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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. That is one thing i do not miss about Atlanta, that and I-20. It took a fortnight to get anywhere in the area.
  2. OTOH, the more educated someone is the less likely he or she is going to commit a crime.
  3. red dog... fitz was 4-5, trent was 2-6 and brohm was 0-1. What I was getting at is that the Bills had a significantly tougher schedule early on compared to mid to late season. In addition, I think the team responded much better to Fewell as a coach over Dick.
  4. i agree that germany and brazil are the two strongest teams at the moment, but it is based on there current work. However, portugal was 3 rd at the last world cup and got knocked out by germany in the quarters of the last euro championship. so, recent history says they are among the upper echelon. Being knocked by Spain in the round of 16, it must be a disappointment for the country. Aside from Ronald'oh, Pepe and Carvalho are great players that I wish the US had more guys like.
  5. portugal is pretty good, possibly elite. To say that a team isn't elite because they never won a tournament before is a fallacy of nostalgia. What happens in the past is history, and if you live off of history that is what you become. If work to improve history, you end up making history. that said, I am surprised no one has mentioned Buddle all that much. I hope he continues to develop like he did this year.
  6. believe i have heard it, especially from parents who only will talk to you when you have to write the kid up (after numerous attempts to contact the parent for the good and the bad). Also, from people who complain about the school taxes being so high, and blame the current teachers for how good the teachers in the retirement system have it as well as the administrators.
  7. i did the research and at the time, we were guaranteed placement within the region. That is nowhere near the case now. i just hate it when people tell me i am overpaid for the crap that i do and have done.
  8. ok so my point is that your a VP and you get compesated decently enough. Public sector jobs generally suck and make up for with benefits. That is starting to change due to public outcry. So, my lower than median pay really isn't all that great as i am $75k in the hole for student loans (i am probably above average on this category as i had no parental contributions). So, even at 60 hours a week to be paid like I am, I am gonna be in debt for a while, and i will get flack for having 2 months off from a job that has high turnover due to mental burnout. This goes on top of how children are not taught any lessons of morality and behavior by their parents, and instead blame the teacher for all of the child's shortcomings. Just like our gov't needs to learn to take responsibility, our parents and children need to do the same as opposed to placing the fault on the babysitters, er, teachers.
  9. politely i'll disagree, In the Jets and Carolina games AVP and Dick called on some slants and Evans had two of his best games of the season. running a west coast offense like dick originally had planned, you need to have quick slants along with the hitches outs and dumpoffs. This alone would have played to Edwards strengths, and Fitzy likely would have benefitted as well.
  10. yes this is ICE's modus operandi. He hasn't complimented a Bills quarterback since Jack Kemp.
  11. i'm a young male teacher, i have been trained to not look at underage girls below their necks. (i'm not kidding on that) She is a good looking girl, but i'll reserve judgement until she is of age
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_American...ll_League_Draft he was draft #8 overall. not #1
  13. if you wouldn't mind disclosing how much education you have, a general idea of income, and the line of work? That could give me an idea. That said Chef, I give kudos to you as 60 hours/week regardless of profession is bound to take a mental toll on you.
  14. i am surprised that Gary Anderson was only mentioned once, considering he is a legend at his position.
  15. to answer your question TE has a stronger arm than Ryan Fitzpatrick As far as the Dakota Fanning stuff goes, maybe in a couple years but she is still a kid at this point. Not hating on hossage
  16. This is very true. Many principals, athletic directors, and especially superintendents bank in the 6 figures. I had no union protection down in Georgia, and generally hated being called Yankee or Cracker by peers and students (Civil War is still being fought down there in some parts). Let alone, it wasn't worth my pride knowing that teaching remedial classes that most of the kids i was teaching were not heading to a community college or better, with many dealing drugs. Truthful, i made $35,000 base with a $2,000 bonus for teaching math. I walked away from it to return to buffalo to get my masters. So, I am currently substitute teaching which pays ~$85/day depending on the district. In my full-time, and long-term subbing experiences, you bet your ass i put in at least 60 hours/week for the kids. Figure that 60 hours*40 weeks= 2400 hours/year vs. 52*40= 2080 the average 40/week pulls. So, we may only work 10 months but we do bust our asses off.
  17. please fix title... i thought jairus byrd was in serious condition from a robbery
  18. As Albany eloquently puts it below, you can't hold the early AFL draft picks at the same value as the ones after the merger. Especially, Ernie Davis. To enter the common draft, be drafted #1, and refuse to play altogether just tells the team that they wasted a pick. To say that he wasn't a bust because the bills were able to trade his rights, is just kind way of saying it could have been worse for the bills in the long run. Elway and Eli both refused to play for the teams that drafted them, however both of them were dealt that same year as opposed to 3 years later.
  19. Fitz only looked better because he didn't get sacked as much and he had one big play. FWIW, Edwards had higher completion % by 4.2, yards per attempt by .1 yard, interception % by .6%, overall QB rating by 4.1, and surprisingly a higher yards per carry by 3.1 yards per carry Fitzy, had a higher TD% by .6% and a better sack rate of 3.3%. I think that improved lineplay will allow Edwards to look better. To me, any pocket passer must depend on his line to have any degree of success, where a scrambler won't have as bad of floor for performances. In the same breath, more often than not a classic pocket passer is the more dangerous weapon, when the line is able to protect long enough.
  20. I'll retract my statement... as I was absolutely pissed off. I thought he was whining about bandwagon fans.
  21. Tom Cousineau is the biggest bust all-time for the Bills. He was the #1 overall pick, which we traded OJ Simpson to San Fran for. He refused to play for the Bills. Instead, he bolted to Canada for 3 years. When he tried to return to the NFL, the Oilers tried signing him where the Bills matched the offer then proceeded to trade him to the Browns where he was good but not great. What we did get for him is the 14th overall pick in the 1983 draft, which I think turned well as we picked a man by the name of Jim Kelly. Upon further review, Ralph Wilson and the GM of the day were pretty retarded. They refused to fly up his agent and key executives were not there to greet him when he arrived in Buffalo. This in no way changes his stature as the biggest bust in franchise history.
  22. $35k/year hahaha... really not great pay for dealing with remedial level classes were a sizeable percentage of the students were wearing ankle bracelets. Meanwhile enough kids were seniors trying to pass a freshman algebra class that is on par with what New York has 7th graders do in their math classes. Basically anyone who has entered teaching in the past 5 years is pretty much getting shaft in comparison his or her predecessors in terms of benefits pay and job security. Not to mention with many states forcing teachers to have a master's degree for the job many teachers are 1.5-3 years salary in debt before they even enter the classroom. I am back down to part time and am finishing my masters in the next year and I will be ~$75k in the hole just for student loans from public universities (no parent support, so i did all on my own financially).
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