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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. As a former D-III athlete, I would have killed to have received any compensation (beyond meal money, lodging for competitions, and busing) at all for all of the blood and sweat I spilled. That said, I got to travel up and down the eastern seaboard competing against some very high level athletes including a couple Olympians.That is a set of bragging rights along with my 5 years of education for my bachelors (155 credits) that I earned in that experience. Sure I am 40 grand in debt for that alone and another 30 for two years of masters classes, but being able to do what I did is something that no one will ever take from me.
  2. You at least put together two sentences in a coherent logical way, as opposed to the OP who really needs to learn web etiquette, and possibly have his meds reassessed. Using your analogy, the NFL and players are those teenagers of a parent who doesn't give a crap as long as their baby shows production in the classroom. The parent wants them to be productive citizens, but doesn't care about how dysfunctional they are or how dysfunctional the sibling rivalry is. This parent is very indicative of American society as these kids come into the schools which I have taught without manners or life skills, and the parents expect us to do part of their job as well. [tangent] For those who knock public schools, most of the issues that are present in the schools are problems that carry over from home (lack of disciprine, not knowing how to behave, and lack of accountability and responsibility). The Buffalo schools biggest problem is that the kids don't show up. You have to hold the parents accountable in this case as much as the genius that is the superintendent. [/tangent]
  3. You aren't coming off as a genius with a handle of TO for President. Rather you come off as a troll trying to piss in our Cheerios when we actually have something exciting going on as Bills fans.
  4. that's awesome there. to your other post, would Odoms, Wolford, or Metzalaars get any consideration?
  5. with the way the bills go through offensive lineman in the last few years, chances are probable that if you are on the team, you will get a start. So to put it this way, let's say Pears is the week one starter his chance would be 100%, now the chance of him breaking or failing is, say, 55%. That would mean that his backup has a 55% chance of starting as well. So that would be 155% for just those two. The fact that Astro's numbers were so high at this point of the year signifies the variability of options at the Bills disposal.
  6. Nice list you guys put together Ken. To everyone, what Bills players from the SB era will make into the Hall of VG, but never be in the Hall of Fame? I would guess Tasker.
  7. So no Wang for the Bills? (halfway serious question) I would love if they could incorporate a Wang, Levitre, Wood lineup.
  8. The whole concept of the blackout is so flawed in nature and harms struggling teams more than anything. All teams get a chunk of the television revenue regardless of the stadiums being full or not. This television revenue is considerably higher than stadium revenue. Furthermore, the disparity in team income comes from the luxury boxes and merchandising. Since the TV revenue generates almost 3x as the non-suite revenue, one can argue that it does more harm to black out a local market from its team as it causes resentment amongst the local fan base. In addition, I am surprised that the networks or affiliates haven't challenged this in court as it can cost them immensely in advertising revenue by preventing them from broadcasting a program that they have purchased the contractual obligations to show. In other words, the blackout rule is so unfair to everyone, and inhibits the growth of the game. It needs to be scrapped or revised severely.
  9. I still criticize the NFL for letting both teams leave in the same offseason...err... Al Davis for telling the NFL to screw off, and moving the Raiduhs back to Jokeland after the Lambs were approved to move to STL. Because of this the NFL went from having 2 teams in a population center of 12 million to having 2 teams (SF, JOAK) in a population center of 4 million. Furthermore, the Raiduhs have hinted at moving back to LA as they are having trouble getting a new stadium to replace their current stadium. If any team should be in LA, it should have been Davis and the Raiders all along.
  10. So you are not comfortable with Wang and his development? I can't wait to see how Wang grows into a player. Hopefully Wang will become a hardened behemoth at RT.
  11. Guys, just imagine how Buffalo would react when the Bills or Sabres finally win one. Safe bet that Downtown would be totally destroyed if the Sabres won one. Edit: Isn't half of Buffalo already destroyed?
