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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. ICE, again you are on another QB crusade. Just give it up and observe a little bit, wait till preseason before we make any more judgements. As it stands there are 4 QB's and surely one of them won't be on the roster for week one. Until camp starts, let's just hope for development. Besides I'm sure that there have been at least 3 threads on the same exact thing that you originally post all within the last month. So please stop recycling the same crap.
  2. You mean this Bud Adams? http://bill37mccurdy.files.wordpress.com/2...1/bud_adams.jpg
  3. +1 to both of you guys. Legalize it and tax so you can reduce the influence of the drug cartels along the border while giving a cash crop to the farmers. The only sports that should test for weed are any sports with guns or motor vehicles.
  4. This is very true, hell i ran college track and a 4.49 in the 40. I am also 6'3 215, when in shape 195. And I would have no business trying out for an NFL team, semi-pro maybe. Speed isn't the only thing for a WR. To the second point, we should be rooting on local talent as it would be also to have a guy like Jon Corto make the team and be even better than Corto by being able to contribute as an every down player. Come to think of it, the last local boys that i can remember making a huge contribution to their teams are Moose Johnston, Shane Conlan and Donny Majkowski. Unfortunately none of them have played in 10 years. So, WNY players should be rooted on towards NFL success, or else we may end up with a bunch of Mike Mamula's
  5. Ice you have managed to thread jack your own thread singlehandedly. Face it, each of the 4 guys will get a chance to show their worth. Based on your history on the board, you have by my count lobbied for each of the last 3 QB's to run out of town. This type of thinking is part of the reason why the Bills are in the situation they have been as idiot fans (including those in the FO) don't have patience to let a guy develop. If Jauron had the teams best interests he would have lived and died with a QB, and let the criticism go in one ear and out the other instead of yo-yoing starters the last 4 years. I would say that this year will be make or break for TE as his contract is in its final year and the Bills F.O. will likely covet one of the top QB's in next year's draft if he doesn't succeed. TE will start unless he underperforms in the preseason.
  6. that is one poster i do miss, for his general stupidity. His long thread's stupidity i think only is surpassed by the Stl. baseball thread and the Holcomb's arm 3.5 thread.
  7. dammit, i ahte agreeing with you. FYP
  8. yes because Peyton manning and Drew Brees were average this year Let alone Farve playing at the level he did at the age of 80
  9. wearing a DTF necklace in a club, basically it means she is a slut. That said, I'll take the officer's statement on this as the most reliable thing. That said, she may have had sex with him, but I don't think that it was rape if any sex did happen. The big thing would be if she got a rape kit that night, and his DNA matched up and there was signs of sexual assault then yes i could believe the allegations at that point.
  10. yeah you are clueless. While i hate defending college professors, because there a lot of poor performing professors, the amount of preparation to teach a high level class is probably double or triple what i have to do when teaching any class in middle school/ high school level. The average full-professor may teach 10 hours in a week and have 6 hours of office hours. However, this doesn't include the mandatory research they have to do for the university or the grading of papers. Fact of the matter is that not everyone can be a college professor and do it proficiently. That is what makes the professors that are masters of their craft that much more special.
  11. can anyone sum up what has happen in the last 35 pages or so?
  12. I see what he says, but that is very misleading in my opinion as there have been great safeties like Ed Reed drafted early. The thing is that safeties are so rarely picked at the top that it is tough to say that there is strong enough statistical evidence due to the lack of data. I would state that you could judge better on his argument if more safeties were drafted that high. That said, he used that Sean Taylor wasn't a game changer which I would disagree with.
  13. i agree sandler did a better job in that with his desperate cries for attention. Tom needs to take a page from Sandler.
  14. really? it couldn't be that Buffalo can't attract jobs, people are leaving in droves, the politcians are incredibly corrupt, the sports teams have never won a major title, the sports teams are cursed and the weather generally is only for the thick skiined?
  15. yes it was a snobby thing. They wouldn't cheer much on key 3rd down situations on defense either. This is part of the reason I hate the concept of luxury boxes like Jerry Jones so firmly believes in, as the real fans are priced out while greedy owners line their pockets
  16. +1 When I was in the Jim Kelly Club, the view was good, and so was the service. However, my buddy and I got dirty looks for cheering loudly when JP threw a touchdown or when we would cheer MVP after Moorman booted 70+ yarders
  17. agreed. the bills best would probably be a 4-2-5 or 3-3-5 now Last season would have been LE- High motor DE's (maybin on pass situations) 3technique- Stroud 1 technique- Williams (spencer on pass situatios) RE- Schobel ILB-Poz (ellison in on pass situations) ILB- Kawika CB-McGee CB-Florence S-Byrd S-Whitner S- Scott with either Scott or Whitner in the box (which was essentially Scott as a LB or Whitner as nickel, which he has done a lot more of than being a cover 2 shell safety.) Wilson could rotate with the deep safeties.
  18. well we only have 7 pro bowlers on the team dammit how many more could you expect Moorman Roscoe Schobel Byrd Lynch McGee Stroud
  19. Tippy, not a bad idea. Though Bulger is a more accomplished Trent Edwards in my opinion, I don't think it is best option. I think just sticking with Edwards this year is the best bet while we get a team together. For the yahoos, who keep bringing up winning with Bulger's stats, you must remember the St. Louis has sucked out loud, and hasn't been able to protect a QB worth a jack. Bulger has looked good with time in the pocket, but is about as fragile as RJ. Winning is a function of team and not the QB. Would you say that Ben Roethlisberger's rookie year was one of the greatest ever for a QB of any experience where he won 15 games as rookie? Of course not, he had a great team around him. That is like saying Rex Grossman was a great QB for making it to a Super Bowl. Build up the trenches, and win with quality lineman making it easier for the skill players.
  20. well you are right that many jobs would can you for being a cokehead. However, there are quite a few jobs where they may force you into rehab instead, in order to keep your job. As for pro athletes, it isn't explicitly taken as a performance enhancer, so get the guys some help and suspend them for so many games. For that coach, I would expect the same treatment. If you are that appalled that pro athletes have issues just like normal people then don't buy a ticket or watch their games. Whereever this hero worship of pro athletes comes from is unwarranted, they are people just like you and me. Then again we live in a country where our last president and current president have admitted to snorting up. The most powerful men in the world are still human and have issues.
  21. I always loved him in Out Cold and Bubble Boy. Jennifer Love HugeTatas in some Pierce Brosnan flick
  22. that was great, "I shouldn't be having sex with chicks in the bathroom" That and David Duchovny jacking off under the table
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