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Posts posted by BF_in_Indiana

  1. Not a bad point, but what if some parents limit the TV in take. Do you think thats a good idea? Also, how many children do you have?


    Its always interesting to get the perspective of someone who has no children, please tell us.



    It's common sense. Do you really believe that if you are sending your child to a public school that by the time they are in the second grade they are not going to know more curse words and obscene jestures than a lot of adults?


    You think that because someone doesn't have a child they can't use common sense in relation to raising one?

  2. Not sure if I understand the distinction between "predicted" and "I thought" but are you saying that all QB's who do not have good years until their senior year and who are smart are not likely to succeed?  I have the feeling that there may be a few successful QB's that break that trend.



    The tests were being given by his agent.

  3. Yeah because some mentally imbalanced, drug addicted, star searching, money grubbing, eh....female said he did something bad huh?


    I mean...somebody accused him of it even though she wouldn't get on the stand so what she said had to be true right?



    I didn't say he raped her did I?

  4. I didn't say "I predicted it" I said I thought he would be a bust. His career numbers in college weren't that great up until his senior year was a part of it, and then the biggest thing they could say about him was how "smart" he was.

  5. When Smith came out I remember one of the biggest things said about him was how high he was scoring on the tests (academci) they were giving him and I think he scored high on the Wonderlic as well. That means jack on the football field.


    I also thought he'd be a bust at the time.

  6. I wanted Bledsoe out of here as much as anyone, but I'm gonna credit him with helping Lee Evans. Lee had a good year last year and I think he really helped Drew out down the stretch with a lot of the plays he made. I'm sure Drew trusted Moulds more at the beginning of the year and rightfully so. This tidbit is just about pointless if you ask me.

  7. It's nothing more than a way to raise an unlevied tax.  They could give a crap about you or anyone else dying - that's simply the rhetoric they hide behind.



    The states do not, the individual officers I imagine have a tough time scraping some teenager who'd been speeding off the road.

  8. Of course, how many drivers do you know who both speed regularly AND use radar detectors? For the life of me, I can't figure out why these are ever legal. I mean, what purpose do they serve other than to help someone break the law? So, the real law breakers will not be concerned with the crackdown. They'll be purring along at the speed limit right past the speed trap.




    For the same reason that rolling papers and glass bongs are available. Unless you can prove someone is breaking the law with them you have no case.

  9. Jack Webb had a close circle of actors and hollywood people that he worked with. He was loyal almost to a fault sometimes and would use a lot of his friends in varying roles from one week to the next.


    The thing is, each eposiode was totally different so it didn't bother me that they used different actors.


    Now when they had the guy from Adam 12 on there in varying roles and then cast him as a cop on that show, that sort of sucked.

  10. Eric Seidel won his 7th bracelet last night. The final three at that table in event number 9 were Seidel, Cindy Violette, and Perry Friedman, all well respected pros with Seidel being the most recognized.

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