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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Richard,we don't need to know about the home invasions that you have taken part in, and what guys you have slept next to or with.
  2. if he is losing balance in the 2nd level, chances are that he has no leverage in the first level. You are right that it may be coachable. However, it could be a sign of back issues as well
  3. the 40 is pretty freaking irrelevant for any OL. Tell me how often does a lineman need to cover 40 yards on a play? If he does it means a long run, or a turnover. For a lineman, the 10 yard dash is the most practical.
  4. remember this is the same I-AA school that knocked off#5 Michigan a couple years ago and sent the Wolverines into a season long tailspin.
  5. show some class. Good for him. really, you see too many stories of former NFL'ers turned homeless crackheads. He is doing everything to avoid such a travesty
  6. It was actually Jones's 2nd season, he rarely played as a rookie. As a rookie, the Bills used a lot of cover 2 to prevent him from being beat over top. After that year he was in the box and in run support, kinda like what the Bills have asked Whitner to do vs. what they ask Wilson to do (one won't get get many picks in his role where the other will in his role).
  7. well now it does. Obviously you are not a fan of Belushi and his greatness
  8. you are Jack's raging colon. You get cancer, you kill Jack First, the Bills need a line. Secondly, Fitz is a noodle armed journeyman benefitted from a deep bomb to TO and slightly better playcalling. The only reason Fitz may have looked better is that he is a tad more mobile and was able to run for his life a little more effectively behind the swiss cheese line that was in place. To be fair, in the 6 games that Edwards started, he faced 3 playoff teams, in the 9 that Fitz started, he faced 3. So, one could easily guess that Edwards faced tougher challenges than Fitz, yet had better statistics.
  9. http://guyism.com/2010/03/the-syracuse-mas...-a-pervert.html http://cdn.guyism.com/wp-content/uploads/s...ent-pervert.jpg
  10. technically smokers are protected by the constitution, as they should be. Must we forget that this country ascended to greatness with great help from the tabacco plant? When we let special interests and gov't roll over one group of people it only creates a slippery slope until it affects you. +1. IT should be owners choice. Your $ makes a difference. If you want to smoke at a restaraunt it should be up to the owner if he/she wants to have a smoking section, or a smoker's restaraunt.
  11. thank you... he really did report me. What a doofus? I am generally a very approachable person, if you have any problems or if I offend your feelings you can PM me. I am not wreckless !@#$ on the board, like some here. That said, in my opinion you should think more and post less.
  12. Yet you have the Bills picking him in the 3rd round in your mock? Correct me if I am wrong but 3rd round is not late round, and in my humble opinion
  13. ha really,because i said in a delicate manner that you have your head up your ass... I guess somebody really is an e-wuss. If you have really reported me for that, you'd end up reporting Tom, Darin, Joe, Dean, and a bunch of other respected posters on this board.
  14. Yawn talk to me when he is starting at Left Tackle in the Super Bowl protecting Roethlisberger's blind side, then you can talk to me about Bills maybe having regrets of letting him go (see Mike Gandy)
  15. I hope the Bills keep sitting on their hands and develop the talent they have, while you may want to stop sitting on your head as it looks like you can see into your large intestine.
  16. they were 4-7 at that point... all of the games i mentioned, the bills were in the playoffs or the playoff hunt where it knocked them out w/ exception to the 31-0 game where the bills started out with high hopes and sunk to big a low at the end of that season
  17. Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you. I can probably name 20 games that were worse losses than that one, mainly because this game only ruined a season that at best had 9-7 expectations. I'm gonna start a list of worse losses you guys can add to it. 1. SB XXV 2. AFL Championship game to the Chiefs for SB I appearance 3. SB XXVII (the rout with OJ at the coin toss) 4. Homejob Throwup 5. Just give it to em 6. Ronnie Friggin Harmon 7. Flutie fumble in WC game 8. SB XXVI (Thurman remember your helmet dummy) 9. SB XXVIII 10. Steelers game where they lost to Willie PArker and 3rd teamers 11. 31-0 to close out the Gregg Williams era after a hot start 12. the bomb in 1980 13. bengals- bills 81 playoffs 14. jim kelly's final game losing to the 2nd year jags 15. losing first playoff game to pats in 63 16. Arizona where Trent got his head taken off. (this is a bigger loss since his problems after that game) 17. monday nite vs cleveland in 08 where our playoff hopes were shattered for that season. 18. 8-0 snow game vs. cleveland in 07 where that effectively knocked the bills out of the playoffs 19. Bills Titans 06 where both teams were 7-7 and the bills gave up a 9 point lead in the 4th to miss the playoffs 20. then maybe the pats game
  18. In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
  19. I don't get where this notion of Jason Peter's as a good pass blocker is coming from? He got McNabb killed quite a few time when facing DeMarcus Ware, and plenty of other times when he was on national television. The same could be said the year before when he was lazy and got Edwards and Losman killed a few too many times. The sack numbers for his last year as a Bill were over 12 IIRC, that is not Pro-Bowl caliber. Besides he was a malcontent that didn't want to be here, which was a no-win situation for Brandon and company.
  20. **** that is funny... cowardly, but funny I dump like a man, violently with the night ending with me saying "no occifer I didn't do that"
  21. Check your math. 42+128= 170, this means they averaged 17 games a season. They were 42-118. which is still an avg of 4-12 per season Whereas the Bills were 66-104. an avg of 6-10 each season. here is the article that was so poorly linked by the OP. I will say that the Lions and Browns are more pathetic imo
  22. Happy Birthday Homey I just can't call you honey Rich
  23. That Double McTwist was freaking awesome... that and Lindsey Vonn is just so far ahead of her competition it is ridiculous
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