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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. that was hysterical. I figured that Stone and Parker would have let him rest, but sure enough they got one last good laugh out of his character. The whole Billy Mays thing was freaking great as well. I am surprised that slash didn't beat me to post about a So. Park reference
  2. congrats... by the way I am walking over to your place with pitchforks and torches along with a mob of people.
  3. oh **** the board will crash again with Rosen hittin 15,000 Brace yourself
  4. you must have hit your 15,000th post this morning and it crashed the board. Since, you are on 14,999, I beg you not to post again
  5. Wow, that is so my feelings... I would love to wake up to see that Santa stuffed my stocking with Eliza Dushku. I mean really, She might fight in my stocking as well That said, I can't root against the Bills, but I can root for Dicky J getting canned sooner than later.
  6. agreed rugby is a very violent entertaining sport that is poorly marketed in America. Adding golf to the Olympics makes little since imo.
  7. Chris Hanson walking into the living room to catch JP Dumont while Vanek is in the shower? Oh wait nm
  8. Ok, so you are complaining that we didn't keep a guy who has 10 tackles for the Broncos this season as a starting ILB? Haggan was a great ST player that is only making ~$1.6 million. AKA Backup player.
  9. seriously who gets up at 6:30 on a saturday? I mean besides me, cuz i have a grad class on saturday mornings this semester?
  10. I'll tell you what. We'll link to on our side thing on youtube and put you in special thanx next week, and will continue to do so if you link us to your page. I'll extend an open invite for the future if you want to appear on an episode of our show. that said nice show.
  11. i refuse to give Steve Jobs a penny of what I have earned. thus i'll wait for the site to come back up.
  12. oh my god that was great. Are you Buffalo Bob by any chance?
  13. unfortunately true. I guess you can add "how long it will take until Dick is sent packing?" to the list as well and thx
  14. thx tom Big Cat thx for the props... BTW I tried checking your page out but the link on your thread is broken
  15. I thought about it... seriously, i did. and Tom, just a service i do: chilling in front of a camera in buddy's apartment basement
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