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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. my big gripe was that some dope was suggesting trading the #3 pick for him, which is insane. I wouldn't be against giving up a 2nd or a 3rd especially since Elway has stated that he has a lack of confidence in him. That said, he has more game experience than RJ when we traded for him
  2. First off, no. Secondly, you can't trade players or future picks if the NFL is in lockout mode. yes they do.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/embed/N24fVEJyQKM My favorite line : "I got hepatitis C from horse, but no confusion, it wasn't from the sex, it was a blood transfusion"
  4. point is kinda moot this year as you cannot trade players during the lockout
  5. I think that Fitzy has a Rich Gannon-esqu quality to him that may serve the Bills well. If you look at how most good franchises are built, they are built in the trenches first. When Trent Dilfer, Mark Rypien, Brad Johnson, Jim Plunkett, Terry Bradshaw, and Earl Morrall all have Super Bowl wins as primary starters, it shows how important the lines are, and how a franchise QB isn't always necessary. This point is further enhanced by backups Doug Williams and Jeff Hostetler also winning Super Bowls behind great lines, with good running games and great defenses. That said, I see the Bills needs long-term and now as one of the same: Rush-backer WILB LDE RT TE #2 WR
  6. Guys because a writer knocks the Bills and his name isn't Jerry Sullivan, it doesn't mean he isn't right. The Bills completely mismanaged Losman and Edwards. Losman was given the starting job instead of taking it from Bledsoe, and anytime he struggled they didn't stick with him, instead they benched him for Kelly Holcomb. Edwards was a good prospect that Dick jauron's conservative nature ruined.
  7. I think Butler drafted Brees and Rivers was drafted by AJ Smith, but i'm not positive on this
  8. I know you agreed to the point, but I really feel the analogy was appropriate from KD.
  9. I disagree with this part. If you sleep with your underage neighbor, you are likely going to know that she is underage. Hence an admission of guilt should follow. If you do not know the age of your neighbor, chances are you know if she still attends high school, which should be a big "jailbait" sign. That said, KD is right that the underage prostitute is less likely to be seen as the victim, as most johns probably do not card a hooker and the fact that the pimp probably is one more at fault in this situation.
  10. jesus, i understand how easily one cross the line of appropriateness when working with juniors and seniors as they look much closer to adults than an 8th grader does. This is much tougher when you are in your early to mid 20's. However, the vast majority know when to stop crossing the line well before it gets to this, and they learn how to be professional. For a 37 year old woman, it is pretty obvious that she couldn't distinguish this line for herself, and will serve some time now.
  11. well he would stand out on the practice field as he would have the brightest ginger hair in the NFL. That said, from what I have seen of him, I wouldn't mind taking him in 3rd round or later. BTW, using the "Patriots brought him in" line is pretty worthless, as I'm sure the Pats* bring in a zillion players that never practice for them.
  12. To clear up some of the misconceptions being tossed around: 1. You can not trade compensatory picks. 2. They are awarded based on value of Free Agents lost vs. Free Agent signed. 3. If the committee that awards these picks feels that they have done enough compensating and haven't awarded 32 picks, the remaining picks are given out according to draft order at the end of the 7th round. For example, the committed awards 29 compensatory picks to teams, the remaining three picks this year would go to Carolina, Denver, Buffalo. Which means Buffalo would draft Mr. Irrelevant.
  13. you are right LT should have been charged with the soliciting an illegal prostitute, but I think the pimp is the bigger problem in this case and deserves stricter punishments. If it came out that LT was specifically looking for an underage hooker, then I think he should have received the same punishments as the pimp.
  14. then keeping trading their other picks so they end up with 6 first rounders.
