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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. that dubaku doesn't !@#$ around. Picking up new hostages, like like slash picks up tranny hookers
  2. the rationale behind it is that a QB has some protection by throwing the ball away instead of getting crushed while scrambling. The definition of intentional grounding is to throw the ball away when facing pressure, so when you spike the ball, it is not gounding because you are spiking the ball to stop the clock
  3. that career builder one wasn't horribly bad
  4. indeed this is some sad officiating, but still not as bad as the last stillers SB
  5. hahahaha wow, someone lost their valtrex script. Seriously, this is the sorriest group of crack whores since the last Flava Flav show
  6. Well 24 has always had a propensity of finding ways to get rid of the hot chicks, I mean Chloe has been around forever, Nadia is nowhere to be found, Audrey is ok at best, and Kim has been AWOL for the last 3 seasons
  7. Wow, are you freaking idiots kidding me. Lindell solidified the kicking position after the cluster!@#$ that was Arians, Graham (who we should have given a legit shot), and Hollis. There wasn't a game that Lindell lost for us this year, and actually very few over his tenure here. But 30 of 38 is very solid considering the elements for a couple of the games that the Bills played in this past season. If you are going to complain about missing the FG against New England* where the wind freaking blew the ball completely off course, then you got some issues. Steely, it does not surprise me that you are starting a witchhunt on a freaking kicker . If the player fans are trying to run out of town is a kicker, it means that kicker really sucks, the team is doing really well, or the fans are on crack. I am gonna guess that you are on crack because I think Lindell is solid.
  8. So far i think this is a better season than the last one. I am waiting for a true Bauer killing frenzy that makes Rambo look like a schoolgirl.
  9. exactly. In my years, between football and basketball I was on both sides of out of hand games. However, nothing this bad. I mean there are instances where there is one team that is vastly superior to another team, like the one game in kansas where the one team dropped 70 in the first quarter. Fortunately, the coaches put in the backups and showed mercy by forcing his players to dive before the end zone.
  10. True that!!! Besides I once played my guitar in comparable weather to the inauguration and it was awful to keep it in tune in such weather.
  11. that is a given for most non-black posters on TSW. Who are we kidding, there are no black posters besides Rich on TSW, they can't afford computers
  12. QFT. Her show is "eh" at best. But her standup is much better. Some comedians are just not suited for TV and movies
  13. Frankly, it would have been nice, since this thread went from hottest in their prime to posting pix of Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears.
  14. FWIW, Jackson will get another year, imo. He was solid down the stretch (minus the playoff game), and that probably will be enough for this year.
  15. to Steely for resurrecting a thread that had been inactive for 4 weeks
  16. Well, after all they have to use it, due to your impotence. Might want to take Bob Dole's advice and
  17. Yes, it does. This one of the few piss my pants and spit out my beer cuz its so funny stories. I don't think I have laughed this hard since when NjSue asked for help on her homework
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