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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Brad Daluiso when Norwood was the kicker. He had a rocket for a leg, and as soon as the Bills got Christie, he went to the Giants and a few other teams, but lacked the accuracy to be a good field goal kicker.
  2. Somebody should inform AP of the actual modern slavery that does occur in sweatshops for debt bondage, or the sex slaves over in Southeast Asia. These people are worked to the bone. He gets millions of dollars and is considered in the richest 1% of the country where he can hire an accountant to get him tax breaks. If he is a slave, then what do you call us, the working class, beneath him?
  3. As somebody who is months away from finishing my second degree in math, I have to say that you guys are correct. The Nielsens have too small of a sample size to accurately speak for the American population. The way they estimate viewership of American Idol, Super Bowls and other largely viewed programs is insane, doesn't take into account the majority of internet viewers and has an impact on who gets what advertising money. That all said, with aproximate 114 million households in America and only 25,000 (0.02% of American households) Nielsen households, you turning off your TV is probably insignificant to Ralphy, Jerry Jones, Goodell and co. For you to convince enough people to turn off their TV's to make a difference, you would need to convince 4560 households to turn off their TV's for one household on average to reflect in Nielsen ratings. So good luck with that one.
  4. I wouldn't mind having him back for not much more than the vet min at an inside backer spot as I think he has the strength and doesn't have the first step to be a Will back. Just my $.02
  5. Dude, it is broke. While I do not agree that the extra bye should be in place for $ reasons, one cannot argue about the toll 16 games takes on a body in a 17 week span. To efficiently keep players healthier, better trained, and showcase more teams on national television the NFL can do one of two things: More byes and adapt IR rules to not permanently knock out a guy for the season for an infected hangnail, OR less games, and on different days of the week. We know which one the owners would pick. While bye weeks are slow for the fans, it does a great service to the players as the body recharges a bit with the time off. That said, I think players should have approximately one bye for every 5 weeks of football aka 3 byes in the current set up and 4 if they wanted 18-20 games. The beauty of this is that it extends the season, and you will have more quality games as less players go on IR. If they wanted an 18 game season with adequate # byes, we would have 6 months of football
  6. This, and he should have had that house paid for outright after getting a $31 million signing bonus. Add this to the list of reasons why there should be a rookie cap.
  7. Let's go back to last year: Kyle Williams is only a 4-3 tackle, why can't Bills fans get this?
  8. +1 http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/251912/you-took-my-girl-and-my-job
  9. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=335875473006 Simply put, we can not forget about this travesty as he deserves to be booed non-stop in any American city that he may ever be in on February 28th (or ever for all I care)
  10. No, but the states are subsidizing it. Furthermore, you are right that they need to kill all the loopholes on corporations and the wealthy. FWIW, Obama wanted to raise taxes on the wealthy and failed to do so. Like most of his goals, the Dems are only will to fight for half of it.
  11. can we create some article on there about you and then link it here then
  12. I am banking that there is some major revisionist history here with some of you guys: Here are my opinions of the first round or first picks of the last 10 years based on my perceived value of the players vs. the needs of the team Loved- Fat Mike, Wood, Liked-Clements, Losman, Thugshawn, Meh- McCargo, McLovin, Hated- Roscoe, McBadknee, Whitner, Maybin, Spiller With Revisionst history, this is what I think of the picks now based on performance as a pro, with consideration to their draft position: Loved- Wood, Clements (always good for a pick or two against Miami) Liked- Meh- Roscoe, McLovin, Whitner, Thugshawn, Fat Mike, Losman Hated- Spiller, Maybin Frankly, the Bills have done a poor job developing talent as much as they have done a poor job drafting. Losman did have a lot of talent, regressed under Jauron, Edwards had a decent amount of talent and regressed under Jauron. Fat Mike needed a better support system what was provided by Williams staff. Thugshawn needed a coach that was going to kick his ass if he !@#$ed up off the field. McCargo showed flashes of potential while never got out of the doghouse. Whitner had the misfortune of being drafted so high for a system that didn't really fit his strengths. Roscoe showed what he could do as a slot, when not in the dog house. The only picks that I really scratch my head about are McBadknee which required a year of rehab and we already had a proficient back in henry, Maybin cuz he was is weak and sucks more than Richard Simmons at a Backstreet Boys Concert, and Spiller as we had two proficient backs in Thugshawn and Fred.
  13. That's just it, the NFL league office is full of wusses if every Super Bowl is to be played in a sterile environment. Would Janet Jackson's mega-booby have made an appearance if the Super Bowl was at the Ralph or Lambeau? Hell no. The fact that the NFL discriminates against northern teams and derprives them of hosting a championship is downright wrong. It is the only professional league that does such a thing. Frankly, NFL owners should take the lead from European soccer stadiums where the put a roof over the fans and leave the field open to the elements. Just think of a more open version of the old Cowboys Stadium where the players can still play in a rain, sleet, snow and cold. This would be the ideal for a new Bills stadium imo,
  14. why not put in the Metro-stadium, or the Ralph since they are just of big of dumps as Candlestick? Besides, the weather would be more appropriate. You know blizzard with a chance of wardrobe malfunction.
