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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I'll say this sphere o beer. This is surprisingly civil compared to the PissPissPiss board, which usually ends up like congress with two ideas that both generally have some merit. Unfortunately, the people spewing theideas refuse to see that the other has a point and that they must belittle the other for being "wrong" as opposed having an intelligent discourse. That said, Chef I voted for number 3 as well and I believe in liberal ideas on a majority of topics. As I stated before, you can't expect one guy to change everything especially when congress holds most of the power to change things and they get nothing done.
  2. you are telling me that when Baltimore and Nashville had suitable stadiums when they got their teams? Hell even the raiders stadium is a small dive of a hellhole and it hasn't been replaced since they move back. Also, the Rams had to play in Busch stadium for a handful of games before their dome opened up. The NFL would tolerate a subpar stadium. Toronto fans would open up to the NFL if they had their own team as opposed sharing a team. LA only shows up for winners which would be a big knock to moving buffalo over. I agree that LA is far fetched for everyone, except the Chargers and the Jags.
  3. you cannot tell me that those aren't possible options, because if things did sour here. It wouldn't be too hard for a team to move 90 minutes away.
  4. I have made my unpopular views of Steinbrenner well known at this point. I respect Ralph and know that he did what he could to keep a team in a small market, despite the greedy option to leave for LA or Toronto being available to him. To the genius that compared Art Modell to Ralph, you need a slapping. Modell screwed over the city of Cleveland and its fans so badly that he is for all intents and purposes no longer welcome there. Ralph keeps getting stuff in the area named after him like the care center for Hospice in Cheektowaga.
  5. who allowed rodney dangerfield into this picture? rodney: No respect, No respect I tell ya.
  6. sad, and truthful. I think that this admininstration has done a little better than the previous. However, it was safe to say 2 years ago that he can only deliver so much before the people realize that he is not able to do everything. I think that his heart in the right place and demonstrates commitment to the job by taking less time off than every other president since Carter. That all said, Obama is powerless unless his party starts passing legislation to fix the issue like they were elected to do.
  7. hey i am not trying to get everyone up in a tizzy here, but I just don't see the man the same way Yankee fans do. I do not think of him as a decent man. I think of him as a cut-throat businessman. I'll leave it at that.
  8. They are a multi-million dollar business as well, which would have brought jobs to Buffalo.
  9. No, the man showed no respect or mercy for his sport and the general growth of the sport. I show the late Wellington Mara with infinite times more respect for the man he was. Steinbrenner is part of the reason why Buffalo has no MLB team as the Bisons traditionally have among the highest attendance in minors. So, I'll say he did the city of Buffalo wrong.
  10. i will not wish Steinbrenner to rest in peace. Everything that man stood for is every anti-small market. He basically made it hypocritical to be a Yankee fan and a Bills fan. FACT: If Steinbrenner was the owner of the Giants or Jets, he would have pushed to have teams like the Bills moved and outspent FACT: Steinbrenner would not support any salary cap and revenue sharing to support the other less fortunate franchises of the league. In my opinion, he paved the way for owners like Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyder to be greedy money hoarding bastards in the NFL.
  11. send them over there... The Taliban and PETA would be doing us a favor be offing each other
  12. what are you Pam Dawson, and did you fall out of Boo Radley's tree in Winchestertonfieldville, Iowa?
  13. This... It bothered me how the Spaniards were bent on diving right from the opening whistle. I would have carded one of them early on just to keep some fairness to the game. There were at least two cards given directly from blatant dives on the Dutch, and another one or two cards for arguing because the official !@#$ed up the call on the field. It is sad when the officiating in this tournament is worse than the officiating for a pee-wee game. FIFA needs to implement replay for all goals and card infractions in my opinion where the 4th official has more responsibilty or even adding a 5th official strictly for replay review.
  14. sounds good. you are still ugly read my previous post.
  15. You are so ugly, you make Seal look attractive, and Bill O'Reilly look like he has the sex appeal of Brad Pitt. I'd rather look at a shortbus fire with passengers inside over looking at you hail
  16. Ozzy at Ozfest a few years back where he dropped the mic on the stage as his singing still continued. Counting Crows opening up for the Goo Goo Dolls a couple years back at Darien Lake. The Crows were really suprisingly flat compared to other times I've seen them. Adam Duritz screwed up big a couple times during the set, and actually apologized to the crowd.
  17. i love how you conveniently forgot about cincy.
  18. if that were the case, they would have been stomped in a lot more games. Club Dick was a soft club that coddled its members. This resulted in said members being very flaccid. If Club Dick was difficult and hard, the members would have been erect in the 4th quarter instead of being hurt and nursed by trainers. So in summary, soft Club Dick led to members that had no endurance and drooping over, when they weren't ending the night with an injury. Lets hope these members stay erected and tough for 4 quarters, especially Wood, Levitre, and Wang.
  19. Another thing to piggyback on is that the passing offense stayed the same ranking going with Tyler Pigpen (pun intended) taking over for damon huard and brodie croyle. the 08 chefs were so bad because of their defense, they only got 10 sacks as a team.
  20. Trent was 2-5. Fitz was 4-4. I screwed that one up. Trent gets credit for the jets game he got knocked out of where he was 5 for 5 to start the game. As for your counterargument to my claim that Edwards faced tougher opponents I stand by as edwards started against a decent fish team, playoff teams in the Saints, Pats and Jets, and a Titans team that was turning the corner. The only bad teams he faced was the Browns and Bucs. Compare that to Fitz facing Carolina, KC, Jacksonville, and Indy's backups. So yes, I stand by my claim there. I do not hate Fitzy, he just hasn't shown me any thing more than scrambling ability.
  21. the steve christie one man network
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