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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Tony Hunter? That said, I would love if the Bills picked Casey Mathews. I think he will be another successful player in his family's bloodline.
  2. That is like saying that "we have too slow of a team, we need more black players." Though, it is statistically true that the vast majority of world class sprinters are black, this statement almost got a college football coach (Fisher DeBerry) canned a few years back.
  3. apparently our fearless leader has stopped drinking the kool-aid and switched to sambuca.
  4. To be fair Stealth, most inside backers are not asked to cover TE's or WR's like the Bills have had Poz do as Kelsay couldn't cover a tombstone. Most often, an Inside Backer is asked to cover a fullback or tailback, or to spy or blitz. I will say that Poz is an adequate player on an otherwise lackluster unit. Before the Bills can consider shipping him off, they need upgrades over Kelsay, Torbor, and Ayodele. Furthermore, they need to find somebody better than an aging Stroud to man the DE spot.
  5. To the rest of the geniuses of this thread. This is a crap discussion as a limited number option QB's can make the transition to the NFL. If you look at the option or running QB's of college that are pro QB's you'd have Pat White, Ron Mexico, Brad Smith (kinda, he is a slash player), Jesus Tebow, Troy Smith, and maybe a couple more. Considering there are ~96 QB's in the NFL, I was only able to list 5 and one of them is techically a receiver. So let's just assume that there is 5 running college QB's that are pro QBs and 90 pocket to semi-mobile QB's. That is a 1:18 ratio of running QB's to pocket QB's. So for a ratio of 1:11 for playoff QB's to exist, that is an expected result. If you have 4 or 5 running QB's in the playoffs, then you could expect to see more Cam Newton's being drafted in round 1.
  6. Holy Crap. This thread has some pure stupidity being thrown around. Our secondary looks like crap in general this year when the only consistent pass rusher that brings anything near pressure is Kyle Williams. Whitner has had two main responsibilities on this D: make the tackles that the LB's aren't getting and cover for everyone elses mistakes. Strong Safeties generally don't get many picks. On the Bills this year, it took the secondary as a whole at least 6 games just to get one. So, while you are whining that Whitner is not a turnover generating machine, nobody else on the D has been either. Is Whitner the superstar that the Bills were hoping for at the 8th pick? Is he worth Polamalu type money? No and no. However he has been one of the more consistent players on a crappy defense. He has done enough to earn around where the Bills have offered him and nothing more. If a lockout does occur the Bills may actually get him back with RFA rules, which is more of a certainty for Poz. That said, Whitner is a solid player, not a superstar, and not the epic John McCargo/ Aaron Maybin style bust that people lead us to believe.
  7. I agree with this all the way. I am a former D3 track athlete, where I was an RA for 5 semesters and worked for the grounds dept. for a large chunk for my time as well. I dedicated when healthy 5 days a week at least 2.5 hours of practice time another 2 hours a day of weight lifting for 5 days a week, and had a track/XC meet almost every Saturday that ate up roughly 12hrs depending on the meet. So on an average week, I gave over 30 hours a week to track. Since I was dirt poor, with no family support I put at least 10 more hours/ week into a job, just so I could make ends meet. Now, if I found out that my university was making thousands of dollars of me, while only compensating me a meal allowance of $12/day for each travel day, I'd be inclined to take advantage of any benefit that was thrown my way. To parallel that over to a D1 football player on full-scholarship: They receive ~ $25,000/year for an education, and the university at least earns $8 million/year (courtesy of a report from the Orlando Sentinel). So that means with 85 scholarships, each program has at least 5.875 million to spend on coaching, facilities, and administration. We know that many coaching positions are less lucrative than what Ralph Wilson pays Chan, so it is safe to say that every program brings in some profit. That $8 million was from Lousiana- Monroe, which is a creampuff of a program. If were to use Notre Dame or Alabama, where they conceivably are bringing in at least $70 million/year. That would leave roughly 67 million dollars for program to play around with. So the big time athletes see a share of about 5% of revenue, which I can understand getting comped for a tattoo when you are probably gonna be late round draft pick with slim odds of becoming a star player. If the players were given a flat rate stipend of another 5% of revenue, you probably wouldn't have as many problems with the players getting "extra benefits" while the NCAA makes billions each year. FWIW, I do not support the pro's trying to get even more revenue, but the college kids deserve a slightly bigger piece of the pie than what they are getting. Just my $.02
  8. at a state championship level? are you kidding me? Jesus H. Christ that is one group of kids I'd be pissed at on the D-line.
  9. do you really want dorkula to say anything? by the way mead, I think half of your 9,000 posts have come from this thread. Just a friendly reminder peeps to hook up mead with wine. You can mail it to: Mead107 c/o Justin Zane 25 Some Street Depew, NY 14043
  10. I was about to say how much of a shame that the American side of Niagara Falls looked better back then from what I saw of the photos.
