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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. out of those thomas as a later pick would probably make the most sense.
  2. I have wasted the last 5 years of my life posting here, and it just a prank on the board that never seems to get old.
  3. To be fair, I'd put Culppepper at a better career than solid. He was a beast for a good 4-5 year span until injuries took their toll.
  4. Dan the other possibility could be that incognition starts at RG with Wood at C. If Wood is not healthy come start of the season Our RG will be Incognito (possibly in name and literally)
  5. Lynch's house is for sale so he can buy a solid gold Escalade that doesn't dent when drunken Canadians on Chippewa dive into it.
  6. Brad Butler was playing well and always has played well. The knock on him is that he has gotten hurt quite often. If the new strength and conditioning coaches can keep him healthy, the right side will be fine.
  7. Wow, I haven't seen that since I was 5 and at Niagara Square for it. I still remember being amazed by the pack of people there. Besides I still have my Buffalo Bills Super Bowl XXV Champions Banner hanging on my wall.
  8. I honestly thought they were flat vocally. Very flat vocally. Of course, if there was a 20 second delay, that would throw every singer into a loop. I know from experience of singing the national anthem for a couple Bisons games as a kid
  9. actually soccer has just as violent of collisions, with many cases more severe injuries due to the lack of padding. The injury rate is generally higher for soccer than any other major sport in the world besides rugby. Besides if they neutered soccer or rugby to this point, you'd have a world full of pissed off players and fans. Sad fact is that injuries do happen, and life sucks for many of the players after the game has passed them by. While I disagree with the one guy saying he'd play for free, I think the vast majority of us would play the game for a 1/4th of the amount today's players get paid. The NFL is very unique in the sense that it is a business that is expected to spend 60% of its revenues on only one type of labor group. At the same time, you still have to pay for your coaches, administration, security, and office workers, let alone your other random bills. I can guess that the Jaguars are losing money or coming close to it with their economic situation where teams like Buffalo, Indy, NO, SD, and KC generally have smaller profit margins than the average especially when their teams suck.
  10. Ok and if you want gov't assistance, I think you should play by rules that would give some assurance that you are trying to make the most of your life.
  11. I dno't quite think so, just on the basis that the Colts didn't lose to a journeyman backup QB. The Saints passing game just did a little more to win unlike in 25 where the Giants D and ground game took the Bills out.
  12. He needed to fall from grace, before he could get his life together and be in such a position. ESPN did a good piece on him a few weeks back IIRC
  13. I'd be in favor of that, as long as they tax it like alcohol and tabacco (well, even I think the tabacco taxes are excessive). Unfortunately, not too many government people would do that. However, it still wouldn't stop that crack whore from doing crack and keeping her kid starving. Just my $.02
  14. Face it, if you receive gov't funds and are living off the system you probably should be tested for drug abuse. This way many drug dealers do not get a free gubmint check, and addicts are not feeding their habit instead of looking out for their kids' interests. http://www.petition2congress.com/2/2867/ Once you type in name, email, and ZIP it will send to your Representative, and 2 Senators. Free of charge
  15. ICE, you will be the first person that tries to run him out when doesn't throw 500 yards and 5 TD's every game. This is just your M.O.. 19636453.82,4446.712202619563.0361062.93103CmpAttCmp%YdsTDTD%IntInt%LngY/AAY/AY/CY/GRateSkYdsNY/AANY/ASk%Quarterback A 19636453.82444123.3205.5656.74.912.5162.963.0261955.84.16.7Quarterback B 19836853.82423133.582.2846.66.312.2161.577.1312105.55.37.8 Two Young Quarterbacks here. Quarterback A has a strong offensive line, while making it to the playoffs. Quarterback B is being run out of town, while QB A is considered the future of his franchise. These are the numbers of two different players in two entirely differently situations. Yet, the QB A is considered a better QB than QB B. QB A had a rating of 63, QB B had a rating of 77. QB A is Mark Sanchez, QB B is Jamarcus Russell of 08. Now you can't tell me that the line play doesn't have a lot to do with Sanchez being considered a good young prospect while Russell is and has been in danger of losing his starting job since the 2009 calendar year started. In other words, one benefits from a strong line, another suffers behind a poor one, and their perceptions in the public and media are different despite similar performances. So IMO, keeping building up the trenches and it will pay dividends for the team.
  16. really? numerous times? He was a 2nd round pick, meaning some teams had 1 crack at him, and IIRC the Cowboys had no cracks at him.
  17. Nick may not see this post, but he played over the pond for a years in a British league IIRC
  18. they might have accepted the rehab in exchange for his community service That said, growing up my cousin and I did a lot of **** together. I was smart enough and fortunate enough to grow up and walk away. He wasn't. My cousin has been in and out jail for years because he still hasn't progressed in 10 years. Fortunately for Hargrove, he may have turned a corner that too many never do.
  19. DING! DING! DING! I think we have a winner here. I agre 1000%, the Bills generally wore down by being on the field 35-40 minutes in some games. That and the Bills need some more depth in the front 7 as you can't win a lot of games with guys that are just special teams (sorry Jon Corto)
  20. No hate for the Skins? Basically they are the NFL equivalent of the YAnkees, where they buy the top free agent every year but still underachieve get their coach fired every year or two.
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