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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. yeah late 90's were pretty lousy for that, early 2000's a little better with Disturbed, Linkin Park, etc... but early 90's was the last great era where there was consensus from tweens to the adults.
  2. might actually being enough to win the concacaf champions league, especially with america and guadalajara not qualifying.
  3. trent would be on las vegas probably. The teams have regional rights based off of colleges/hometown's. Hence Jadoinkus, being from LSU and the closest team being in Omaha.
  4. yeah, you gotta remember tweens and young teens don't listen for substance. Their artistic tastes are rather unrefined and poorly defined until they develop their personalities.
  5. as a sub teacher/coach, i have to hear the best and the worst. That is by far the worst of that genre this is the best of it... which still isn't that great, but at least semi-tolerable compared your link Edit now that I have read the rest of the thread: I walked away from a full-time job because the area that I was at had terrible juvenile issues where I had classes with at least 25% of the kids wearing ankle bracelets. So, it was in my interest to walk away from a full-time job and get masters work done. I will say that you can notice the kids that have good, supportive parenting and those who don't. It is obviously in the classroom, and obvious if you take the time to get to know the kids. It is generally the ones who stand out who have some major issues at home. A lot of kids at 11 do swear amongst themselves but have the respect/fear of saying in front of adults or in public. I know quite a few kids that would be smacked or be forced to eat/drink soap for the language she using at that age. While I cannot condone said punishment, I will say that the father is not part of the solution at this point. The best thing he could have done is unplug the computer and ban her from it for some time. Furthermore, he should have had restrictions and oversight of what the girl was doing (checking history and cookies and whatnot at the very least)
  6. and i just realized that i crossed 5000... again hail you ginger jewrat
  7. Yeah, but you have whined non-stop since Jimbo retired. Have hope that someone develops instead of saying this guy sucks lets draft another(which you give up on every QB quicker than Paris Hilton gives up having babies in favor of abortion). That is like having a problem with a car and replacing it before trying to fix it lol enuf 'tis true.
  8. Wait, who fudged the data? Fox or the scientists? both of them can be shady at times especally professors like this and news anchors
  9. Data as in what you are determining by the month is relatively new, but based on sea level changes and a variety of other techniques they have been able to estimate the global temperature average over the past 4.6 trillion years. Undeniably the planet is warmer than it was 500+ years ago when Columbus was sailing through the Atlantic as tiny islands that were able to be landed on are now buried underwater as the sea level has risen considerably.
  10. ICE, here is some very wise advice that has been passed on to me. "After coping with the initial issue, don't B word about it 24/7 as it makes you look like a bitter person and you end up feeling worse because you keep thinking about it. Quietly, you should do what you can to change the situation without stressing yourself out." i only say this because every year you complain about the quarterback NON-STOP. You focus almost all of your rage on the quarterback issue when you have made your point. Seriously, relax and let other people discuss that issue, and see if there is validity in their points. Remember, there is always shades of gray on most topics and nobody is ever 100% right
  11. i honestly think this guy doesn't know what he is talking about, I took a look at 3 specific parts Quarterback, DL, and specialists. In the QB section he says the Brohm has the upper hand based ib early reports. What reports is he referring to? In the DL package, he was mostly right. Except for discussing Kyle Williams saying that he played 3 technique last year (erroneous) and couldn't play at 1 technique which he did last year. In ST's he mentions how Bobby April is a great coach, and will be missed. He fails to recognize that DeHaven is widely regarded as another great ST coach. Maybe I caught him on 3 areas he really didn't know and the rest of the piece is Pulitzer Prize worthy, but chances are that he is no more or less educated about the team any other football writer on the web
  12. I'd almost have to say that Morrall was a decent starter in his own right before those two seasons. he was a pro bowler (or what ever they called it then) in his second season, and only got traded to detroit because Pittsburgh got Bobby Layne in the deal. He got yo-yo'd a bit at Detroit with some decent seasons there, before ending up at the Giants for a few years where he had another decent year. When the Colts went to the Super Bowl with Morrall, he played the whole season as Johnny U was injured in pre-season. That season he was the NFL MVP. So, I think it is an injustice really call him a backup as he did start over 100 games and started more than half the season 7 times. It is somewhat the same argument for Steve Young where he was a great backup that became an MVP starter. That all said, I'd love to have either of them as a backup. But for journeyman that never really caught as the man, my money would be on Reich.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_of_...r_League_Soccer Imo, the only way that Rochester will be in the MLS is if they adopt the promotion/relegation system that is used everywhere else but here. That said, I doubt that would happen because the MLS believes that owners buy a franchise with the right that they should always be top flight. The big problem with that is if you have a fledgling business that was once top echelon and it falls apart, someone else is probably going to take your businesses place in the top echelon. So, I don't see why this shouldn't hold true for soccer.
  14. he's a RB that is already 30, and evil Al drafted to replace him after his best season with McFadden and Michael Bush. Remember, the Raiders have no line play and great running backs. For some reason that sounds familiar
  15. no hatred for the South, it is entertaining place where some parts are still fighting the civil war. It is actually entertaining to be pulled over by a cop, and the first thing he says is "Yankee" Overall, I had fun down there. Great people, little different, but great nonetheless. I just hated my job down there.
  16. so that is what /dev/null looks like. That explains why he tells me to hail satan
  17. i disagree with Toronto not building an NFL caliber stadium. If someone wanted to do in Toronto, they have the population and accumlated wealth to put at least 65,000 seats together and sell them at a reasonable price. In LA, there are developers that are trying, with a feasible makeshift stadium in the old "Mausoleum"
  18. This thread title is kinda funny, you make it sound like Marcus Stroud is going from pre-op to post-op That said, he will play 3 technique or 4 technique depending on tight end and linebacker alignment. Meaning he will still line up in the G/T gap (the B gap) quite often and will line up square on the tackle in other situations, which shouldn't be that much different/
  19. I'll say that I find him to be an exciting personality, but I am wise enough to know that one man can't change everything in a system as dysfunctional as ours. I most certainly voted for him while being in Georgia. While waiting 4 hours to vote, it was the moment that realized how much of our country is an us vs them status as opposed to working for the common good. Then again, it did help when the GA senate seat was being contested by crappy candidates that were party shills. Translation: I hope that he can make a difference, but am not holding breath, and a bunch of rambling about the South.
  20. on bill maher's feed for twitter and facebook:
  21. I have room if any of you guys have a fine looking daughter in the 21-27 year old age range coming with She could have my bed.
  22. hell i think that might have been why they were rioting... they needed beer to calm themselves down
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