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Everything posted by dundy249

  1. huh? Flutie=RJ+billy Joe Holbert squared
  2. If they did not pick Mcgahee they would have taken Chris kelsay with that pick. He was rated first round.
  3. I have to disagree. RB in the NFL are a depreciating asset. As they get older and run more they are less effective. With the right offensive line any RB can look like a star..Example Denver?
  4. I think pretty much the whole draft. It is a weak year
  5. Dont shoot the deer! thats inhumane. Lets let there pupulation grow and they can starve to death instead..>Thats much better. Or maybe you can hit them with your car and then you and the deer can die. Animal right people=RJ SHUT UP
  6. $60 a month for 4 months and you will see every Game!
  7. Hmmm let me think Yankees 200 million dollar payroll Boston 150 million Atlanta 100 million Seattle 95 million I am going with my Pirates and there 35 million dollar payroll!!! WOOHOOO I used to love Baseball until about 1993. Then the player got greedy and ruined the leageue! Hockeys well on there way as well.
  8. Sorry to burst your bubble but the Phil rumor is not a rumor. He was a big time gambler, not just poker either. His biggest weekness was sports betting. You will see in many of his interviews including a recent one in Gold Digest he admits too it. But on a better note he has quit gambling and focused back on golf and family.
  9. First piece of advice, take just about everything you learned in school about management and throw it out the window. You can not learn how to manage people through text books. You are born with the ability to manage. Be your self. Do not be friends with the staff but be friendly. Always have confidence in your decisions and let your people have input in what you do. Treat your folks as you want to be treated and as I stated before do not second guess your decisions. If you show confidence and respect to your staff they will follow and perform for you. I started my career managing a Bennigans and did this for 7 years. I know am A VP for a large company and have been at it for 6 years. Its a lot of work to be responsible for others but i love every day of it!
  10. I agree at some point its too much time off. We are off every federal holiday. 5 personal days. I have 25 vacation days and 2 "stress days" Last year I only used 17 of my vacation days and no personal time.
  11. Jimmy B is now down south doing college hoops.
  12. Give you some advice. Buy a house in NC. I sold my house in Buffalo at a loss 3 years ago and have now just sold my first hous in NC and am upgrading. I made a 25% profit on my house here. Not to mention I spent this weekend Golfing and Fishing in mid 70's....Much better than shoveling!!! I love Buffalo but will never move back!
  13. Some of the rating is based on comparison to the draft class they are in. So you really can not compare year to year. If JP was in this years draft I bet he would go top 5 and before the others.
  14. Who cares? We know that over half of the spoiled children that play baseball took some kind of performance drug. it is a shame that the least physically demanding sport of the major 4 needs drugs to compete. watching baseball is like watching slugs race uphill! Not real exciting
  15. Yes it could have been F*cked cubed!
  16. All this and I bet you they do not make it out of the first round of the playoffs still.. Lets see what Stinkpepper does without moss..we saw it last year they do not play the same without him
  17. Yeah if you want to smell Sh*t in your house all the time and have a pet that is loads of fun (Sarcasm) get a cat. I can not think of better way to have fun with your pet then to watch it sleep or lick itself? wooohooo
  18. I have 3 young children and have 2 dogs. I have a pure bread Shepherd. He has been one of the best dogs I have ever had. Loyal pretective and will let the kids sit on his head if they wanted to very gentile. I also have a mix breed Shepherd/Doberman. Sounds funny but she is a wonderful dog as well. has all the looks othe Dobie and the temperment of the Shepherd.
  19. Not being a TD asskisser but check your math Genius. He has not had a losing record on all 4 years he has been here? 9-7 last year???? 2 out 4 have been losing seasons
  20. You beat me to it!.. Trading a first round pick (McGahee) for a career number 2 receiver.
  21. Never ever buy retail. When you buy HP, Compaq ect from retail giants you are buying other peoples garbage. Open them up sometime and take a look. Many of the parts inside say refurbished! Did you ever wonder why HP's and Compaqs are so much cheaper than IBM or SOny. ITs because they rebuild their computers from all of their returns. TOTAL CRAP. Dell is ok, but I have to agree that your best bet is to order the parts and build one yourseldf or have someone do it for you.
  22. Charlotte is awesome. I have lived her for over a year now. It is not really the south it is a bunch of people from the north living together in a warmer cleaner city.
  23. Advice..>DONT Just traded in the MiniVan after 3 GLORIOUS years. Got the wife a SUV and myself a BMW 330I Funny thing is my payments for Both cars are not much higher than the 1 MINIVAN payment.
  24. Blow Unions! Because of Unions I had to move all over the country when I was a kid. The greed of Unions and its workers cost many Americans jobs and destroy entire cities. HMmm example BUFFALO..Bethlehem Steel the Unions destroyed the company. NHL..Union again! The reason cars are so expensive..UNIONS $28 an hour to put a bolt on a car..AWESOME. Thank God I work for a large Bank and Unions are not an issue
  25. Now that I have moved south my Dish is at 95 plus all the time. I also have a completly unobstructed view and flat land all around.
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