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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. TO piggyback on this, Green Bay has had 3 consecutive Pro Bowlers at QB. Depew's own Don Majkowski was the starter before Favre and was pretty good until he tore his rotator cuff.
  2. On the surface, I agree with your post. However, they are cutting two weeks of preseason. This means that the owners are losing one preseason home game. So, they aren't losing any more games. The difference in revenue generated between a home preseason vs home regular season is rather negligible in the grand scheme of it all. The big money grab comes from the TV contract as the networks will have to pay for 2 more weeks of games. If the NFL owners were really smart, they could milk it some more by giving more bye weeks to teams which would reduce injuries and also IR placements. By adding bye weeks you also have more nationally televised games which in turn means even more money. So in summation longer regular season+ shorter preseason= no change in season length, and more money for owners. More bye weeks= longer season= more $ for owners + less games lost to injury.
  3. Genarlow Wilson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_v._State_of_Georgia
  4. I work with kids in that age range, and quite often now and days, the girls are the aggressive ones in the relationships. It is a bit different than when i was that age 10 years ago, frankly girls are pursuing boys and asking them out as much as boys pursuing the girls and asking them out. Washington was 16 and his sis was 15. So, he is not a pedophile; he and his sis made a big mistake mutually. If the reporting is unbiased, then there is no reason that he should have had to go to jail and have his name dug through the mud while his sister got juvenile corrections. What really needed to happen for both of their sakes is for both of them to have received counseling instead. He was rated as high as 2nd round talent from what i saw (and from what i read in the article) and draftek listed him as 151st overall prospect which means with his baggage should have been drafted towards the end of the 5th round.
  5. Wow, you gotta feel for him more so for the lack of guidance. I mean what he did as far as age goes isn't pedophilia. His sister might have actually been the one to iniate said sexual contact, as the article stated, as she was selling herself on the street at the time as well. I am generally not a fan of coddling sex offenders, but this is an exception in my book. I do not see why he should have to be excluded from living 1000 ft from schools and parks. Hopefully somebody gives the poor guy a chance.
  6. I talked with George Wilson on this topic at SJF while he was doing signatures. Here are his points: Owners want 18 games without increasing salary of players. When I asked if he would take two more gameday paychecks of the same amount that he currently receives, he agreed that would be fair He believes that even at 16 games the players should have another bye-week as the season is long and strenuous. He believes that the NFL should adopt IR rules like hockey or baseball. He believes that with an increased schedule there should be more roster space, which Whitner also chimed and agreed with. All of these things I can agree with. I would say that owners should get a larger piece of the pie cover other operating expenses as 60% of revenue goes to the players. I would say that 18 game schedule really doesn't make sense just on the basis of where do they get these extra two games from? If anything a 19 game schedule actually makes more sense: Under the current format, there are 16 games broken down as follows: 6 divisional, 4 from another division within your conference, 2 more from the other divisions in your conference based upon your place in your division from previous year, and 4 from a division in the other conference. To make an 18 game schedule the most rational thing you could do is rotate which 2 divisions from the other conference you would face the corresponding teams from those divisions based on their divisional standing from the previous season. For example, on top of playing the NFC North, the Bills would also play 2 out of the follow 3 teams based on the record last year: Washington, Tampa, and St. Louis. For this work, you would rotate all four divisions in the opposite conference, with one division having all four teams facing your side, and one division with no teams facing your side. [*] To make a 19 game schedule work, it is much simpler. You still play one division from the opposite conference and the corresponding team from each of the other divisions in that opposite conference (ie. Bills face NFC North and Washington, Tampa, and St. Louis.)
  7. Conversely, he was part of the reason why they couldn't put more blockers on Bruce. You know that Wright, Lodish, Hansen, and Seals were not really dangerous pass rushers, which left it on Bruce and Biscuit for the most part. Not to mention that both Bennett and Bruce were more than capable against the run which force most runs to the inside.
