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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. sounds like your brother in law has less issues than you, you NAMBLA member
  2. are you fugging kidding me on KO return being recovered by texas
  3. exactly my thoughts... / Kanye West has 357 more days to earn this title.
  4. i can second this with the exception of american idiot just being so overplayed by radio, and used on tv that it is maddening. i had the album the day it came out and was stoked about it until the radio played it 24/7
  5. Marvcus Patton and Tom Cousineau (thank you for being a D-bag and going up to Canada and allowing us to trade you to Cleveland for the pick that became Jim Kelly)
  6. ok. if that is in the plan, i wouldn't mind it as much as long as the pick up a 4th or later lb for depth and not specifically ST's in mind
  7. yeah, except for the bestiality i won't deny it. / is a secret Dolphin fan and this is what he deserves
  8. /'s excuse for getting out of molestering kids
  9. But you need to fill needs, frankly as it stands on D you need OLB, unless you think he or Poz can play the Sam and stay healthy you should look elsewhere later on imo. Buddy should look for a stud LT in this draft round 1, as it was clear that no QB can this offense w/o some protection.
  10. You forced me to sing that or else you were gonna sick Mr. Garrison on my backside. And then you proceeded to have fun with me anyways. My psyche has never been the same after you raped me with mr. mistoffolees while rumpleteezer held me down
  11. But really, it takes an hour because you are hungover
  12. Holy **** my head would be spinning if the Bills went with an inside backer other than spikes who i think could play sam. that bugs me, Bulaga would be the better pick imo
  13. not to speak for billsfan, but i imagine that you are financially more well off than me and possibly him as $700 is tough to come by in this economy. At the moment, (with $50,000 and counting in college debt) I wouldn't spend more than $400 on a TV so I opt to deal with the P.O.S. of a tv that I have had for the past 10 years.
  14. how has this not been mentioned yet? Seriously, Retatta cures all hangovers
  15. you sure about that? I could see Ralphy being that bass ackwards to make someone fly 700 miles in a prop plane.
  16. Actually I don't blame Wade, as video has shown that right before the "homejob Throwup" that the ST coordinator told everyone about the potential for that play and to stay in there lanes. The blame on that rests squarely with Daryl Porter who blew his assignment.
  17. yes, In that half hour, the first plane will have traveled 150 miles. If plane 2 is traveling 25 mph faster--> 25x=150, x=6 hours. No, this is actually a freshman level algebra problem in many states where you could have students in 6th grade answer it in a non algebraic method.
  18. i hate to side with steely, but most women are psychotic
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