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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. i think i am crazy for paying 21% for rent right now. Whoever said 28% deserves to be clubbed in the head with slash's rubber dildo and then have their face smeared into crayonz hamsters' crap
  2. A big part of why the Bills line improved when Preston was starting at Center was that it coincided with Brad Butler came back. Butler was and is the best lineman the Bills have at the moment
  3. I have to say this thread contains probably crayonz and slash's best football related posts in a long time. to both you guys.
  4. Morbo would take it like a champ IMO. and then crush all of the humans
  5. The best that I heard was a drunk girl singing chumbawumba's tubthumping: "I get knocked up, but I go down again"
  6. I was being a tad on the sarcastic side. Besides the silent beep should only be reserved for long tenured members of show. not walker or the first man, imo.
  7. they did a silent beep... for some reason, I just don't think walker is dead tho. i like how this season is shaping up with the first man dying as we watch
  8. I am watchin some flurries right now in atlanta
  9. yeah, possibly but Jack did shoot him so they count it. It is actually cool that they have footage of every Bauer kill, what weapon he did it with, and who the guy was.
  10. yes, Hildawg is a gay man.
  11. http://www.bauercount.com/ yeah one on the boat
  12. Yeah, I popped out in Georgia. I had to go the Lemmingwinks route, and it was a B word. If you haven't noticed lately, Hildawg has been having baggy eyes, as she was traumatized by having a man exit out of her.
  13. says the boy in the red poofball hat Wait... wrong series. Congrats on 14,000... (with your next post)
  14. IDK that chick is actually pretty hot. and the men without hats song video was done some justice by paulie shore and stephen baldwin in biodome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP72K0dFMgI Also, the Beavis and Butthead review of the Safety Dance was great as well
  15. agreed. If you don't like the man in power, vote em out.
  16. at least he eventually played for Buffalo unlike Cousineau
  17. "Whatever you'll deny or embrace, For worse or for better, We belong"
  18. I believe you mean the guy who plays Kanin and not the dude who arrested Jack in Sangala. Yeah Kanin's character seems like a total !@#$
  19. um those who want to trade Peters and draft a new LT. Think about this for a moment: Do you actually trust the Bills scouting dept.? Especially with the abundance of busts on both sides of the line?
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