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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. bump... we'll be doing these shows for every regular season game.
  2. Yes, but not for the GM stuff. It is more for the greed than the customer service. Wellington Mara was a great man for not overexploiting the NYC market with his Giants, and allowing the smaller market teams a chance to compete. This was a great reason for the expansion of all fanbases and the popularity of the game. Snyder, Jones, Kraft are the ones really screwing up the NFL much the same way Steinbrenner has ruined baseball. Greedy owners turn off fans. Why is it that there are college stadiums with over 100,000 seats but no NFL stadium nearly as large? Football should be a game where the Pro's have 120,000 seat stadiums with avg. tickets under $45, instead of $75. Pro sports should not be about the rich !@#$s in the boxes, but the everyday diehard in in the 500 section in row 37.
  3. Bryan Scott a 64 really? Scott= Wendling? and Scott<Ko?
  4. Would it be because you love THO?
  5. Steely posts on youtube under the handle SouljaBoyDillPickle
  6. Ozzy Osbourne is even less articulate now than he was 35 years ago
  7. Steely Dan is a ghetto pu$$y ...cat
  8. OJ is complaining that his rapist cellmate wants to kill him
  9. sorry Saddam, but I win by keeping Kenny in a coma, while attacking heaven
  10. but i don't want you to win... SO I win
  11. ... and has been embarassing TSW more than JP, Fat Mike, and the son of Satan did.
  12. ... and people wonder why other Bills boards passed on SKOOBY in the first round.
  13. Not anymore http://www.petswithdisabilities.org/Images/iwin.jpg
  14. I normally disagree with AD on political issues, but I agree with you here. Our system sucks and while Canada's may be rated higher, there has to be a better way. That said, I have waited in an American hospital 17 hours once, so Fingon your argument is crap. Especially if you ever go to a poorer understaffed city hospital.
  15. Wow what douches... them and the RIAA can get married and screw each other for all i care
  16. As a former D-III decathlete, I will say that it is a good gauge of athleticism, but realistically your best all-around athletes choose to make more $ in other sports than track and field. Rod Woodson was top 10 ranked in the world at 110 hurdles when he went pro in football. Renaldo Nehemiah held the 110 hurdle record when he left to play WR in the NFL, and rebroke the record after he retired from football. My vote will go to Herschel Walker. He was a beast with that rare bit of power and speed. He was such an elite athlete that he almost made the US 4x100 team and competed in the 1992 winter olympics in bobsled.
  17. While I do not defend any terrorist action. The recent history of Israel is a complete farce. In the aftermath of WWI, British gov'ts gave the Jews Palestine territory with great resistance from the people that were already there, plus the Arab neighbors. Throughout the next 30 years, the British had to protect the Jews until the Jews revolted against the British rule. The UN partitioned the borders in a way that only pissed off the neighboring countries. And you know the rest. So the point being, the Jews took land that no longer is theirs while there were a large amount of people there that were forced out. From there, the neighbors have been pissed off and fighting with them. Fact of the matter is that the British should not have given the Jews such valued land. Maybe Madagascar would have been a better place to stick them. The whole concept of Zionism, is essential sour grapes for losing the Holy Land 2000 years ago. After a certain point they should concede defeat and move on, instead being in an area where you are unwanted. To Chef Jim's question: well I'd rather have the Muslim world thinking better of us, so we don't have terrorists bombing our embassies and crashing planes into the Pentagon.
  18. You looking for some hard wood, well look no further http://www.mockshot.com/images/glen_quagmire(1).gif
  19. believe me I know. My uncle was a detective for them awhile back, and my one cousin and my dad have been arrested by the Depew P.D. quite a bit. Besides, I am actually moving back to Depew tomorrow.
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