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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. You need 2 quality RB's. Besides we don't have the luxury of trading our better players when we have no depth
  2. Post all game related comments here for today's glorified preseason. GO Bills!
  3. I took my 15 year old cousin to see it, he was amazed by the special effects and thought the story was amazing. I on the other hand, thought the storyline was rather generic in the mold of dancing with wolves, WWII enemy love story, Iraq/Indian occupations. The 3-D effects were unfreakingbelievable, which amazed me how you can perceive the clouds flying at you.
  4. In this show, we discuess Jim Caldwell benching starters in week 16, and how that will impact the Buffalo game. We also discuss Buffalo's offensive in last week's game against Atlanta. We also reviewed the Buffalo Bills season and talked about the biggest mistake of the decade, the best hope for the future, the best and worst game, and many other topics. We also predicted who would be in the superbowl.
  5. Buddy Nix was the scout for the Southeast during his tenure for the Bills. During this time the Bills drafted the following players from his region:(bolded are ones that had "decent" contributions for the Bills) 93: Thomas Smith, Sebastian Savage 94: Bucky Brooks, Lonnie "friggin" Johnson, Marlo Perry, Corey Louchey, Sean Crocker 95: Damien Covington, Ken Irvin 96: Eric Moulds, Gabe Northern, Matt Stevens 97: Jamie Nails, Sean Woodson 98: Sam Cowart, Robert Hicks, Jonathan Linton 99: Peerless Price, Sean Bryson, Keith Newman, Bobby Collins 00: Travares Tillman, Corey Moore, Avion Black Most of these picks were in 5th round or earlier
  6. looking thru your post history you have said that 8 million people should be GM, and that the Bills should draft a LT first, a QB first. My point is that you should think more, and post less.
  7. Tim what kind of chances do you give Marty Schottenheimer or his son Brian, in having some affiliation with the franchise?
  8. Relax man, too many of your posts are about cutting someone down. keep this up and you might get a ban. IN other news which one of you bastages is messing around with Nix's wiki:
  9. yes, but very truthful. Sometimes the Onion is more accurate than the Buff News, ESPN, D&C, and CBSports combined
  10. and they start charging you w/o notice when you cancel the magazine
  11. who's to say that our braindead coaches would have put them in a position to succeed? Really, a lot of getting players to that level is developing the talent you do have, as well as identifying the talents that could help us most. I know MW was not the most popular guy here, but possibly under the right coaching, he could have succeeded. There are many woulda-coulda-shoulda scenarios. Hell, if the Colts would have picked Kelly, Marino, Blackledge, O'Brien, or Eason, they may have had a QB and may still be in Baltimore. I will agree that our college and pro scouting dept's need to be revamped, as risks like McCargo, McBadknee, and Roscoe were completely unneccessary picks. In addition, pickup like Larry Tripplett, Melvin Fowler, Tutan Reyes, Dave Moore, Eddie Robinson and Chidi Ahanotu were all pretty pathetic pickups. So Guy and Modrak must go, and the new crew must have fortune of having coaches that are able to develop the talents
  12. I'd say yes to this. After all, I will say that a LT is more important than a QB. In this decade alone, Out of the 20 teams that have made the Super Bowl this decade (counting from 99 season to 08 season) 17 of them had a pro bowl LT. Light has been a good LT in the past, it would serve the Bills brass best to find some legit answer at LT.
  13. Ford, Snyder, Davis, Brown, Jones (on the basis of ruining the NFL)
  14. In all likelihood, McKinnie would have washed out of here like Williams did, because the Bills have sucked at developing offensive talent this decade. Name the last homegrown offensive player to make 3 or more pro bowls (or is on his way towards doing so)?
  15. you guys are unbelievable. Schobel is still the best DE we have, I'd rather we keep him until we have better talent to put him on the bench. Schobel would be an awesome pass-rush specialist if we had 2 competent DE's that could start ahead of him. You build teams by having replacements already on the team and ready to go. Obviously the Bills do not have that. so why would you want to create another hole.
  16. The PAts fans in front of me were complaining about how bad the officiating was, as it was taking away from the game.
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