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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. the jags have more pressing needs than QB. Garrard is a better qb than at least half the teams field
  2. I was getting flamed last nite for saying the same exact stuff as dog. I agree that TE is the better QB and should be given the next 2 or 3 games to audition for next season. What they should do is tell TE to look for the 1 on 1's and take a chance if TO or LE is in said position. From there, have him manage the game, which is more his strength at this point. He is a safer option ala Wade Wilson or a younger Jim Harbaugh, which works better with a team that needs to control the ball to succeed.
  3. I've heard Sharpe and Wilcots say it as well (no suprise)
  4. If it is a team chemistry thing fine. But if it is performance, it is unfathomable to think that Patrick Fitzryan is a better QB than TE at this point. If they ran an offensive plan like they did this week where they pound the ball with Lynch and Jackson, Edwards is the smarter, safer option. Edwards won't turn it over as much, and will complete more passes. Fitz has shown nothing to be a starter, with several games where he completes less than half of his passes, and throws for under 100 yards.
  5. I think that Edwards given a gameplan customized to him can do well. In the Tennessee game where he got benched, he had a bad series, and that was it. You don't get rid of a guy for one bad series. He is still signed for next year, I'd keep him around at least until preseason and let him battle it out with Fitz, Brohm, and whoever else. I will say that both QB's would probably look better with a better line, and that we have by no means seen them at their best this year (w/ exception of TE vs. NE this year), but I would put in the better passer and tell him to look for the one on ones deep and give it whirl when you see that (as opposed the checkdown that he was coached to do to excess).
  6. i would keep TE as a backup imo. but i don't think either are great. I just think you gotta let the better QB get another chance at this point. What I would do is start TE the next two games as make or break for his career, and possibly let Brohm prove himself against the Colts 3rd stringers.
  7. I'll rephrase myself, their 3rd stringers that year are better than the Bills 1st stringers at the moment. That Steelers team was deep. But I agree with what you said. Apparently, I could have made my point more clearly
  8. It shouldn't be about the players' wants first off... They wanted Jauron as coach because of the soft practices . Is the more complicated offense post-Trent or post-Jauron? Because the game where Trent got hurt was when the gameplan shifted a little to include routes over the middle and more senisble gameplanning (still not great, though). @murra, I'm not in denial. Simply put Edwards is the better quarterback. I think the O's "improved" play is more a function of Jauron's departure than Fitzy playing. under 100 yards two games in a row is inexcusable. Let alone the fact that in 5 of the 7 games where Fitz has seen 3 quarters or more in action he has thrown for 125 yards or less. The only QB with as many throws at Fitz was worse #'s is Jamarcus Russell.
  9. Edwards will be in football next year... If he isn't starting, he'll be a backup somewhere, likely here. again, you don't give up on a guy if he is supposed to be your guy. Edwards like Losman, like RJ, like Clod Tollins before him is being mismanaged and destroyed by bad coaching and personnel decisions. How can you expect someone to develop when a.) you have no line b.) you have a system that was easy for defenses to pick apart and read c.) you fire a coordinator 7 days before the season. Frankly, Edwards is a conservative QB that was not taking shots down the field because he was getting killed, but he didn't make too many stupid decisions. Where Fitzpatrick makes dumb decisions, but is more aesthetically pleasing because he takes shots. The stats are in Edwards favor, but because Fitz is willing to throw a deep ball the fans want him in. Simply put, Fitzy almost cost the Bills this game as he did last week. Put Trent back in as long as he is still not suffering from concussion symptoms. In the last game Edwards played, he was solid until that one drive where he threw 3 **** passes in a row, and we haven't seen him on since. In less games Edwards has more yards and touchdowns, while having a lower interception %, and a higher completion %. That should say enough right there.
  10. yes that Steelers team did field a 3rd unit with James Harrison and Willie Parker. Which is considerably better than the 3rd unit we have and probably our 1st unit well
  11. I still say keep LT is p1... as seen this seen, no QB can be super productive behind Swiss cheese.
  12. Just looking at #'s alone Edwards has been the better QB. You invested a higher draft pick on him, let him have the chance to learn. You are ready to give up on him like Chargers fans wanted to get rid of Brees. It takes up to 5 years to develop a QB, not 3 as the Bills brass believes. The Bills fans and brass would have given up on QB's like Rich Gannon, Doug Flutie, Steve Young, Kurt Warner as well. FAct of the matter is that the kid is still young enough to recover, and has more talent as a passer than the #2. So let the kid try as the last two weeks by Fitz has been atrocious at best.
  13. Um... Just because scouts said he'd need to move G, doesn't mean he needs to. He showed enough that he could play there effectively. if it wasn't for wood and mckinney getting hurt he would still be playing there. But I recall that backside of Fitz being better protected with Levitre at LT than any other point this season.
  14. so that is what i just gave birth to? Seriously, anyone who believes that Patrick Fitzryan is an NFL starting QB needs to be questioned. I would say that they should give Edwards a chance to prove himself, with Brohm playing against the Clots in the final week.
  15. The line will probably be: some combo of levitre, handy, wood, butler, and a FA/rookie MY preference would be this : Levitre-Handy/Wood-Handy/Wood-Butler-Rookie/FA I liked how Levitre did at LT, and Handy might be better at guard while we let Wood play his college position.
  16. +1 Besides, I think the Bills are !@#$ed if next year is truly uncapped
  17. announcer were right (for a change). He has a right to the ball, he clearly got 2 hands on the ball while not pushing or grabbing the receiver. Therefore, it should not have been a PI call imo
  18. lol bump... btw i gave ya a special shoutout in last weeks thread
  19. From a guy who's handle is about a guy who gets a sex change and kisses Jim Carrey and Dan Marino? I think this is the pot calling the kettle black.
  20. Wow, you are out of touch. I choke Sonic from Robert Chicken http://news.filefront.com/wp-content/uploa...botchicken1.bmp
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