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Everything posted by dundy249

  1. Put back the 3 he made this year before we called Time out and he was 7/15.
  2. Nowadays that would be impossible. They drain your Blood and remove internal organs after death. Breathing would be an awesome trick.
  3. Maybe if I play on my head we will win. I have been playing out of my ass for 2 years and thats not working.
  4. I dont know what game you watched yesterday? Vick sucks...When he plays a good team he gets schooled every time. We will see how Donavan does against a real team in the SB.
  5. If you dont live in the Buffalo market than you have to get Direc TV or no Bills. I have had Direc for years and never an issue. Great price, they have never raised my rates and lose reception very rarely.
  6. Charlotte..NC 0...0....0 I love it!!!!!! Little Chilly today high of 33 By wednsday the highs are back in the 60's with sunny skies..Thank God I left the north!
  7. Sunny and 50 in Charlotte!!!! Might rain this weekend thats it.
  8. Joe Buck in response to the vikings request pulled down his pants and rubbed his butt all over a vikings helmet.....
  9. I love Buffalo but will say this will never happen. Just like the Adelphia building, the casino, the zoo ect...ect.... I moved away over a year and a half ago and now live in a city that knows how to get things done.(Charlotte) Not to mention the 70 degree weather in January is not too bad either. I still make it back to 3 to 4 Bills games a year and see the rest with Sunday Ticket. 3 words sum up why this will never happen in Buffalo...Buffalo Common Council. People just keep voting these jokers into office year after year. Good luck at the current rate Buffalo will be declassified from a city to a town in no time!!!!
  10. The 84 million is not a set number. I read somewhere that the league could announce a cap of 86-89 million due to the new direct tv deal.
  11. Not to poop on a good deed but it was not even .03% He donated .0015% That would be like a person making 60,000 a year donating $91 He is going to make 11.818 million this year if they lose this week. If they go to the bowl he will make 11.854 million
  12. The statistics are to say. Only 48 deaths of children related to guns last year??? Its not the guns that are unsafe but the parents lack of discipline and safety training with their children. I grew up in PA with a Gun cabinet full of guns. We kept the key on top of the cabinet. I was taught the safety rules of handling guns and by some amazing act of God am still alive!!!Geesh
  13. Once again you guru's of the NFL we DID NOT give up a number 1 for Losman. We traded this years 1 for An Extra 1 last year. ...MAN We gave up a 2 and a 5
  14. I am not defending drew but the missed field goal cost us the game. If that kick is good we win period!
  15. Read it again? The positives contradict the negatives.
  16. What are you talking about? Its harder to get Panther tickets than Bills tickets. The Hornettes did not leave because of lack of support. They left because the city would not cave on an arena deal. Sad part is they are building a brand new one for the Bobbers I live in Charlotte and must sa I was born in Buffalo and will be a die hard buffalo fan my whole life but I do not in any way miss the city of Buffalo
  17. Thank you someone with reason. I would have rather played Ben. Maddox will not rattle as easily under the blitz and crowd noise. I really have a bad feeling about this game
  18. If the Jets lose in St Louis and we win and the Broncos beat the colts we would play INDY??? If we get the 5th seed we play SD who is the 4th . Indy and SD are locked into their seeds?
  19. Star Wars trilogy on DVD!!! I have been waiting since the invention of DVD players
  20. Rothelqueer is gonna win again
  21. Does that include sacks? I agree ben has done great. If Eli had a team which only needed to throw 15 times a game he would do well also. The Steelers have a great system. Lets see if it works against Fat Pat and the Beer man....Who knows both teams are playing well and the game could go either way. The only advantage in the game is that it is in buffalo. If the Bills can score early and take a 10 or 14 point lead than the 20,000 Steelheads will be not be a factor.
  22. I get them all!!!! Direc TV is awesome!
  23. All fans are fair weather Chumps... When the Bills were 3 and 13 I sat throught the last few games of the year with about 40,000 fans. Difference for other teams are that there tickets are sold and people jsut dont show up. In Buffalo they cant even sell the tickets. Not trying to pick just pointing it out.
  24. Yes he tackles people 10 yards down field
  25. Sorry to hear that 60 and sunny in Charlotte
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