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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. oh jeeze, are you attempting logic again? Surprisingly you are right, but winners want to associate with winners. The President and SB champs are both winners. The Pres. does not have enough time to invite the other 31 teams to the White House. Conversely, The SB Winners don't give a damn about the losers of the election from the other parties. You think the Saints would meet up as a team to meet the Socialist Workers Party representatives of the '08 election? No, not all. The reason the SB champs go to the White House is because it is an honor. If you let your ego and political ideology get in the way, then you are a fool. That is Harrison in a nutshell. FWIW, Harrison didn't appear at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave after they won their previous Super Bowl during the GWB administration.
  2. how about using hockey helmets instead? How often do you see hockey players leading with their head towards another player?
  3. Hey guys, helmet to helmet hits happen even if you try to avoid them. After interviewing Booker Edgerson, it is apparent that older players tackled with better form, but even then concussions happened. The whole sentiment of being more reckless due to better equipment, may be valid and studies may have to be done. Here is one question I have to ask. Why don't more players have protective shells like Mark Kelso did? It just seems like common sense.
  4. he's gonna be waived, meaning that the Bills and 49ers get first crack to assume his contract. So I would not be against a 3 million dollar contract for a guy that is a former pro-bowl player at 26. If he does well you extend him, if he sucks, you let his contract expire at the end of the year. Simple, and is likely better than Kelsay
  5. Your's is the most sensible post of this thread. I'll make my amendments in bold. So, that is 35 I'd keep, 1 to the PS, probably two in Andre Anderson. I'd invite back to camp Howard, Urbik, Dwan, Torbor, Ayodele with intent on them playing for a team spot and hopefully playing up to the level or being beaten out by a better player. That leaves me cutting 11 people outright from this years 53: McCargo, Stroud, Ellison, Kelsay, Maybin, Green, Wrotto, Cary Harris, Corto, Martin, and Wang. May I also remind you that the Bills have Batten and Easley coming back next year to see if they develop at all/ recover from their injuries.
  6. some of Bruce's best seasons had Jeff Wright and Mike Lodish on the Nose
  7. really? I think he is one of the few pieces of the puzzle worth keeping. His play this season has surpassed his previous seasons. Of course, he is getting a ton of tackles because the guys in front of him can't do their jobs, but with an average safety, the Bills rush D would be even worse. The '06 draft was a decent draft as it did produce whitner, williams, butler, and ellison. While Ellison is not a true starter, he has been servicable. However, you can't fault Marv for a player retiring prematurely to become a politician (Butler). Let's face it, Brad Butler was 20 times the lineman that Cornell Green is, and it shows by the amount of screwups Green commits compared to the rest of the line. The '07 and '08 drafts didn't pan out as well and they are a bigger part of why the team is in the straits that they are in. But some of this cannot be faulted on the scouting dept. as it is the job of the coaches to actually develop these talents. Must I remind you that pre-concussion Trent Edwards looked like a legit NFL QB. Had Dick and co. actually did their jobs as coaches during the camps and practices more players would have developed as opposed to having some aversion to contact and the weight room.
  8. you have to be on quaaludes to think that Deion Branch is half the weapon that Moss.
  9. i call bull on that one. and if it is true, it justifies kelsay never getting the extension in the first place
  10. Enjoy and spot yourself here. the full video along with the full booker edgerson interview will be released during the bye week
  11. considering the run defense was this bad last year, there is no need for a defense to have the same inconsistency that we have afforded to the offense the last decade
  12. this is a situation that the NFL just has all wrong... The teams and the NFL make ridiculous amounts of money from the television contracts. While the Bills can make about $35 million/year on ticket (with most teams earning potential right in that vicinity except Dallas, Washington, NY, and NE), they generate the majority of their revenue through the NFL television contracts just like every other team as it pays each team ~ $125 million/year. Since the majority of the NFL revenue comes from allowing fans to watch the games, it would only be sensible to not black out any local broadcast. In addition, for those fans with Sunday Ticket, they already are paying extra to watch the NFL games of choice; it just seems criminal to restrict their choice due to where they live. Furthermore, with the average price of a ticket in the NFL worth $76 in a down economy, it should come as no surprise that people aren't willing to pay for a product full of grown men that cry at the officials like children who lost their pacifiers. If you have the average family of 4, one game day experience is worth approximately: $300 (4 tickets) $15 (4 hot dogs) $5(program) $20(parking) $60(apparel: 4 ball caps) = $400 for one game. That is more than a weeks salary for a minimum wage worker. For many middle class workers that is still half of a weekly paycheck, for a regressively less fan friendly experience due to NFL sanctions that take the fun from tailgating and the game itself. In summation, the owners and Goodell, like the commisioners before him, are killing the golden goose. By mandating full stadiums in all 32 football markets (along with restrictions of how many games a market can watch), they are killing viewership of all of their games. With overinflated prices to watch the game live, it forces fans away from the games. In both cases, there are less people watching the game, thus killing their own market. /rant
  13. Guys, it is too soo for Wang to be starting. He was a fish out of water early on in camp. Seriously, form-wise, he looked worse in his stance and exploding out of it than some high school tackles I have seen this fall. He is a project in my opinion.
