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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I was sitting in front of murph and kelso, and adjacent to Gumbel to Gumbel and Dierdork, and the thing that killed me was that murph and kazoo had the glass wide open, and bumble and Dierdork had the window shut and a shade down so it was harder to see the game. That said as bad as the Bills O was, the refs beat the Bills not the Pats, even the Pats fans admitted that they were benefitting from **** calls or non calls
  2. Because i need to figure out who took a #2 in the men's urinal mmk? My first instinct was to look at the sink as it looks like a urinal mmk? and look for some clues mmk? I took a picture and realize mmk that the sink was smiling at me mmk. So I turned it over to you and your brother, since I have heard mmk about the good work you Hardly Boys do mmk. /mackey Hail
  3. i took the pic w/ my cell during the pregame festivities
  4. http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv92/jz.../1220091218.jpg Does anyone actually pay attention to the writing on the wall? And did anyone else notice that the sink is smiling at you?
  5. I will say that the playcalling in the 2nd half was very suspect. Fitzy was getting dropped in the drive before, and the line allowed the same exact thing to happen to Edwards. Regardless of who is quarterback, the Bills line will allow them to get killed on a weekly basis to the point where the quarterback looks like crap. That said, Fitzy did better this week than in previous weeks, but again a qb gets killed and mentally destroyed behind our Swiss cheese of a line. The only way our O will look good is a system that effectively moves side to side with roll-outs and screens. However, our O doesn't do that well either. So, you have to pick your poisons well this year, and just pound it on the ground
  6. ok so i missed that by a year, as I didn't venture onto the site until the year after.
  7. i agreee. hence me skirting around the weather part and suggesting the contact part
  8. you realize that bellycheck is notorious for reporting injuries and making stuff up for the injury report?
  9. sure, you need to have some experience in the elements you may face, thus outdoor northern teams tend to have an advantage on those 10 degree nites in december. But Dick(less) did not have the team hit each other in practice, which imo is the biggest reason for injury. that is like a boxer training for a 12 round fight without ever getting hit.
  10. In this show, we talk about Edwards V.S. Fitzpatrick, the offensive and defensive breakdown of the bills, playoff scenerios, and many other topics. Don't forget to answer the trivia question so your voice can be heard.
  11. survival of the fittest, yes. Eugenics not quite. Someone who jumps onto a moving vehicle can expect to get hurt, so most people have enough common sense to do such an action. That said, if he possessed an education higher than 8th grade, he might have lived to see another day. Unfortunately, I would bet my savings account that he did not have to do much to pass through high school as there was some inflation to pass him along, because he was such a good athlete. Those who do not use their head, are as useful as beheaded chickens: Entertaining to watch run around into obstacles, but will not make it far before they fall.
  12. I'm sorry this is proof positive that Darwin wins here. You jump onto the bed of a fast moving truck and she still floors it, chances are that you die. I'm not saying that Henry was completely retarded but he definitely didn't use his head well and made plenty of poor decisions. Unfortunately, they caught up to him
  13. it's cool i just felt like finding someone to pick on a little
  14. Nice guy, one of my college buddies was his personal asst. a while back. I'd actually have to go into his voice acting roles, I loved him as Shifu on Kung Fu Panda.
  15. what never ceases to amaze me is that people want a 5th year journeyman who has been absolutely lousy over a 3rd year QB that has shown flashes of talent. I agree that Flacco> Edwards, but I believe that Flacco >Edwards> Fitz. I just don't see what you guys are clinging to in Fitz, when the Bills are winning despite him.
  16. first off, !@#$ off. Just because I have a contrarian view, doesn't make me a horrible person. Now, what is the worst that could happen for the Bills if they start TE? He wasn't and can't be much worse than Frying Ritzpatrick That is about the only legit thing I can think of that would keep him out. But if this is the case, he should be deactivated altogether. Not listed as 2nd string. Just my $.02
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