a preseason game over a replay after already reading about the game? I can't remember how many times I was so PO'd about not being able to watch Bills preseason games.... SO for $20 its an easy spend what he said !
  6. your link isn't working http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrR2ydrgxsY
  7. DirecTV is not to blame for this issue. this was all Viacom trying to hold DirecTV hostage and force them to pay for more channels from Viacom that none of us want. If they would of caved DirecTV would be forced ot raise rates and we pay more for some crappy Viacom channels I personally support DirecTV's hard balling Viacom.. In fact I sent some nasty grams to Viacom for what they tried to do.
  8. wake me up when your thoughts become reality My money says he won't have much of a rookie impact, and i damn glad we took Gilmore over this guy
  9. bottom line is it takes a WR a few years to develop in the pros. Rarely does a WR make a big impact in his rookie season
  10. So how do we get Peppers to Buffalo to make this happen
  11. it needs to face the falls so the one endzone that is fully glassed is a view of the falls for all to see inside the stadium
  12. mostly small markets.... outside Philadelphia so cheapness goes hand in hand with smaller markets....
  13. They are not Bills fans so I don't give a !@#$ about Toronto and their money.. That is ALL I CARE ABOUT... The Bills need eveyr home game they can get and Toronto is just a 9th away game..... until the Bills raise ticket prices here to the point where people refuse to buy them the Toronto deal SUCKS
  14. the fact is there aren't that many larger markets Who is significantly larger then Buffalo and its suburbs and doesn't have a team ??? When you include southern Ontario Rochester, and Buffalo and its suburbs we are a decent sized market. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0763098.html there are a few options but most of the options are already close ot existing teams, or are more of a college football cities. A new stadium with better boxes would help, and ticket price increases are coming.... but if we can meet those requirements I think there is a solid chance Buffalo can keep the Bills for a long time...
  15. i think the players are shaving a little off the top, but the Owners were asking for 2 billion off the top when this started. I don't see it as a tail between the legs at all.. the players held strong and got a solid deal.. The owners wanted more and got less then what they wanted as well.. SO both sides made adjustments...
  16. forcing teams to spend an even higher % of just means they'll hand over more money to players who don't deserve it to make the limit.. I fail to see the positive here.. but I guess we don't have enough Kelsay's on the team. I think 75% - 80% is a more suitable number so a team can save some reserves for a run in future years... I never thought Ralph was cheap with players. He just over paid the wrong ones
  17. that's funny I'm laughing and could care less what the dipshits in this nation think of Buffalo
  18. I have no problem with that... Just open up the books to make sure this is really the case... I would not trust the owners after they tried to sneak a tv deal past the players and walk away with billions... they also asked for way to much back in their original offers to the players.. owners need ot get real and realize they laid the gauntlet down when they voted 30-2 on the last CBA... 30-2 screams there is no financial problems I also don't believe the owners are hurting.. so as long as the books stay closed I'm not budging from the players side.... You want my support owners open the books for all to see and dissect.. if you can't do that then as far as I'm concerned you have NO argument at all... 30-2 is all i need to know without those books opened
  19. screw the owners.... they voted 30-2 for the last CBA... they negotiated a shady behind the scenes TV deal to get paid billions while they locked out the players. they refuse to open the books. if the owners want money back from the last deal which they overwhelmingly voted 30-2 then they better open the books for all of us to see. Obviously they are hiding a lot of stuff.. .Not to mention how many times an owner held a city hostage for favorable tax and stadium deals. AND nobody twiusted an owners arm and told them to pay the salaries they have been so willing to pay over they years. They could of said no deal and walked away from many of these outrageous contracts Open the books or STFU....
  20. Fitz is nothing more then a back up and not a very good one
  21. are you kidding I wouldn't get any satisfaction of a superbowl win with replacement players... Notta kind of like the non-satisfaction I felt when the bandits were winning championships..Notta zip
  22. Buzz-killington stikes again... yes he did, we won by default
  23. There where no franchise QB's in this draft after Bradford.... and if you thought there was any well then you just exposed your lack of football intelligence. Brown was a good pick up as well.... and I would rather suffer through a 5-11 season in 2010 for a chance at a real franchise arm in 2011 where there are many better QB's to choose from. Plus Modrak now bows down to Nix who obvioulsy made the final decisions in this draft...
  24. there are NO quick fixes for the Bills
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