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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. i say no to ever drafting a first rounder from texas again
  2. Satriani looks like a vin diesel wannabe. frankly i see similarity but not enough to warrant plagiarism.
  3. again we are talking about a state that only has 100 people in it, so only a select few actually can represent the state.
  4. Really, this Palin topic is a non-story. As for Gore's son, its only pot, and not a real hard drug. there are worse things than pot that are perfectly legal.
  5. I have to do the same thing down here... and probably closer to 20% doesn't want any part of the unions in my district. Simon, your analysis was spot on.
  6. as usual, your ignorance on topics shows. First off, NCLB didn't make teachers teach, instead it made teachers teach to a test, without funding for training in new curriculum. It put paperwork requirements on stuff and made education an even bigger bureaucracy than it was before. While I'll agree that unions can be very shady and that it gave more ways to get rid of sh------- teachers, I don't think that the Democrats are really interested protecting sh------- teacher number 27 in east bum!@#$ kansas. In addition teachers are raking in superfluous amounts of cash as you believe. Quite honestly for the degrees required for education, teachers are generally paid below average. Even in NYS, the city of Buffalo starts teachers at 30 grand/year. 6.5 hours a day? you have to be joking. On any given day, I have to be in work by 8 and the earliest i can leave is 3:30. However, this does not include tutoring that I provide, times when I have to stay after or come in early for meetings. In addition, there isn't enough time in the workday to always get stuff done, so teachers tend to bring a ton of work home to do. On average for me, I generally pull 9-10 hours/ day at the school and another 1-2 at home. Even during our off-time, teachers have to go through training sessions any whatever else. There are a ton of reasons why there is a shortage of good teachers at the moment: The pay is not stellar. the stress is enormous, especially when having to call parents or dealing with kids that can be sh-- heads. Neverending work, which sucks away your personal life. There are two reasons that every teacher does their job: They love working with the majority of the kids and they want to help the kids succeed. But yeah, in VA's diluted world, we are all worthless sacks of crap that sleep on the job, refuse to do our jobs, and bring in 6-figured salaries
  7. well he (armisen) outdid himself this week by pissing off paterson
  8. I got it today, under the alias Tor Coolguy. I am actually surprised that worked, then again my dad scammed BMG while in prison for free CD's under the alias Hugh G Rection.
  9. just because i am watching Just Friends, and she is hot as Jamie Palamino, as well as her role when she was in scrubs. Amy Smart nutha nutha2 nutha3
  10. well, what pisses me off is the fact that people enjoy lyrics like: Really people should hate this guy for bragging about his wealth, like most of the other rappers out there. The great irony is that the people who listen this crap are generally poorer. As for the talent pool at the moment, the manufactured acts do too well at the moment over the really talents groups. I will agree the first song that Kanye performed last nite was a horrible performance, whereas his second song was better. However, his performance came nowhere near that of Coldplay and the Killers earlier in the season where they were allowed to play an extra song or two on the show. Tbqh, the really talented rappers are forced to do crappy mainstream tunes to bring in the radioplay, where their best songs tend to not make the radio.
  11. quoted for truth. She was hot as hell in forgetting sarah marshall.
  12. wow, a failed snuff porno. Wonder if the footage will be released. Cuz that would be O.J.'s new favorite movie.
  13. I have barely noticed the switch tbqh. with 2.0 i did have some issues with my add-ons that have been rectified in 3.0.
  14. My Faves: Jordan Two-Delta Aeon Flux Padme Leeloo Max Guevara Number Six Barbarella Sil I agree with Deano, horribly ordered as a few of the hottest were 50-45 (all of which were very solid to start), and then it got goofy after that with a !@#$ing cartoon on the list
  15. Scott, to be fair, we can blame the regular scapegoats of TSW: Rosen, Tom, Stojan, Holcomb's Arm, Darin, etc....
  16. When you say that you got a snapper that never quits, I am not thinking of a snoblower. I am thinking of something much different
  17. no really this guy will freaking pull the plug. the guy pulled it last week when some douche linked it on my pee two pee .eu last week
  18. check the thread i just started... the link on BZ will be up closer to the game. download sopcast if you don't have it already
  19. yeah cuz that's what everyone is looking in your av
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