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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. 79 is very hilly thru w. virginia and you'll spend roughly 4 hours battling that alone. I would avoid 79 until pennsylvania, you could do 77 and cut over to 79 when you are in ohio, or take 77 up to 90 (this way google say is as quick 77 to 79 all the way). I used to live in Atlanta and drive back and forth from Buffalo to Atlanta. the first way i took was 79 to 77 in a buick regal that was not too far from being sent to the junkyard, and it struggled with the hills of i-79 in WV. I don't know if 77 is any smoother in WV, but I can tell ya 79 is not for cars that struggle uphill at 70 mph. On a trip from Albany,NY to Atlanta 81 was money... one of the funner drives i have had despite it snowing all down to NC. On that trip i-77N was backed up for 25 miles because a couple semis slid into each on a bridge. As I was driving southbound i got to laugh my ass seeing and SUV's rolled uphill. That said, the way back down sounds fine.
  2. actually it is closer to 55 meters or 50 yards
  3. mmm... can we make an exception for Tom Brady? I keed I keed
  4. This is indicative of someone great acceleration and not as great top-end speed. Usain Bolt is the opposite where Bolt is slow out of the blocks but has better top end speed. Most people forget that Bolt is a world class 400 runner that could break that record as well. Spiller is comparable to a Marcus Allen who holds an NCAA record for 50 hurdles IIRC, and I mean this in terms of speed. Spiller is lightning quick, but he is not Renaldo Nehemiah who was a world record holding hurdler that was too frail for the NFL.
  5. therule last year didn't state is what i was getting at. In addition, QB's and K/P's are not defenseless, imo. If they don't want to get hit like that, throw the ball earlier or brace yourself for the sack. The only one's i agree with out of the list are: WR in air making catch Runner in the grasp of another Returner in the act of catching the ball.
  6. That's just it, he has received quite a few death threats over the years, because of idiots who squarely put the blame on a guy for not hitting a FG in the clutch. These type of threads are just not productive for the fans or the players. There has to be a point where the fans must realize that are among the best 1500 in the world at what they do, and you can't expect number 1501 to be able to produce like number 1.
  7. This is the problem. This has been happening at the lower levels for quite a long time. They do happen. Hell, I battled post-concussion syndrome for a year before the headaches stopped. As much as it is a problem at the NFL level, where the collisions are more violent, every Pop Warner to Varsity coach should receive training in assessing a student's condition, and what they can and can't do for a long time. FWIW, Mike Leach wasn't all that wrong for isolating Craig James son in a dark quiet room in response to post-concussion syndrome. Quite often you become so sensitive to light and sound, and you have some of the worst headaches you can ever imagine. Where Leach went wrong is not making some doctor/ athletic trainer make the call instead of himself.
  8. i'm sorry shoulder and forearm hits to a player in areas other than the head should be fair game. This is the NFL making the game become as soft as hopscotch
  9. Clayton is a pencil-neck dweeb who probably got injured in his first practice of playing football
  10. Morbo congratulates our gargantuan cyborg president. May death come quickly to his enemies.
  11. Read the bottom, it was pretty freaking obvious that: A: Clayton ranked the Patsies* over the Jests B: The other guys are on the Jests bandwagon Bart, I know you are an intelligent person, but come on, this isn't your best and brightest post. We all say and do stupid ****.
  12. Change is better in this context, imo
  13. First off i didn't think that this thread would take off. Guys this is stupid. These guys are paid to play a game, simply put. Sure some of them are !@#$s off the field, but that goes for any profession in general. The one that bothers me the most out of the mentioned names is Norwood. The man was a Pro Bowl kicker despite having limited range even for that era. So asking the guy to make a long (for him) field goal in the dying seconds of the game is tough. You can fault the coaches/Kelly for not controlling clock despite Thurman running all over the field. You can fault the defense for letting an old OJ Anderson and Jeff Hostetler score 20 on them. The point is that Bills lost with 46 men on the field that not just 1. The point of this thread is generally to produce a B word-fest of negativity towards the Bills. So, shut up and wait for people to get injured or look like they belong on a Pop Warner field, before we start whining like little schoolgirls. There is no use bitching about individuals in the past and how they cost the Bills. IT WON'T CHANGE A THING.
  14. No, but Mississippi Mudds does an awesome grilled bologna sandwich.
  15. the best of the worst. i still don't see how 100% of stands could have a violation. Hell, it was easy for me when I managed a place at Darien Lake to keep the inspector happy.
  16. Shhhhh too much facts for the OP. I saw the original post and link, and just had to laugh my ass off at the generally stupidity of the post.
  17. aside from doc and WEO's pissing contest above. Here is a quote from the article from Matty that i thought was rather entertaining That is just bizarre to me. The cops know who the shooter is, but can't prove it? Can't they get a warrant and confiscate the guy's gun? Or is it possible that it was somebody close to Vick, perhaps Vick himself and no one wants him back in jail?
  18. wow, I am surprised nobody has jumped on you for this comment (I actually agree with you). I caught a lot of hell for saying that I do not wish that Steinbrenner rests in peace.
  19. RIP the guy was one of 8 players to survive a plane crash in 1970 for Witchita. According to the article he hiked back up to the crash site last year.
  20. About the only video on Fox News where Colmes showed a spine
  21. take a dump bump... I think it was from those poisoned muffins you gave me, I have been screaming as hard as I can from the diarrhea the muffins gave me.
  22. nah he is the one with the "All Your Base Are Belongs To Us" sign
  23. wait. how old is your daughter? I only ask cuz I seem to remember you have a kid within the past few years/
  24. i did look at a couple times. You have take into account the camera movement, you would be to judge something of that nature better from a fixed camera that isn't zooming.
  25. Woody i am a few years older, and i'll still listen to that album in my car along with the Get Up Kids, Default, Deftones, early Staind and the older Modest Mouse albums from that era. Also at the same time, the Long Island punk scene was producing bands left and right which wasn't geared towards radio but underground for anyone under 25 at the time.
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