  15. joe how is this any different than drafting Spiller last year? None of those players are in positions that are pressing needs. If we can'tget fairley or miller, than I'd consider those players, but at #3 chances are that Miller is the best players at a really big need area. I grant you AJ Green will a phenomenal player when he hits his stride in the pros, but if we draft him, then we are probably booting a serviceable player like Lee Evans or Donald Jones on the streets while keeping a Maybin or a Kelsay on the roster or starting This team is bad enough that you must draft for need and not BPA.
  16. BADOL, you do realize that he meant Marv the genius coach, and not Marv the geriatric GM?
  17. Really? I wrestled at 152 and at 160 my sophomore and junior years. My sophomore year I wrestled 3 different girls, two in exhibition and one in competition. The one girl had me by 20lbs and beat me straight up, but it taught me three things: how to deal with the embarrassment of losing to a girl (prepares you for long term relationships and marriage), that I'd never want to date a girl that outweighs me, and that when you are on the mat you take the opponent seriously, otherwise they will kick your ass. That girl that I lost to was sectionally ranked and very technical at 171. The other girls I faced were not as good, and I didn't mind walking off the mat a winner with a chub. My junior year, I wrestled another girl in exhibition, and scored a date with the girl afterwards 8-). Also, it is a high school match, mono e mono. Gender really doesn't matter, all that matters is can you fight. So, I agree with JT6P that you win and get razzed for beating a girl, but you still win and move on in the state tournament. You lose, and you take a razzing, but you move on in life, or you can toy with the girl, get her # and make the most of the situation in a few ways. I have many grievances with the way Title IX is applied, but if a girl wants to fight boys, she should be allowed to kick their asses or get her ass kicked. We can't protect any kid's feelings because in life you will not have such protection. Hell, I have coached female pole vaulters and sprinters that are better than most of the boys. I'm not gonna tell the girls that they have to practice separately to spare the boys' feelings. It's as simple as that. Stop contributing to the wussification of the country and let the kids play. /rant after typing a 15 page paper
  18. yes i did, for track in the early 2000's, being from a dirt poor family and mostly being marginal talent forced to me go DIII in track as I wouldn't have been able to afford what the scholarship wouldn't cover (most NCAA D-1 sports offer partial scholarships). The facilities are much nicer than high school facilities and some of the visits you get to see the craziest sides of college. That said, even as a D-III athlete, I gave up 4 hours/day minimum for working out. Now I know my D-III school didn't make squat off of me, but had I run at a D-I school where the athletics program generates a ton, I'd be disappointed that I was getting no extra compensation beyond a partial scholarship (for track girls have 18 scholarships, guys have 12. Thanks misinterpretation of title 9). For football, the program makes a minimum of $100,000/year (poorest program) per player in revenue with the richest programs earning close to $1million/player and depending on the school the kid gets $20-50k in scholarship $. So i think that you can justify paying the players something more as it essentially slave labor otherwise. These kids give up 40 hours/week in labor and may earn $20/hour while generating millions for a university. That seems unfair at the least.
  19. Exactly, plus if they got rid of the arcane blackout rule, they'd make $ off of advertising. The NFL loses big amounts of $ by blacking out games. So, for them to get their share of the online market, they should offer a more fan friendly service in a down economy. That said, myp2p.eu is still up. I question how this hurts anyone other than stockholder's profits. Even then a "pirated" feed is still showing the advertisements that the NFL wants to be shown. This is completely illogical, imo. Furthermore, it makes no sense at all why DHS is doing this and not FBI or some internal intelligence agency.
  20. http://www.nfljerseyssupply.org/nfl-jerseys/2011-pro-bowl/2011-pro-bowl-buffalo-bills-kyle-williams-95-authentic-afc-jersey Though it says Authentic, chances are it is either a replica or a cheap chinese knock off...Your best bet if you want an official jersey is to call the Bills store.
  21. I still wish we had Lauvale Sape, he just needed a little more time to develop.
  22. As a Bills fan, how the hell do Miami and New England* not top your list with the Jets and Colts running a distant 3rd and 4th?
  23. Are you sure? Because it is not Hiloti Ngati, it is Hiloti Ngata. If you are going to insist that you are right, make sure you are right.
  24. dude? really? Tell this to Jets fans who refused to buy every seat with a PSL, or to Cowboys fans, or to Yankees fans. Some owners have gotten too greedy. Bills tickets are reasonable in comparison to the Redskins or Cowboys, but the purpose of going to a game is to enjoy watching men play a gamefor a price that won't send you to the poor house. The Redskins don't have blue collar fans anymore because Snyder priced them out, and give it time where his greed will lead to a string of non-sellouts.
  25. was posted the other day http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/126212-kyle-williams-on-peter-kings-all-pro-team/page__p__2089972__hl__%2Bpeter+%2Bking__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=2089972
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