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  1. I have always believed if you build it they will come. With the Bills as secure as they can be in WNY, why not Toronto as an expansion team in 5-7 years with a new stadium? Canadian folks are still going to go the Ralph rather than stay in puritan southern Ontario for a real footbal experience. The economic market of southern Ontario is too compelling for the NFL to ignore opver the long-term. Also why not re-align the divisions more geographically with Buf-Tor-Cle-Pit-Det as one Divsion... All of these places are within a maximum 4-5 hour drive of one another and the rivalries would be fantastic in person and for the TV networks.. Living part-time in S. Florida, the Bills "rivalry" with Miami is non-existent and really has not mattered much in the past 15 years so I don't buy the old "lets keep the old AFL teams together" scenario.... thoughts?
  2. My wife and I went last year...we stayed in South Beach and made a long weekend out of it...it was our first time in Miami Beach so we did the various walking tours, museums, art galleries, lie on the beach et al, and on Sunday I went to the game and she went shopping...crowd was pretty docile and I thought quite friendly as even the Dolfans knew there team was awful....there is nothing like sitting in a stadium in December and getting a sun tan and your team is kicking a$$ big time!!!
  3. I work for a large municipality in southern Ontario and deliver various affordable housing supply programs and promote community-based affordable housing partnerships....
  4. will that be the same date for the "Open Practice" as it was last year??
  5. guadeloupe, french west indies in july fot two weeks with the family AND a Buffalo Bills away game in either SD, NO or Tampa!!!!!!!!!
  6. Off topic, but its off season and the draft is still a month away....Me, the missus and the kids are coming down shopping in the next few weeks... I have never had a "beef on wek" (I apologize if the spelling is wrong)...where do we go, preferably a family friendly establishment,...thanks folks
  7. Toronto ON/43/Mississauga ON
  8. what borders?? when it comes to the almighty $$$$$$$ borders dont exist..think merchandising, think TV exposure, think filling an extra thousand seats in the upper deck corners at the Ralph with drunken Canadian bums....(and they can stay up there, I'll sit with the real fans as I always do in the Lower Bowl)
  9. First of all I am Bills fan who lives just west of Toronto... what is important to remember is that the Skydome (now known as the Rogers Centre) is owned by the same corporation (Rogers Communications Inc.) that has been trying to get an NFL team in Toronto for 20 years and also they own the Toronto Blue Jays and the senior exec's of Rogers are long-time buddies with Mr. Tagliabue.... I would suspect that it would be late season game against an NFC team that in all likelihood would not sell out the Ralph...think Arizona last year....there have been several previous pre-season games before in Toronto....but, and it breaks my heart to say this, Toronto is not a football town and the level of football intellignece for "fans" north of the border is pitiful and embarrassing (present company excepted...) And although I am not one to advocate conspiracy theories, the Canadian $$$ has been increasing in value against the US$$$$ where it almost makes an NFL team in Toronto an economically viable opportunity....but what else is Mr. Tagliabue up to with this??? building pressure to find a local Buffalo based individual to buy the Bills upon the passing of Ralph???? On the other hand, Southern Ontario is by and large "Bills Country" too and this could just be part on the on-going regionalization of the franchsise...remember the move from Fredonia to St. Johns Fisher....anyway that's my two cents worth (One and a half cents Canadian)
  10. I went to Miami this year for my first ever Bills road trip and it was a blast. I was already thinking NO, but this Tijuana field trip (I'll tell my wife its for educational purposes) has piqued my interest...it will all depend on the dates for me...
  11. staying in South beach too...whats the best way to get to PPS on sunday?
  12. First time in Miami, staying in south beach...anything happening on Sat Nite for bills fans?? Also, what's the best way to get to ProPlayer? taxi?? Thx!
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