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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. You do realize that this bill also covers the people the removed the rubble and cleaned up the site. 50,000 is tad high. However, if you read the bill there is a provision in there the amount of money is capped at the lesser of a set amount the escalates from year to year or 90% of the projected health care costs for that given year. The Republicans weren't even complaining about the spending as much as the provision to take away the tax shelters for some companies. This is what sickens me. Your justification is a tad better than what they could muster. Nonetheless, this seems to be the best idea for a bill with 9/11 in mind in quite a long time.
  2. very well put dean. FWIW, if there was a referendum on slavery in the South in the 1800's, you can almost be certain that the voters of the time would have voted for the blacks to be picking cotton. So, majorities can be wrong in some cases. With the gays, I don't see why they should not be allowed to marry as weddings have been part of every society since pre-organized religious days. Then again, our founding fathers did write that we should have the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To legally deny someone the right to marriage with whatever consenting adult, it is just un-American in my opinion. So, good for the limp wristed fart catchers, and the butch rugraiders.
  3. don't bring Dorothy Mantooth into this conversation. she is a saint.
  4. just stop. I just find your handle, your av, and your shtick all very offensive. The Bills got screwed by the Browns and Raiders. The Browns are giving Haden money at 7 that is the same average/year as #3 and #4. The Raiders at 8 were actually a tad more reasonable than the Browns suprisingly.
  5. you could have used a better description. But this is a terrible injustice as they are trying to make the penalty for mixing pot with "candy" double. The language is broad enough to include pot brownies. This is counterintuitive to the legalization of pot movement that is going on right now.
  6. jeeze more of this crap? Go to camp, and watch Maybin abuse the LT's, and remember that this guy is still very young.
  7. i'll be at the first game tailgate party thanks to mr. rosen as long as the site doesn't go down along with my tickets
  8. FYP Thank you mead, let's get some wine.
  9. eesh, i feel guilty about having Steve T.'s (T stands for Tahou and it is on Lyell Ave) Garbage plate last night when coming back from training camp. So, this Tahou's, yeah it might be a covenient stop for me with some of the travels I do. In the typing of this paragraph above, my mouth started salivating and I grab some of the garbo plate leftovers from last night
  10. Guys I was there and watching it. Fitz maybe fudged the math. It was closer to 63 yards. Levi by far has the stronger arm as his passes made it there much quicker and with less lob the Fitz.
  11. maybin still lines up as DE on 4-2-5 nickel packages FWIW. along with scott as a LB.
  12. Unfortunately, none of the Bills LT's looked good, even in position drills. So, I would hope that Maybin and Torbor would be abusing the LT's. The only time that LT's didn't stick out was with Meredith, imo. But Meredith did drills on the right side for everything that wasn't 7v7,9v9,or 11v11.
  13. knox is closer to the truth. Maybin looked great in 11v11 drills. A little off balance, yes, but he intentionally dove away from QB legs at least 3 times.
  14. it is bull, i was watching it. Fitzy didn't come close to that. In fact, Brown might of let him win the 2nd round. Levi has the better arm and maybe Levi can throw 73, but not Fitz.
  15. Other things of note: Cordaro Howard and Kyle Calloway rotated reps at first team RG in Wood's absence. Meredith looked the best at LT, as he kept Torbor and Maybin out of the QB's faces. I expect him to be a starter (either tackle spot imo) week 1. Maybe it is a little more low-key today in practice, but there was a lack of hitting on the run plays that made the LB's look awful. If this is the case expect the defense to be a different look and same results as last year (tough vs. pass, marshmellow soft vs. run) Talked with Whitner and Wilson after practice (and got signatures), they think very lowly of the Jets especially Sanchez. Wilson is hoping for more blitzing opportunities with the chance to double his career sack count to 7. Naaman Roosevelt was the only receiver, aside from Evans, to really make plays today. He made a really impressive rotating catch in air while being decked by the secondary. I was impressed to see him hang on to such a tough ball. Hardy showed a little more field awareness today while bailing out Levi Brown on what should have been a 5 yard out. Hardy ran back to catch the ball on the LOS with all hands and still managed to gain a few yards out of a bad throw. Joique Bell and Chad Simpson showed a lot to me in the individual drills. Do not be suprised if one of them makes the team if Lynch doesn't perform up to par in the preseason.
  16. The Philster is right. You have to be clueless and classless to place SBXXV squarely on Norwood. Yeah, he had an opportunity to be a hero, but so did the defense before they let the Giants score, and Kelly and the offense did as well but could only muster up enough field position to place Norwood at the edge of their range.
  17. I disagree with your assessment in a few ways. Spiller's one major form flaw is flat-footedness with a slight bit of tension in the neck. Spiller is .23 faster than the 4.6 that you say is average. This means that he gains roughly 3 yards of seperation on the average NFL'er in 40 yards. With the quick acceleration that he has, that means he is almost a yard ahead of in 10 yards. That is HUGE. The bouncing shoulders that you reference is very common even among elite sprinters. here is a video of asafa powell running 9.74 almost all of the guys in that final heat are bouncing their shoulders w/ powell having the best form. In all, I think you are nitpicking little things in a situation where he probably was trying too hard in order to make millions. You are correct that the first official white guy to break 10 was a few months ago, however Peter Karlson of Sweden went sub 10 in a wind aided effort in the mid 90's. I figured this is worth mentioning. God, I hope not.
  18. sure i am not in the same shape after battling acid reflux disease, but i'd do it still for ***** and giggles
  19. well, you were being dishonest then. I'm a former D3 decathlete, and currently am a coach. I'd rather have facts being presented as opposed the Fox News version of the "facts" when it comes to my second favorite sport.
  20. nice http://www.militaryfactory.com/battles/fre...y_victories.asp
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