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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. really funny thing about Garthia here. One of my buddies girlfriends does not know enough about football and makes an ass of herself. Even funnier now that Garthia is cut.
  2. Steven Seagal? John Claude Van Damme? Dennis Rodman? Paris Hilton? Imo, Keanu isn't a great actor, mails it in on some of his roles. However, there are certain movies where I felt him entertainingly ok such as the Matrix.
  3. Lost in Translation quite honestly, it is the only movie i have ever fallen asleep to, before changing the channel.
  4. "Think about how dumb the average person is......then realize that half the people are dumber than that!!" George Carlin
  5. swtich to a keyboard where you can type properly. Seriously, this has been suggested many times before. Anytime you switch scheme you need to have the personnel for it. Frankly, we do not have the depth at linebacker to pull it off imo.
  6. ok so i got out of this thread is that Patriots are a bunch of foreigners who love smearing americans. The North American Bills need somehow compete with the Italian based Patriots while dealing with being taxed to death compared to the tax shelted Patriots. The Patriots are so foreign that they quarterback walks around with his foreign boyfriend who breeds trains and raises german shepards. /thread
  7. lol yeah i am no ralph lauren model hail
  8. yeah we were in preseason form for this taping. The intro music was me just goofing around with power chords in this progression: B-flat, E-flat, A-flat, D-flat.
  9. We will not do one for the Lions game but will resume on a weekly basis for the regular season
  10. can we start up a charity fund to convince damj to do what his avatar does? Can we pay extra for a webcam so we can see him do it in his mom's basement?
  11. technically AVP was a coach on the sidelines. The offseason that he was hired by the Bills he was also hired by UB as passing game coordinator.
  12. Hey Teddy, RIP, and congrats on cheating death so many times over
  13. Travis Tritt? seriously. The only thing I know about him is that he is from Cobb Co. Georgia, where science teachers had to put stickers on books about evolution only being a theory which has not been proven.
  14. i agree and the 115-113 and even the 116-112 can be defended, but the 118-110 was as shady as it gets. Diaz left eye had two cuts officially one by punch and another by an accidental butt. But that second cut came during a round where it looked like no head to head contact was apparent. Diaz looked like he took much more abuse in the fight. Really Malinaggi is a punkass, but the outburst is priceless, imo.
  15. On HBO saturday, Paulie Malignaggi fought Juan Diaz in Diaz's hometown of Houston. By most accounts including my own, the fight was very even or slightly dominated by Malignaggi. Well the hometown judges did Malinaggi injustice by scoring the fight 115-113, 116-112, and the worst one 118-110. So, it leads to this tirade (NSFW): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTnhWoFXgr0 Seriously this shows how bad politics are in boxing, when the fight was very even.
  16. 2 things: 1. Last year had quite a few 15+ sack defenders but out of the OLB position in a 3-4, which still falls on the tackles for blocking. 2, Reggie was a left end, meaning he faced Right tackles who were/are generally less proficient than the left tackles at pass blocking.
  17. I 2nd that. Except he is listed as 6'5. But as long as he could take a hit better than Renaldo Nehemiah, he should be fine.
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