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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Wow, I expected more anti-EJ sentiments here. While he is not the QB of the future, I agree with the majority that he holds value to us.
  2. To be fair, most teams 7th rounders look similar and for the most part worse. Getting solid NFLers in Haggan, Bell, Stevie, Bell, and Polk is pretty damn good over the years, and even Pennington, Pucillo, Haddad and Lankster made a few rosters. I believe in general our scouts/GM's have done a decent job in finding the diamonds in the rough, but have failed to draft well in round 1, which is part of why we are still looking for the next 12, 34, 78, and 83,
  3. For those blaming Rex for this, it was a freak accident. Williams was reading the pass as Lewis was making a cut into the same spot. Think of it like two outfielders colliding into each other going for a ball. It happened to be helmet to helmet.
  4. Well, I have stories from when I taught in Atlanta, but I wouldn't suggest killing just all blacks and Latinos. Instead:
  5. This is my field, and part of my masters' thesis. While bluntly put by Ozy, in a slightly unsavory way, black and Latino students tend to perform at a lower level than the white and Asian students due to two factors: higher poverty level compared to whites, and less parental emphasis on academic success compared to the Asians. Our teachers are asked to do more in many cases than a lot of foreign teachers in part due to high childhood poverty, and a school lunch program that lacks compared to other countries. This leads to hungry kids who have trouble focusing, which leads to more ADD diagnoses. In some countries, there are 2 teachers sharing a class and team teaching with alternating parts of a lesson. This shared burden stresses the teachers out less, than solo in large part due to having a second set of eyes supervising the classroom. Comparatively speaking, our students score about the average in Science and Reading compared to the rest of the world, and slightly below average in math according to the most recent PISA results.
  6. I did this back in 2012: East Conference: Phi, Pitt, cincy, Cle NJJ, NJG, Buf, NE Mia, Jax, TB, ATL Ten, Wash, Bal, Car West Conference: GB, Det, Min, Chi No, STL, KC, IND Sea, Oak, SF, SD Dal, Ari, Hou, Den With Lambs moving back to LA, here is my revision to this: East: Phi, Pitt, cincy, Cle- Rust Belt Division NJJ, NJG, Buf, NE- North East Division Mia, Jax, TB, ATL- The Soon to be Underwater Division Ten, Wash, Bal, Car - The Mason Dixon Divison West: GB, Det, Min, Chi - The Norris Divison No, Hou, KC, IND- The Cajun and BBQ Division Sea, Oak, SF, Den - The North West Divison Dal, Ari, LA, SD - The Why the Hell Do People Live Here Division
  7. South Park has used the Broncos, Chiefs, Dolphins, Patriots, and Redskins likenesses in their run of show. In fact, Cartman's mom has slept with the entire 1989 Broncos team.
  8. I have to agree that A.A Ron Rodgers has to be the guy. I know he may not make it the full 10 but I think he will last 6-7 more years of quality.
  9. The trade was a wash effectively as it was SJ for Seantrel and Brown. Since that point Stevie has been putting up #3 receiver numbers, while we got some service out of Seantrel. The Bills could have used Stevie as a #2, but in the end I think he was done when Fitzy got pushed out of Buffalo by Buddy Nix
  10. Am I missing some sarcasm here? or do you think the Canadian field is smaller? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_football#The_field
  11. I tweeted the author, pointing out that our pro sports culture is better than Atlanta, and that with Jack and Terry this town has a lot to be excited for
  12. This is all stemming from Goodell fresh off his death scare talking about us needing a new stadium. Would he have the balls to do this in Green Bay where there is no corporate base either? The Europeans have it right where the gov't does not pay for professional clubs soccer stadia, instead the club pays for it, themselves through ticket revenue. My favorite English team, Tottenham is renting Wembley for the next 2 years while building a new stadium at the current grounds. They will use the new 60,000 seat arena for the NFL London series. There won't be extravagant luxury boxes, hell even the owner sits in the club personnel area of the crowd. could you imagine Jerry Jones sitting two rows in front of his inbred fans?
  13. With the passion Knox has, he could do the other leagues route to earn some $, or try to get into coaching. Some former players can get in to Grad Asst coaching spots at major universities. Not everyone has the physical gifts to be in the NFL.
  14. A pulled hammy is definitely preventable. This comes down to flexibility, hydration, oxygen levels, muscle condition, proper diet, proper stretching, etc.... Your more fit people will avoid most major muscle pulls.
  15. As a track guy, I take objection to this. Glash is a perpetually injured athlete which is the antithesis of fitness, even then the most fit people in the world tend to dominate their fields, which you can't say he has done either in the long jump, and especially in the NFL.
  16. You are throwing Jones in the same breath as our 1st round reaches and busts? That is some very weak tea to compare a 4th round project to the rest.
  17. There would be no weeks where everyone would be on bye (except x-mas time). So the networks would should 22 primetime games, and 44 daytime (effectively) games. I would think that 19 weeks (aka 3 byes) would be more reasonable for the near term. The reality is that the season is grinding where less frequent games would be better for the players, and they should increase gameday roster size (special teams players + more backups= less wear and tear and more rotation).
  18. As a former HS coach of Kling (in a non-football sport), I am happy for the kid. He was a great athlete for us, and a great person. I also hoped that he would have signed here, but the Bears have a clearer path to a roster spot than the Bills did.
  19. You are correct regarding Ace Ventura. He is a Bills fan.
  20. wow, who pissed in your corn flakes? The guy put some solid fact based opinion out there, and you put out a douchey retort back. Spiller was a decent #2 back (better in chan's scheme) that was overdrafted by no fault of his own. I think we all agree that the pick could have been better used elsewhere as the Bills have a maddening habit of overdrafting RB's and undervaluing the idea of developing QB's. That said, Archer is a Spiller-esque type player for the league minimum. That is a good risk to take from Doug, Rex, Russ, and whoever else.
  21. I know John and his family very well,. 6-7 320, just monstrous in size. Coach Quinn did a good job helping him along as did lining up every day against Khalil Mack. He does have a good head on his shoulders and decent footwork (former section champ discus thrower and i believe section runner up at 275 wt class in wrestling). As for ST's, most of your OL's at this level are used in FG protection and that is about it.
  22. By the way, UB's OT John Kling (from Depew) was signed by the Bears
  23. haka shirpa shirpa ba bak allah
  24. As much as I feel that Tebow would have been better served in a different position (TE), I agree with John that we'll never know as his growth was stunted by being thrown into the fire and by being drafted in the 1st. If you reach for a guy in the 1st and he is not ready, then throw him into fire, you screw him permanently (just look at EJ)
  25. I always thought it was like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz-PtEJEaqY
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