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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Jerrad (pronounced like Jared) <------ you can also look at Mister Tython to the left here as well
  2. The backwards movement OOB is a college rule. In the NFL if the player goes OOB under his own power, the clock is to stop at that given point. Hence the big stink made when the clock was still running when the zebras erroneously kept it running and refused the Bills a final play.
  3. RG3 was ruined by Shanahan. Frankly, if I was RG3, I'd consider suing Shanny for improper coaching practices as a real coach does not play the franchise QB when his knee is trashed and keep him in during prolonged abuse.
  4. I agree with you cost-wise, however the theft concept I find, in my coaching experiences across multiple sports, wrong. Kids will keep jerseys and balls before they keep padding and helmets or other equipment, especially under threat of charging them to pay for replacement. The kid's parents will not want $1500 billed to them.
  5. That I can agree with EJ not being an NFL starter. I do we think that we broke him after benching him after that Texans game, when Watt pwned Seantrel the whole time.
  6. I have huge objection to there being two teams in LA. They couldn't do it 20 years ago, and I don't think it is doable or right either. Give them one team and roll with it. Keep it just the Lambs in Inglewood, and Whale's vagina can keep their Lightning bolts. The Raiders can move to St. Louis or San Antonio or Mordor.
  7. As much as I want to bag on EJ, this play shows more of how much of a freak Watt is than anything. Most bad QB's in this situation do not complete this play, Tebow in the first 3 quarters would do the same exact thing.
  8. Goodell extorting $ from the public by bashing the localities. This sounds like a page from the Trump book.
  9. I agree 100%. Both coaches are culpable for their teams' antics Penalties should be reviewable, including all suspected targeting/spearing penalties, but reviews need to be streamlined by NFL central instead of head officiating making the decision on the sideline, wasting ever so much time. Between commercial breaks and challenges, there is an extra 90 minutes of time added on to the game that is unnecessary. They should have been offsetting so Punk-man and Porter both got flagged and not given the chip-shot field goal to Steelers. What other major professional league has officiating that is part-time, like the No Fun League? It must also be said that Shazier hit was with the crown of the helmet, regardless of defenseless receiver, it should have been a penalty and Bungles ball there too. They should have assigned a different head official for this game as opposed to the same guy as the regular season meeting too. Also, lost in this shuffle is the Mike Munchak penalty for grabbing Reggie Nelson by the arm (and apparently his dreadlocks in the process), and whipping him.
  10. He should not be in the other team's huddle. That should have been a 2nd personal foul against a Steelers coach in that game
  11. This... I don't how that happens. Makes no sense
  12. Just bring back NFL Europe ffs. Develop talent without stealing a game from the American fans
  13. The Saudi-Iran tiff was an inevitability of two dominant powers of the area with differing beliefs (Shia v Sunni). With the battle in Yemen being a divisive war between those nations, that is the powder keg that will ignite the Middle East next after ISIS !@#$s off and goes away. Frankly, we need to let the regional powers figure crap out for themselves instead of us propping up one side or the other, while they bad talk us to their people.
  14. I was saying that Sanborn has not been that good all year at work and having people thinking I was crazy for saying it. The speed was there more often than not, but the accuracy was a bit off. I expect the Bills to bring in someone to compete with him.
  15. This is a flawed comparison as the Occupiers were not armed to the teeth, willing to die. If you are going down that road, you could compare them to the anti-war protesters during the Vietnam era as well or black people during civil rights moment and still be just as flawed.
  16. If you call people on Twitter calling for houses of white people to be burned down, and instead people burning down and looting their own neighborhoods, organized, then maybe. However, I disagree with the organizational structure and direct plans than a terrorist attack typically has applying to said situation
  17. Tom, respectfully I disagree. Ferguson was a cluster&#33;@#&#036; where the black people were wrong in general, and the same could be said about Baltimore. The difference between the two situations is that a riot is not organized and would not be considered as terrorism directly. This Oregon situation could loosely be classified as it if they were to kill hostages (that they don't have) or blow up buildings (which I doubt that would happen). Taking over a government building is more treasonous than terrorist given the known parameters of the situation. The hypocrisy lies in the response to the action, if this was a group of black men or Muslims. The cops would be storming the building in no time. The media would label them as thugs or terrorists or Jihadists or what ever else.
  18. Wade Philips? Actually with assistants, they do bounce around back and forth in some cases. So it is within the realm of probability, but not a likelihood.
  19. Just looking at the freeze frame that youtube shows... I'd be worried about how he handles the ball. The positioning is rather low and attractive for a DE to get a strip.
  20. I noticed that every time Graham lined up as corner with McKelvin behind, there was a blitz by Graham and generally worked for us.
  21. For the record, he was drafted in 2014.
  22. A developmental QB would be wise.
  23. We need more OL help... the right side was anything from awful to god awful most of the season.
  24. In terms of productivity to the franchise, Leodis and Whitner did do more than the rest. Problem is that they didn't become stars either. To be fair, neither of those two are outright busts, IMO, like Fat Mike or McCargo
  25. I think that Rex and Whaley stay, but certain people have to go. I have been saying this for the last month or so that Garrison Sanborn is screwing our kicking units up a bit as his snap accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. Our coverage teams and return teams have been suspect all season as well. Offensively, I think the biggest changes needed are at RT and either development of Miller or a better RG. On D, I am not sure what Rex has in mind for the D, but I believe that we need to draft a replacement for Kyle, and if Mario goes, him as well. That said, our LB and S positions have been god awful most of the season. We need better there.
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