  11. lol figured I'd be that guy to mess with you there
  12. Tampa probably wouldn't as Freeman has looked good for a 2nd year QB. Better than Sanchez imo. That said, starrymessanger who is "Rob Woodson" ? And tgreg, do you have writer's block and are you taking it out on us? I am surprised that you consider Fitzgibbons inadequate for next year, while we still have no rush outside of Kyle Willams.
  13. yes... even suicide might be a better option than listening to WGR:bag: I know with the board's history that this post is a bit on the sensitive side; however, I'd rather have a parking cone shoved up my rectum than listen to Schopp and Bulldong
  14. He really didn't stick out much. Wood did a hard day's work and Wrotto and Howard followed Wood's lead. Jesus, even when I don't try to make a dick joke, I make a dick joke.
  15. i also disagree with the OP. When you go job hunting, you don't apply at just one place. Instead, you apply at 30,40, 50 or even more places. If you get interviews from multiple companies, you must take into account: salary, benefits, workplace environment, location, promotion possibilities, and supervisor. For Lee, he did just that. He didn't go on ESPN for a one hour special to shun his hometown, he didn't collude with other free agents to land in the same ****ty city, and didn't sell out to the highest bidder. He took a very reasonable approach to earn a "fair" salary for his talents and have another chance at a World Series. I also agree that athletes are paid too much, which in turn is why our ticket prices are insane.
  16. ok Kluwe was not defenseless. He was running down the field in pursuit of the return. That is NOT defenseless. Ganther hit the guy well after he started running in pursuit. The whistle had not blown and it was not a block in the back. Was he out of the play? sure. Could he have become a factor in the play if he wasn't blocked? absolutely. The NFL does way too much to protect the players on the field, except forcing them to have better better helmets. The players of the past, minus Chris Collinsworth and any ex-QB, have to shutter at the thought of the excessive nature of penalization and fines for hits that are either unpreventable or because of some new made up BS rule.
  17. Guys, I do ask that you don't post the link on the site. The NFL does monitor forums, specifically for that reason on Sundays. They then proceed to have those feeds shut off which screws everyone. Besides it probably gives Scott and co. some unwanted attention. So, what I do ask is that you PM people the link to the game instead of leaving it out there for everyone to grab. Sincerely, someone who depises the blackout rule's lack of logic.
  18. what? jealousy of having a pseudo-gay princess for a QB who's success is directly related to his franchise's covert attempts to steal the opposition's signals, playbook, audio feed and gameplan? I'm sorry, I'd rather lose with RJ, TE, JP, or ICE as my QB than have a series of tainted championships.
  19. this plus the pass interference non call where Evans got hit before the ball got to him which forced a punt. The one where they called McKelvin, Berrian ran into him with his shoulder and then McKelvin grabbed back. That should have been a double foul or no foul. Sidney Rice clearly interfered with McKelvin on the double catch touchdown. I do have to ask, in a double-catch situation, if either player is down isn't the play dead at that spot? I only ask because McKelvin was down with double possession at the 1.
  20. I'm no apologist of McKelvin and he didn't have a great game but 1. Most of the 100 yards are on 1 play, and most CB's have a game like that in their career, even Darrell Green and Charles Woodson have 2. That TD catch was offensive interference, and he still came down with it. Great coverage, bad break that the receiver also had possession. 3. I think you are referring to the one where Berrian shoulder checked him and he grabbed his arm back. That should have been a no call or a double call. 4. No argument there 5. Again no argument there, though Spiller did no better. The Vikes picked on him but if he comes down with that pick instead of being interfered with and sharing possession, the game is a whole different view. His lack of experience needs to be changed over to PT as he needs to develop mentally. He is physically gifted but needs to translate that to the field. With McGee hurt and the season lost, they should focus on getting Spiller, McLovin, and Maybin more PT.
  21. Gotta love that kid, I hope he and KW keep destroying the middle of the field for years to come
  22. I'm sorry, I think that the Raiders of the early 2000's were more of a byproduct of the "clear", which we all know that Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi were receiving from Balco. On that team, you had the core of the team well over 30 or old for the position in the 02 season. The following players were old and key members of that team: Jerry Rice, Gannon, Rod Woodson, Tim Brown, Bill Romanowski (known user), Trace Armstrong, Licoln Kennedy, John Parella, and Charlie Garner. That is a sizeable amount of their team. You can't ignore the mental issues of Barret Robbins that arose the week of the Super Bowl as well. In addition, a lot of their good young talent had quick descents and short careers (Jerry Porter, Phillip Buchanon, Derrick Gibson, and Rod Coleman). I really think that Gannon was on the juice with a large portion of that team. So, I hope that Fitz is not emulating Gannon.
  23. Nanker your math sucks. 33:42= 2022 seconds 30:00=1800 seconds (the theoretical average if no team ever played OT) 2022/1800= 1.123, meaning 12% above average. you could have looked at as 33 is 10% more than 30 and 36 is 20% more than 30. Before you spew anything about math, make sure it is correct. signed, a math teacher
  24. surprised nobody else posted this. I thought of when I saw "great white buffalo"
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