  14. generally a formality that the Colts are doing for a local college star, like the Bills have done for Syracuse and UB grads.
  15. this... lol to simon, i'm in agreement with you. Anyone outside of the OP should have seen this coming as soon as Spiller was drafted. The most laughable thing is that the Bills are even mentioned for a move over the Jags or Chargers who can't sell out their stadiums when they are good.
  16. exactly, he got cut from buffalo because he didn't have his crap together, not that he was a bad player. Marv and Polian did him a favor by letting him go and it served as a wakeup call
  17. in this defense, it seems like williams is the only one that is able to get any penetration they need to blitz more often up the middle imo to stop the run. also, the receivers can't catch.
  18. I'm sorry, but the NFL is trying to take fans away from the game. From the penalization of reasonable celebrations, to the overprotection of players where you can't even breathe on certain QB's, to owners being allowed to gouge the fans, to NFL forcing sell-outs in a bad economy to prevent blackouts, the NFL is making the game hard to afford and hard to watch. Football is supposed to be a fun and violent game. Let the players celebrate. Let the players kill each other on the field. It is more entertaining when you see a QB getting crushed into the ground without the player worrying about his grazing the helmet for a 15 yard penalty. With owners raising prices, it is pricing the blue collar fan out of the game. So a lot of teams have undeserving fans with big pocketbooks for luxury suites, which takes up space for a few thousand seats. Meanwhile if they are enough people in a market to fan for the obscene prices to watch a game, the fans lose out by not being able to watch the game. The logic here baffles me as the NFL makes MOST of its money via TV revenue.
  19. yeah i am eating my words. But I am not Jerry Sullivan, and will admit my own faults and flaws. I might just wear the Trentative jersey for the next show.
  20. yeah i got to interview a living legend Booker Edgerson right before he gets inducted into the Wall of Fame this weekend. Booker was very kind to let us conduct this interview from his house. He is definitely a class act. -Justin
  21. Ok in this thread, you have the predictable Bill talking about his annual shitfit he had draft after draft of 1st round DB's (rightly so). You have numerous people with their panties in a bunch because the D got torched by Tom Brady who has been doing the same thing for the past decade to a lot of other teams besides the Bills. The few voices of reason are getting shut down by the loonies here. and JSP made a good post just to get some poor treatment. Fact of the matter is that Cindy Brady hardly had a hand touched upon her, save the one Kyle Williams sack. When your best pass rush is coming from your nose tackle, your pass rush is not getting it done. George Edwards was content with dropping 7or 8 into coverage and letting Brady pick that apart as opposed to a 5-6 man rush and having Brady beat the blitz. For you guys that want to criticize Whitner for his play today, you should be criticizing Florence before him as Brady picked on him over the other DB's. That said, those who want Scott over Whitner. Scott was covering TE's because Kelsay couldn't keep up and the corners were too weak. You may also want to consider that a Strong Safety's job is more involved in covering underneath and run support in a 3-4, and Donte does lead the team in tackles. A Free Safety is supposed to hang back and play center field and allow the Strong Safety to be the punisher. While I would agree that it was not the best pick in the draft, Whitner has not done bad by the Bills and is still getting better. So to call him a bust is just showing that you have to B word about something. Frankly I propose that the Bills just forfeit every first round pick so you guys can never B word about anything ever again EVER. What kills me, when I sort through the drivel that gets spewed on this board is that you guys can't be ever be content with watching the process and development of a player. It quickly goes from "I hope he's good" to "He sucks after 2 starts, let's get rid of him." With the perpetual rebuilding of this franchise, what hampers the Bills the most is the lack of development of players especially when they get lambasted by Jerry Sullivan and the fans to the point where I could understand why these players would want out. So in closing, don't be criticizing one of the few players on the team that is busting his ass all over the field. You guys will whine when he is starring somewhere else. See Williams, Winfield, Leonhard, Bannan, Morris, McBadknee, Greer, etc....
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