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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. http://i948.photobucket.com/albums/ad328/O...ots/dilemma.jpg Stolen from a GLB board.
  2. Stokke's family petitioned for her article to be removed as it was "generating unwanted interest"
  3. what? all i said is that i don't think it would be right for someone who put $100 in and got $100,000 out in coverage, and i don't think it is right that someone that has paid into a policy for years, gets told to screw off when they need a procedure. I don't think there is anything super wrong about this.
  4. So, humans have easily injured knees. My race will find this information very useful indeed. Mua-ha-ha!
  5. yeah you are right... however, i would be fine with an insurance company saying no in the situation. I am not against the companies telling a new customer they can't pay for $100,000 + treatment and should look for a cheaper alternative. The converse of that situation happens a lot and it pisses me off.
  6. does anyone else this is stupid ****... the NFL should have it where both networks have 1 and 4 pm games... otherwise, you end up too many of these pissing contests that screw over secondary markets.
  7. I will say that some of those average profit margins (listed above health care) are just as ridiculous. Quite honestly, Health care is something everyone should be able to afford. Now, the fact that one of the largest insurers is making 7% profit as listed earlier. That means that they could cut everyone's cost 6.4% on insurance right off hand to break even. I agree with EinI that the health insurers should be non-profit. No corporation should be able to benefit off telling people that "we are going to let you die after years of paying for help in this moment."
  8. That one company is still making a Billion Dollars a quarter in profit. 6% profit to amount to 1 billion means that UHC is not hurting while they deny me chiropractic treatments, because i went over the limit for the year. While it is a preventative treatment that would save them $ in covering pain meds in the long run, they deemed it prudent to say !@#$ you to me because they have their heads collectively up their asses. Even if the chiropractic treatments were to cost them a small amount of money, I am sure that I would not be taking a dent out of their $4billion a year/ profits. Yes, I agree that the gov't wastes money better than anyone else. But for christ sake, we are the richest country in the world and 15% of our citizens can't afford health care, while the ones that do have it are denied necessary treatments. There is something way wrong about this.
  9. http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/invest/20...2009release.pdf yeah making $1 billion in profit is so low
  10. so my guess is that lana got her money back for **** coaching
  11. as a pole vault coach, yeah there are some gorgeous girls in that event (meaning the ones i have scoped out at the college level, i'm not meazza after all). But this is a bit of old news, as they refuse to put her on wikipedia, because her looks overshadowed her skill in the mainstream. that said, jack you got all wrong, the chick you remember is a hot Paraguayan Javelin Thrower.
  12. I found this statement to be concerning. to provide someone with health insurance should be more about helping a paying customer in need and fulfilling your end of the deal. I am not saying that they shouldn't make a profit, but they shouldn't drop coverage on someone who gets sick to make their bottom line go up. there is a difference between maximizing profits and telling a paying customer to !@#$ off
  13. the bridge between walker and onebillsdrive was torched.
  14. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/041b5acaf...e-companies-psa "If my kid falls off his bike and breaks his leg, he should have to pay for it out of his allowance" - Dr. Turk
  15. well you get what you pay for. Counterfeit chinese jerseys that are pretty decent counterfeits, imo. that said make sure you get the right jersey or you may have to fly over to china and whoop some chinamen,
  16. i wouldn't mind a poor man's mike westbrook, so he can punch a teammate, and possibly catch up to 65 balls.
  17. jared, they frown up making multiple threads on the same topic/ same video. Mods please merge this thread with: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=96514 thank you. Also, jared change your handle man. It looks to generic like a spammer would have.
  18. yep you nailed. IIRC, Rosie is topless in it as well I remember watching it on HBO and learning what a "hard-off" is.
  19. it could be worse you could be driving this: http://www.pinklily.com.au/images/media/smartcar.jpg
  20. also, props to scott and co. for giving us front page status last week and thank you
  21. yes, the nissan pube is one of the most repugnant vehicles to be ever be created
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