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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. well this is better than your skankfest threads by far
  2. didn't you know that slash and meazza were in cahoots with the myspace dating rings a couple years ago?
  3. feel bad for the kid but it has to be a defense mechanism after being breastfed by such an ugly mom. the kid probably doesn't want to look like that when she grows up.
  4. when Ben was drafted the Steelers had one of the best lines in the NFL, and a killer run game to boot. For a QB to develop, he needs to have a competent line in front of him. For every Archie Manning, there are 20 JP Losmans. Simply put you implement a line before you get a QB. Peyton was fortunate that Meadows and Glenn turned out to be great young lineman. Brady was fortunate that Bellycheck and co. were able to get the most out of a line full of vets and castoffs, and the fact that bellycheck is a very proficient cheater.
  5. The building of the modern colts era really started in 96 with the drafting of Marvin 1998 3-13 Rnd Name College Note 1 Peyton Manning Tennessee 2 Jerome Pathon Washington 3 E.G. Green Florida State 4 Steve McKinney Texas A&M 5 Antony Jordan Vanderbilt 7 Aaron Taylor Nebraska 7 Cory Gaines Tennessee 1997 Polian's first year 3-13 team Rnd Name College Note 1 Tarik Glenn California 2 Adam Meadows Georgia 3 Bertrand Berry Notre Dame made pro bowl in 05 for zona 4 Delmonico Montgomery Houston 5 Nathaniel Jacquet San Diego State 5 Carl Powell Louisville 6 Scott Von der Ahe Arizona State 7 Clarence Thompson Knoxville 1996 Last non-Polian draft 9-7 team Rnd Name College Note 1 Marvin Harrison Syracuse 2 Dedric Mathis Houston 3 Scott Slutzker Iowa 4 Brian Milne Penn State 5 Steve Martin Missouri 6 Keith Conlin Penn State 6 Mike Cawley James Madison 7 Adrian Robinson Baylor
  6. This is 100% correct. The Colts, Patriots, and Steelers were built lines out. Just look at their draft histories. As Bill always foams at the mouth when we don't draft a lineman in rounds 1, 2, and 3, he knows enough to know that dynasties are built inside out.
  7. amen. Seriously why the hell did he not accept the penalty to push them out of FG range. After that it was all downhill
  8. dude everyone would look like a 400lb pig trying to catch Chris Johnson, who is probably one of the 5 fastest players in the NFL.
  9. ok... do you wanna try answering this weeks question as well?
  10. provide a question and you'll get yours on the "series of tubes" hail
  11. I disagree. When you take the violence out of a sport, you are going to turn off the fans. Players are meant to get injured especially since helmet design hasn't translated into players wearing the newer safer helmets. In addition when you take the fun out of a sport, you have less motivated players. I think the Chad Johnson thing should have been fined lightly, but a Capt. Morgan pose is fun and worthwhile for a good charity. Way too !@#$ up NFL
  12. This weeks question of the week was asked by crayonz Please somebody else answer my trivia question correctly so we have "normal" questions to answer ass opposed to previous gems like "Why does Trent Edwards wear girly gloves?"
  13. The NFL isn't about the players playing the game, having fun, or the fans enjoying themselves. The NFL is about corporate America filling up luxury boxes and paying for advertising to one of the networks or directly to the owners. The NFL is a business with no concern for its product. This year's product (Bills aside) has been relatively poor between poor officiating, bogus rules that take away the game from the players, and stadiums half empty due to overinflated prices in a down economy.
  14. 'BLZFAN4LIFE ^ | | | | Chinese Nambla member
  15. wrong... hamilton ohio... look at the top right where it says the weather report
  16. But really did they need to change these out? seriously, they could fix the issue with future plates without changing to these ugly ass monstrosities.
  17. when in college with my old P2 computer, i had a virus like this where it kept popping up regular porn site after site like that. I learned to put a good firewall up at all times as a result. I can most certainly imagine that some hacker has a warped sense of humor to do this with illegal picture files. let alone being that damn good to save such files to a very hidden folder in some part of the windows folder.
  18. I watched more than most as I lived in atlanta for the past few years and the Texans game seemed to be on a lot more down there for whatever reason. I wouldn't call myself an expert but the Texans really have done well with some rejects like Andre Davis as a receiver, and Ryan Moats. Not to mention that he has done well with developing young talent like super mario, schaub, johnson, daniels, ryans, etc... I bet I can name 15 coaches that are worse than kubiak
  19. where you live yes it is a suggestion. As you live in NASCAR country. Drive thru Ohio and they mean business there.
  20. Gary Kubiak has a winning record. SO I'd pull him off that list. and Jim Zorn has the misfortune of working under Daniel Snyder. The only name on that list that really deserves to be there is Dicky J, who is on pace for a 6-10 season and another sub .500 season.
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