  8. I agree with you, though Munoz is considered one of top 2-3 LT's of all time. That said, Aikman over Young? really that one is dumb. Back in their primes which coincided Young won 2 MVP's and Aikman wasn't even close to the MVP of his own team. Also disagree with M Faulk over Darrell Green. That said some of the also mention names are laughable. Terrell Buckley? really? Never a great player, there has to be somebody from the 40's or 50's that wore 27 that was better than him. Krumrie over Wolford? That one I question. Along with Art Shell over Bruce I will stand by this one. Shannon Sharpe was not as good as his brother. Sterling was the better player until his career ending injury. Sterling is another receiver that I feel should be in the HOF before Carter. Tasker should have got a mention at 89, imo
  9. You obviously don't read this board enough then. FWIW Packer fans usually get it due to commute time being ridiculous and such a small market.
  10. I find it the first paragraph of your post combined with your handle to be rather ironic
  11. Truthful. The Pirates are a MLB farm team. Year after year, they consistently sell off a complete starting roster of MLB players. While the Bills have let go of some players who have went on to succeed elsewhere, I can't say that the Bills have had 10 players in the past decade that fall into this category: Winfield Pat Clements McBadknee Dockery? Maybe? Leonhard (Switch to 3-4 benefitted him) Bannan (Switch to 3-4 benfitted him) Henry? before suspension and fathering 10 more kids? Bledsoe? does one half good season at Dallas count enough? I'm stuck right here, and I stretched for four of the guys (Bannan and the 3 ?'s)
  12. If you have a team that relies on passing heavily, deferring is the right option. But with Buffalo's variabilty in weather, I'd be inclined to take the ball just on the high probability that the weather will have changed considerably by the end of the 3rd quarter.
  13. They did sign him after having a torn labrum and possible rotator cuff damage. So, Miami didn't opt to sign him and he went to N.O. for 6 years/ 60 million which is cheaper than what most QB's of his caliber make. FWIW, Matt Stafford and Sam Bradford have better contracts than Brees currently does.
  14. You honestly think that? I think Dick had a big reason for getting rid of Walker at the end of the preseason, and if anything Overdork gave the ok on this, with regards to cap penalty and cost to franchise
  15. ok what public school professional employee would be dumb enough to bang a kid let alone anyone in the stands of an arena? :facepalm: Either this woman is really freaking stupid, or the kid is making up the story. I hate to defend any alleged sex offended, but am leaning towards the latter.
  16. Arrington a bust? Hardly. He was a game-changer for a short time before injuries ruined his career. Hell, if Maybin gets 11 sacks in a year I'd say that his pick was justified.
  17. No offense Scott, he was rather clear. The "+" thing that was started recently was with intent to keep the negative nancy's out. And he made a thread about Spiller being equal to a good thing. That is better clarity than some of the other threads out thread, imo.
  18. It has already been paid tgreg99. So, the only thing they would avoid by cutting him this year is cap penalty of 12 million. That said, I don't see what people are thinking that generates the idea that Maybin should be cut. He was one of the first teamers on D that actually played hard against Washington. That penalty on him was a joke to say the least as his forearm grazed McNabb's facemask. It wasn't a blow to the head as defined by the rules committee. Even last night against Indy he was in on 4 tackles and keeps getting experience. I think Chan is trying to get the most out of this preseason for him as he expects some development.
  19. i guess someone didn't seen Trentative throw a bomb to Evans for a 70 yard TD
  20. Nope he is a rookie, so he can be waived and signed to the PS.
  21. hate to say, but those migraine symptoms are quite possibly post-concussion syndrome headaches. men in general don't suffer from migraines at the rate that women do. In the article, it says that he has dealt with them for a long time, but it could be something stemming from a concussion he may have had in his youth. I hate being the fear mongerer but it is really odd to see a young man in tip top shape collapse like this. Also, why does it always seem to be the Vikings that have players collapsing?
  22. excellent post ****... that's right your name is no longer default when I type in the synonym for excrement. Damn. To keep the + going, I love you Steve, in hetero manly way
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