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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. thx KD that is what I was thinking. and slash GA license now. Will get rid of this McLovin-esque license from GA as soon as I get back home to NY.
  2. and we have never seen a legit top 6 pick slide down the board
  3. Ok, I am stuck here in Atlanta until my contract expires with my employer in June. I am moving back home to Depew at that point. I will have been in Georgia for 11 months. The question is: "Am I still a resident of NY?" This is for my financial aid decisions for grad work. It could be what pushes me from going to Buff State to going to Canisius. and this is not as simple as sue's homework thread, I have been googling around for a straight answer but can't find one.
  4. definitely jumped the walrus.... let this thread a slow death man.
  5. actually the First Palmer made it through his first and only term
  6. Steely Dan puts the sh-- in shitake, and then eats it afterwards
  7. only cuz he nuked himself and was already gunna die. IMO Edgar was the saddest, but coolest. But S7 of 24 > S6 by a lot so far.
  8. wow, this is turning out to be the most realistic season since season 1
  9. holy sh-- wow!!! cue Silent clock
  10. meanwhile blzfan4life goes to junior high dances at a christian boys school to find dates.
  11. of very fugly teachers... he needs to improve his roster before I consider acquiring his escort service for my clientele
  12. This only makes Miami fans look gayer
  13. well JiS it is going straight to DVD at the end of april
  14. SageAgainstTheMachine worships a band that worships Che Guavara. Therefore, SATM is a commie jew rat bastard.
  15. Mr. Fancy pants hangs out in gay bathhouses in San Francisco with Richard Simmons, while listening to "It's raining men" on his I-pod.
  16. they have actually returned to telling a story as opposed to just Jack shootin sh-- up. Pretty wild episode. I am surprised that they didn't stretch the President being in lock down for part of the next episode.
  17. not to defend bacon, but as a teacher I deal with 15 year old girls on a daily basis. And some of them would stab their moms from behind if given the chance. Now I have snapped on a class or two, but a kicked shoe doesn't constitute me charging at one of the kids and beating the sh-- out of her. But maybe there was other stuff going that we didn't see or hear. The cop shouldn't have done what he did, but I understand how he could have done so.
  18. I have a little banner that says Buffalo Bills Super Bowl XXV champions hanging in my bedroom that I have had since the pep rally after that game.
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