  15. boyst you are posting some very uninformed stuff up here. Cost is relative to what one makes. I know Tgreg is a starving writer in Hollywood where he is still feeling the effects of the strike a few years ago. Hell I am a grad student too old to be on a parents plan, not employed full-time recent enough to be covered via work or Cobra, and too broke to afford it myself without taking out more loans. You are fortunate to be able to be on a lower cost health plan, but it is not the same around the country. I had to pay more when I was full-time in Atlanta with high deductibles. That said, it is also uninformed to be talking about Roddy White's kids. http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2011/jan/15/thanks-mom/
  16. I agree that preseason is important to the players. The problem for the fans is obvious as no fan should pay full price for a glorified scrimmage.
  17. I read that post out of context to your others. You think AP is a tool. I disagree with your comparison of poor to my "whiny american ass". I have been homeless, scraping for food, and hoping for better days while knowing that my immediate wouldn't be there to help. You have no idea what I had to go through just to get a college education. I took the hardest road possible to get funding for school as my parents contributed nothing. In my freshman year, my dad went to prison and I was thrown out of my mother's house for standing up for myself. I was fortunate enough that the gov't was willing to give more loan $ for me to cover more of the expenses. That also didn't help me out over summers, especially that first summer as I had no functioning vehicle and no home to go to. I had to live exclusively off of ramen for 6 weeks and in the broken down car for 2 weeks as I scraped up enough cash from working a minimum wage job to get a 60sq ft studio. At the end of my collegiate experience, I'll have a masters degree, a large amount of debt, and no ill will towards those have more (in general).
  18. As someone who is part-time employed for two jobs, volunteers for another job, and is in the process of finishing off my masters this summer. You really need to shut up and quit while you are buried two feet deep instead of six. As someone who was homeless for a short time, did I envy those with more? Of course, but I did understand that I can work my way into a better situation. Sure, everyone has parts of their job that they hate, but I doubt the vast majority would compare their job to slavery. That is what is so offensive to everyone in regards to the AP situation. I will say with my under $10k/year income, my $75k in student loan debt, and the small prospects of finding a local job in my chosen field that I am driven to make the most of life to have what the majority of the middle class does. I am sickened that an athleticly gifted overpaid prima donna has the balls to compare his job to slavery when he can do what Ricky Williams did and quit to smoke pot all over the world. I find it disgusting that you defend him as well, comparing the middle class's benefits to a millionaires.
  19. I agree with you there for the most part. There is the overemphasis on having $ and bragging about it that rubs me the wrong way as well. +1. You don't see too many guys embracing Buffalo like this, so what's the big deal? The only real questionable activity is that they were playing dice. For those who say that rap has been the same for the past 30 years, they are ignorant of the genre. What Run DMC and the Beasties were doing in the 80's is much different than Snoop, Biggie, and Tupac did in the early 90's, which is considerably different than Outkast and Mos Def. It took Eminem to bring a lot of the rappers to a point of higher visability, and have 50 Cent ride on his coattails. The autotune heavy mid-late 00's was the most materialistic bastardization of music in my opinion, and allowed T-pain to get hit songs. One can easily say that rock and pop changed since the days of the beatles and michael jackson respectively as well.
  20. sh... the literacy rate of the members of the board is lower than that of Sarah Palin's twitter followers. what that article doesn't say and may be implied is that you can hit a QB in the head when he's not throwing ... Get'er done Poz, take out Brady "
  21. really? Come on, because certain tribes were fierce, especially in the northeast where the Redskins franchise originates from, I see no problem calling a team by that name. If they were called the Featherhead arrowshooters, or worshippers of the moon or some crap like that, you may have a point. You sound like a PETA freak who whines about teams being named after animals. I see no problem with most names as they are meant to be fierce and in honor of a group of people or animals. You don't see pissed off Norseman whining about Minnesota, you don't see leprechauns with a pot of gold next to touchdown Jesus with picket signs, and you don't see irate sailors protesting in the Black Hole. The only thing that ever should be done to a team name is this: http://www.youtube.com/embed/xQmsBEpDoAg !@#$ You Dolphin!!!!
  22. IF Panthers take Newton...what do the Bills do? PARTAY!!!!!
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