  12. Three Days Grace- I hate everything about you Buckcherry- Crazy B word, and Lit Up I agree with KD that chicken dance, achy breaky heart, and macarena needed to banned long ago Fat Joe and Lil Wayne- Make It Rain (on dem hoes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_asu7n6QUc
  13. I agree with your points, despite your facts being slightly off and oversimplified. There are 8 positions on O (QB, FB, HB, TE, WR, C, G, T). I know I am splitting hairs on the distinction between HB+FB vs RB, but you can't forget center. Furthermore, each position on D is a bit more specialized than you are stating, for example a huge difference in responsbilities and what you look for in stats from an ILB vs OLB or FS vs SS. But discounting the fact that I split RB's up, it is still top per position, with no accounting for specialists like Devin Hester. I think that K Williams is a top 8 DT but you can't really say that about any other player on the team which should be no surprise for a team that went 4-12 last season
  14. Nucci, you are intelligent enough to know the politics that goes into the QB position as well. There are reasons why some QB's like Rich Gannon, Steve Young, Earl Morrall and Kurt Warner were cast offs turned MVP's. It is about the system your team runs, how well you fit it and what kind of support you have.The 4 QB's just mentioned were chewed up, released from their original teams and considered useless before receiving proper coaching and time to develop and learn the system. While JP did not thrive here (save the one season where he showed promise), one can argue that Bills fans and the Bills brass did him a disservice by destroying his confidence by demanding he be benched every time had a bad game. You have a guy that is supposed to be your guy and you should ride the roller coaster with him and let him learn to take his lumps. That said, I'd take him back as a back up as I think he is better than Levi Brown.
  15. this is one I think of, as he helped out Depew's Don Majkowski and Brett Farve out as a security net. When Shannon won his first SB ring with the Broncos, he gave it to Sterling. imo, Sterling should be in before Shannon.
  16. actually the trend over the past 30 years in corporate America has been to fire the unions move the jobs overseas to generate even higher profits. Elminating the union and all jobs to me is a significant change in a profit sharing agreement.
  17. first off welcome to the board (one week late), I think along the same lines as you here. One of the hits that got Harrison fined last year wasn't helmet to helmet, he hit an airborne receiver with his hands and laid him out, which I saw no problem with as he had no momentum compared to the receiver. I also agree that you can't take helmet to helmet out of the game as it happens inadvertantly with proper technique. The equipment needs to be improved more than the rules need to be changed. The only time the refs should flag a head to head hit is when is clearly intentional, which amounts to probably about 5% of the actual helmet to helmet collisons. RB's especially put themselves in harms way by lowering the shoulder to run over a defender. This is the most frequent helmet to helmet contact. If you want to revise the rules without putting all of the burden on the defense, this could be a step in that direction. For those who state that the old players didn't lead with their helmets, I call bull as this has been the case since the hard helmets were in place since the late 40's/early 50's (KRC probably could tell us). I do agree that form tackling has taken a back seat to the big hit, which when combined with bigger, faster, stronger players and medical advances has led to more awareness about the problem. This is like people saying that our education system used to be the best back in the day, but sucks now, when every international comparison in the last 70 years has shown the US to be average to slightly above average. Tangent aside, when I interviewed Booker Edgerson last year, he pointed out that the players in his day were much better tacklers and not as violent of hitters. Nonetheless, he did mention that guys would be "woozy" and pulled off the field when need be.
  18. It wasn't right for the NFL to let both the Rams and Raiders leave in the same year from the city. One of the teams, preferably the Raiders should have been forced to stay there. If Al Davis ever dies, the Raiders would probably be the ideal team to move there. Nonetheless, Miami is not a hardcore NFL town either, imo. I mean what group of self-respecting human beings would squeek like a dolphin for a cheer.
  19. How much more can the players let DeMaurice Smith ruin their situation? He clearly has let them adrift on iceberg heading towards the equator. Just wait until the players are gasping for breath and the NFL will have its way. That said, if the owners had listened to Ralph, instead of Jerrah and co. being greedy about getting a deal done so quickly to benefit themselves.
  20. A market that I would say that deserves consideration would be Miami. For being the 7th biggest market in the country, they routinely have empty seats. After halftime, a large portion of the fans leave the games. This dictates a low level of support, imo.
  21. I'm gonna say that Peterson has the most immediate value, but if you were to do this over a 10 year period. I would say AJ Green. He is easily the most talented collegiate receiver I have seen in person (over Calvin Johnson), and I think Cincy got a Jerry Rice/Randy Moss potential receiver with that pick.
  22. Blasphemy. There are much worse voices than him. Ashlee Simpson deserves all time recognition for a terrible voice. As for current artists Kesha is freaking awful and so is "Lady" Gaga, Britney Spears (whose new album sounds like seals being clubbed to house music), and Lil Wayne.
  23. I hope it is the coaching, after all he did spend his mid-20's in the purgatory of Pittsburgh. FWIW, the Pirates ownership may be the absolute worst in all of American Sports
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