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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. title was not descriptive enough. people pay more attention to title than to subtitle
  2. The Erection Connection? Kind of a homage to the French connection
  3. really who is this guy? that is hard core
  4. Evans and McGee were drafted by the son of satan, Tom Donahoe. The rest of your list is okay. I think Florence was a steal in FA last year, hopefully McLovin, Levitre, and Wood heal and improve
  5. sorry i already masturbated for the day
  6. The ending was a little odd for my liking, I would have loved to seen jack kill taylor/suvarov/chloe/cole/kim or jack get killed. But they set it up where Bauer could be the new Bourne franchise.
  7. last couple years it has been hard for the QB to step it up, when they can't step up in the pocket. Line play will dictate the Bills season. 95% of the time the team that wins in the trenches wins the game. So, for any QB to look good the Bills will need to not have their 10th string o-line in.
  8. the court of appeals reasoning was bull ****. They acknowledged that the Pats* cheated, but refused to give it to the fan as the fans have lost before him.
  9. he is a former national champion/world class hurdler. I do belive he beat DeAngelo Hall in the 40 at the pro bowl two years ago as well
  10. I hate to say it, Gabe >>>>>>>>>>>>> Eddie. I never can forgive Eddie for being juked by Chad freaking Pennington. That is like getting trucked by Roscoe Parrish or being burnt downfield by Gilbert Brown.
  11. because of confidentiality agreements in place as you can damage the reputation of a player for a failed test, it is better not to announce the suspension until a resolution has been reached. I agree that the appeals process shouldn't have taken as long but i can't speak to the intracacies of the specific case as many details were probably not released. Be that as it may, the NFL has no say on who wins the award, so they are not at vault for the AP's revote process. For any changes to be made to the award, the AP must agree on a policy for PED violators.
  12. enlighten me how the NFL screwed up, it wasn't their award to give out. It was the AP's. So, I think the AP most definitely screwed up. In cycling, track, swimming and many of the minor sports in the world, if you get caught doping, you are suspended from competition for years, not parts of a season. Hell Lance Armstrong caught a lot of flack when drugs were planted in his vehicle.
  13. i'm not a shrink, but if a guy says fridge, he may want food too often and too quick, where as if he says if he says stove, there is an appreciation for the process. Anyone that says microwave may just be lazy.
  14. It is a freedom and liberty. Since there is no law that explicitly states that tabacco products are illegal to all, there should not exist any law that infringes upon said right in a public place. Furthermore, there should be no law in place to restrict tabacco use on private property as New York state does as it also violates the proprietor's rights.
  15. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you guys? Mind you that that tabacco use is protected by the Constitution and is a big reason that the U.S. is the country it became. Now, I am not a smoker, but it is outdoors. There has to be some arrangement that can agreeable, such as a number of smokers sections within the stadium. If you are worried about 2nd hand smoke don't buy a ticket in that section or near it. Quite frankly, I find the drunks more annoying than the smokers, as they make asses of themselves while you are trying to watch the game. While I was at the Pats game last year, I had some dip **** in a Brady jersey running by my section talking about how the Bills suck. The Pats fans in front of me shook their heads in disgust the first time, saying !@#$s like that give them a bad name. By the 3rd quarter this jackass was even more belligerent and got the attention of security, but that disrupted the fans of the section for a half. That seems worse than somebody smoking into open air.
  16. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami Win Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay Loss Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* Loss Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets Loss Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars Win Week 6 BYE Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens Loss Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs Win Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears Loss Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions Win Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals Loss Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Loss Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings Loss Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns Win Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins Win Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* Loss Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets Loss 6-10
  17. I have to say that the premise of this thread is just stupid and illustrates the stupidity of the OP and many others here. That said, I will go out of my to say that JP tried his ass and didn't pan out. Same can be said for Trent, who is a concussion or two away from being a complete vegetable. I still have never understood why people were so hard on Lonnie. Sure he screwed up a big play vs. Green Bay, but then again he was a tight end in an era of generally lousy tight ends. Travis Henry is not a model citizen but he really gave his all to the franchise, just to get shown the door by the Donahoe regime. That and Norwood was a pro bowl kicker for the Bills in an era where kickers were not anywhere near as automatic as they are now.
  18. Crayonz you just made it hard to top yourself
  19. Chemistry, it can be a B word, especially with a Ryan at the helm.
  20. Awwwwe.... I feel so touched, like a boy in the Neverland Ranch or a Catholic Church Seriously, learn to take criticism and relax. I just find it striking how you can be so fairweather on players, it is just astounding. Sure enough, more people have called a spade a spade with you in this thread.
  21. There are good bands not on that list. As far as cover bands go, suckerpunch is awesome for hard rock/metal. As far as original acts Standard of Living and It's a Firefight are two of the better bands that I have seen lately On the softer more melodic end, the Square Circle puts together a good performance. That said cover bands should never be on the best rock band list
  22. The Tardicaca tribe is very territorial and will kill tresspassers on sight. hail
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