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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I will shoot you. And I know robot karate
  2. Regardless, the janitor probably saw better action there than he/she sees on skinnamax at 2 am Seriously, as a teacher I would contain my stupidity to the other 99.9% of the world that isn't my workspace. For this both of those women will have to find new careers and are going to be blackballed from other professions outside of the education system. That said, I am surprised that this got leaked to the press, as schools generally keep a level of privacy in dismissing their employees. This has brought an unnecessary level of negative press to the school that could have been quietly swept under the rug.
  3. In this show, we discuss the overall record between the Bills and Chiefs, the defensive line of the Chiefs, the Bills running game, Matt Cassel, the possibility of Ralph Wilson selling the Bills, and much more.
  4. They have them... very few of the players wear them due to aesthetic reasons
  5. yes... he didn't mean me ... but i would love to be that famous
  6. no the bills would have somehow !@#$ed that up. The Bills problem isn't who they draft, It is how they develop talent. Especially, on the offensive side of the ball. The only offensieve players the Bills have drafted this decade that have made a big impact on our team or another are: Henry McBadknee Sammy Morris and Evans I chose to exclude Losman's UFL "achievements" as well as Roscoe's "special" achievements, and Peters because he wasn't drafted. So, 4 players in 10 drafts with 3 of them in the same position is not getting it done as far as talent development goes. IT is the scouts job to identify good players coming out of the draft and the coaches job to develop those talents. As much as we hammered on Killdrive on this board, he has done a good job of running the ball more and developing Eli Manning over in New Jersey(A).
  7. no the 17th week game will only get flexed if the game is guaranteed to have playoff implications
  8. exactly my thoughts. He probably got a nice signing bonus as a 2nd rounder, but there is no way he is making $2million considering he was cut, signed to a practice squad, then signed off that practice squad by another team to be 3rd string
  9. Rich, I now have a mancrush. Thank you
  10. You realize that Boise tried to put a decent schedule together but all of those "big-time" programs refused to play them? That is yet another flaw in the BCS.
  11. Here's for hoping it is a horrible game, so that they make a playoff more likely. DI-A Football is the only NCAA sport where there is no objective criteria to determine who plays in the national championship. This needs to change as polls shouldn't limit the national championship to 2 teams in any sport
  12. aren't you supposed to be in hell? Oh that's right you are waiting on airplane for Michael Jackson to get on the plane. "That's ignorant" "Shamone" /south park Hail
  13. He did make big plays Sunday v. Miami. So yeah I have watched him. Again, he is a decent player, but not going to set the world on fire. Funny that you are Brian Billick and calling out defensive players. Stick to what you know, and criticize the offense
  14. i have said many times this season: "Regardless of who is quarterback for the Bills this season, they will look like **** behind a line full of rookies and street free agents." Depending on the severity of Wood's injury, The Bills should look to draft a rookie Tackle/Guard in the first round. Such that the line will look like: Rookie-Levitre-Handy-Wood-Butler OR Free Agent/Bell-Levitre-Handy-Rookie-Butler OR Rookie/FA-Levitre-Handy-Butler-Rookie/FA Regardless, the Bills offensive woes are up front, and can't get much worse unless we have a line of: Ice-NJ Sue-Buffalo Bildo-BF in Indiana- Mike Williams
  15. Did you notice that either Byrd or Corner blew responsibility on Edwards twice? where he was ridiculously wide open? Frankly, Whitner gets too much flack. Sure he hasn't been a game changing player but he is solid enough that he belongs on the field.
  16. wait, you honestly believe that teachers are overpaid? yeah, a profession where you start off at $35,000/year (in some spots like Buffalo as low as 29k/year), where you are often forced to get your masters in order to keep your job after 5 years, and you have upwards of 35 kids in a classroom. Fact of the matter is that there are not enough teaching jobs that pay enough where the numbers of the kids isn't too high. Not too mention you have in some areas a culture against education, where the teacher is the bad guy. Teachers get paid among the worst amounts of cash for the education required for their career. Ideally, a teacher should start off at about 40-45k/yr. have classrooms with average size of 17-24 kids, and a great amount of support from the school's administration and the community. Unfortunately for a good amount of the country, all 3 of these ideals are far from the reality. WNY'ers can complain about their high education taxes, but the kids are generally intelligent enough to get into colleges at a higher rate than the rest of the country, and can go basically anywhere to get a job, except upstate New York. WNY'ers really need to get after the cronies that bleed money like a sieve in Erie County gov't without doing a damn thing.
  17. painful truth... if our gov't cut all programs today, it would still require you to pay out the ass for tax considering our current debt built up by the previous administration. So, it isn't just "socialism" as you put it That said a death tax is bull **** on the basis of double taxing money (assuming that the person got the money legally)
  18. yeah unfortunately it is the truth. IT is funny at least to rip on erie county for being ran worse than the raiders
  19. In this show, we discuss the bills win against the dolphins, the issues with the Bills playing in Toronto, the recent play of both the bills and jets, the success of the Jets Offense, how to avoid Darrelle Revis, and many other topics. Feel free to love some love for us on this board on the youtube board.
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