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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. you got that right. Tom loves the attention almost as much as he loves my .... endowment
  2. I am going to guess that it is pretty similar to yours. I think that everyone should be entitled to a "free" public education in the country that they legal reside. I'll go a step further than that. In order to get the "thugs" and others who are not cut out for being in high school, there should be testing at the end of 8th grade to determine if the kid should be in high school or an alternative trade program. The childs behavior in and out of school will also factor into the placement. This is similar to what a lot of those other countries do, which helps their testing scores and makes their systems look better than ours. This will allow for our kids who aren't cut out for high school to learn something productive without disturbing our better students.
  3. its a love hate thing for Dick Cheese
  4. You need to stop picking at straws. Srsly, who gives a ****? If I walk into the Ralph with a Rick Tuten jersey, who cares? If a Pats fan walks anywhere with a Flying Elvis* jersey, you can make fun of him for being a tool. I'd have more respect if he was wearing a Grogan jersey from the era of John hancock taking a Stojan on their helmets.
  5. Diarrhea Constant kinda fitting because we know it spews out his mouth
  6. Yes, I am in agreement with this. and part of the solution is improving the process of becoming a med school student and providing more incentive for these students to not get totally buried in debt. If you go to most public schools in an urban setting, you'll see how screwed up some of our schools are. Some of it is the difference in communities investment into education, and another part is parents spending time with their kids. Now, if you improve education by reducing school sizes, class sizes and providing alternative programs for students that are not cut out for school, you can improve our academic standing among the world you can give our current and future students the tools to fix the problems that exist today and are created today.
  7. This OP has as much of a clue as saying that crab people are the reason the Bills have won the only game we should have expected to win coming into the season at this point.
  8. I wuv you Tom Thank you for posting in the afterlife.
  9. you gotta take the help that you can get. There is a reason why we import doctors from india, because we don't produce enough here in the U.S.. If you reduce that by half, then expect health costs to go up even more.
  10. I believe we have a Lauvale Sape sighting... lets get his fan club out of the woodworks!!!!
  11. No, but I would agree that our higher education system costs have skyrocketed to the point where the majority of my generation, myself included is buried with student loan debt. Compound that with the extra schooling costs our medical professionals have to put on their credit tab, it really restricts who is willing to be a doctor. On top of that, it adds costs to the consumer directly.
  12. Always low prices... Always Walmart. ****ty wrecked cars are being rolled back at Walmart On the Kentucky border of Ohio, some 90 year old man found an exclusive parking space in Walmart
  13. says the boy in the red poofball hat.
  14. he did follow that up saying that the education system needs to be reformed as well
  15. technically it is legal to be topless in NY. so I am guessing that maybe a lewd conduct or public drunkeness charge may have been in place.
  16. $500,000 in general is plenty for anyone to rebuild and live life. That said i get your point. Yes there are some who cancel there policies or reach end of term meaning profit for insurance company. What I am suggesting would help reduce costs to the consumer. Thats it. That said I was paralleling more to the health insurance originally as life insurance is not the most expensive thing (at my age).
  17. more often than not, ligament tears are a result of overstress to that joint, which again could be because the player isn't in top shape or that the player is burnt out. yes seattle and cincy and other bad teams seem to succumb to injuries more than others. maybe there is some correlation there. It oculd be having a terrible strength and conditioning coach or it could be have too easy of a training camp. OR it could be bad luck. But 3 seasons in row derailed due to injuries is not right.
  18. it is a delicate balance of getting your players in top condition without burning them out. This helps most the obvious building of muscle, while reducing pulls and tears, and providing more cushioning for the bones. In a softer camp, the players may not be in playing condition ready for rigors of being on the field for 30+ minutes (especially on our D).
  19. i agree. kinda like you don't get rid of bobby april, imo. when jauron is canned imo
  20. true, that is why you don't leave your profile open where anyone can see it. and you make sure that you don't post the most incriminating pictures online. Hell, i know i have many incriminating pictures of others on my computer, that will never see the net, unless someone is motivated enough to hack through my 2 firewalls and wants that crap.
  21. Garrison: Hey there ****ty ****ty fag fag ****ty ****ty fag fag how do you do?
  22. of course to protect your family long term should you pass, with a bit of monetary security. i get that. again, i still think what i have expressed.
  23. This is the 3rd straight year where injuries have essentially derailed a potentially promising season. At the moment at least 6 starters are injured for some time, and there is a high likelihood that someone else gets hurt over the next 13 games. My questions are: Are the Bills doing enough in offseason workouts to prevent inury? Is this the effect of a poor program in place by the strength and conditioning coach? Could this be an effect of a relatively easy training camp? Fact of the matter is without your starters being healthy, you're doomed to live and die with less talented players, which ultimately costs you the season.
  24. if you pass out at a party. you deserve to be scribbled on... it is a timeless tradition that never gets old. i haven't passed out at a party since i was 12, and i can say that i have had my fun scribbling multiple things on people who were passed out. Now, the whole swastika thing is overblown. it is harmless in that context. After all, a swastika does mean "good luck". So she was blessing him
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