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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. again, i get how it how it works. I think it should work a little differently. I think I have said all I can say regarding that point.
  2. good maths but i'll disgree on the basis of win%. they are 33.3% better than last year. Since their win percentage is 33.3% and last year it was 0% 33.3-0 33.3%
  3. Look, I understand how it works. I have opinions saying that it should be changed in some ways to accommodate the business, and some that will help make it more consumer friendly as well. I get your hypothetical situation, and yes it would suck. However, again it goes back to he should have had life insurance earlier, imo. Now, I have grown up dirt poor and can't afford life insurance at the moment because i have only had so few opportunities to save money as i have been in college all but one year since i was 18. I have had to live in my car for months at a time at one point. Heck, I actually had major issues when i was in college, without a life insurance policy. Now, if I actually had family that supported me and if i had passed away at that point, it would have sucked for those family members. However, when I get myself in a position to have disposable income, life insurance is a high priority. That said, even it was me and I have a family to support I firmly believe that I should only get an amount based on how long i have had such a policy. To fully answer your last question, my job covered a portion of the life insurance policy. That said, I quit the job I had due to being far away from home and that I despised working where I did with certain people I had to see on a daily basis. To get a similar job back home, I am required to have my masters by 2013.
  4. i'll say there were a few good/ even great episodes last season surrounded by mediocrity. that said the majority of the board is not the target audience for the show anymore. Most of you guys are older than the deomgraphic that they aim for
  5. out of a job... heading back to get my masters. Jim, I get how insurance works. Now, I just disagree under the current format that it is right for someone to be entitled to full policy amount immediately.
  6. thank you. thank you for the backhanded compliment / hail
  7. yes. I am saying that. Frankly, I am losing my life insurance coverage that I have been paying into for the last year. When I get my next job (after I finish my masters), I would not expect my family to get $1million, if I die the month after I pay in my nominal monthly payment. IT just seems wrong to put in a very small amount and get such a large amount back. What I believe is that you should be given a progressive max amount of benefits based on how much you have paid into the policy for the first 10 years, and from there on out you should be able to receive the max benefits, imo.
  8. No they drafted Ellison in the 6th round with the hopes that he may be a ST stud and a backup
  9. yes i agree with this. now, the customers that have paying customers for a longer time should be entitled to more than those that just joined on. Kinda like someone who has live in miami his whole life, and signs for flood/ hurricane insurance the day before it hits the city, should not get full benefits, imo. That said, I do support a single payer system, but due to conservative nature of the nation, that just isn't going to happen. So what i think is that the costs should be reduced to the patient/insuree, the health provider, and the insurance. This is where the reform should be heading towards. This means, cutting down on the frivolous lawsuits and protecting doctors so they can actually practice medicine like the europeans do. Furthermore, the rant i have been making about not paying full benefits to new customers would reduce the costs to the insurers. Thus this would all lead to comsumer savings. I do believe in competition across state lines. I do believe that a government "option" is not the root of all evil, but it may not be necessary if reforms are made and companies are able to compete across state lines. However, without a government option it may be tough to get the millions of uninsured people to get health insurance.
  10. considering the producer/director and i are teaching in schools that would be bad idea for us two. not to mention the host is the underage cousin of the producer/director.
  11. news flash: We play some man coverages as well.
  12. i believe that the company shouldn't have to pay out $1 million in such cases, but a lower amount would be sufficient as you should have had life insurance before that point. !@#$ you. Just because I think differently, doesn't mean i don't think things through.
  13. ok thx for the suggestions scott.... bumping anyway
  14. Mr. Henry you have another paternity suit and another statutory rape charge
  15. yeah my camera has crap sound. we usually run a 2 camera set up but sean's is in for repair. Naturally his produces the slightly better audio. We can elaborate on the why a little more. That said, getting an actually player on the show is really reaching beyond the scope of a 500-1000 view youtube video show. But yeah we'll do more to keep improving the show.
  16. as notoriously liberal as i am on this board, i can't even agreed to that. i mean after all if something is costing a million bucks to keep you alive, you should have something in your living will to say "I can't put this undue stress on my family. pull the plug"
  17. i have been with a few chubby girls... but i couldn't ever bring myself to do anything with a girl that looks like Milhouse from the Simpsons (at least without double bagging her head, having the lights out, and her wearing horse blinders).
  18. less than a 1987 strike game, but more than a 2011 strike game.
  19. easy for you to say. You've had a paper bag over your head since Kay Stephenson was coach. I think my solution would be: http://www.lunchboxland.co.nz/shop/images/Plastic%20Bags.bmp If S(he) doesn't suffocate, I'd be inclined to not hit that. If S(he) does suffocate, well that is a whole 'nother ballgame
  20. This weeks video is up. please feel free to answer the question of the week, and to give us feedback. We'd appreciate a stickie/ or being back on the front page thx -justin
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