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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Guys, a replay official can easily do this within a 40 second window 99% of the time. So, this should have little effect on the duration of the game. It's not like hockey games got eternally longer when they started doing this.
  2. This thread should be retitled "PDadDy argues with everyone over Shawn Merriman, AJ Smith, and the Chargers without looking at reality"
  3. i stand corrected on this one, but nonetheless my point remains that NYS does pawn off more financial responsiblity onto its county.
  4. shh, I have kids sleeping...
  5. really, joe? C'mon, no need to make this any more political than the topic already is. That said, the counties of New York actually carry a higher burden than counties in other states, as NYS requires the counties to cover a% of residents soical security, unemployment, and other entitlements. That explains some of the ridiculous budget, and the other part of it is that we have too many layers of corrupt government. However, that is hardly unique to NY as Hillsboro Co., FL according to the chart in the article has ~300,000 more people and spent ~$300million more in 09, and that is in a "red" state.
  6. I for one, was trying to discredit him as a person, as he has been unsuccessful at each of the jobs he has been at over the past 15+ years, to the point where he hasn't maintained long-term employment. Furthermore, I discredited him because it was baseless to say that a team is desperate because they took a flyer on a guy with injury history. That is like saying "my kid has a B average. I would love to see some A's, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to bring in a tutor." Your posts have been have nothing short what I would expect of a shill of Bucky Brooks, or Tila Tequila. Since Bucky is a mediocre writer at best, I would have to hazard to guess that you are Tila Tequila. Your handle is of a crappy rapper and frankly you produce crappy music as well.
  7. A desperate act is not one of taking a flyer on some guy on waivers and signing him to a low risk contract? It would be a desperate act if they offered him $10million/year with a large bonus. Thus Bucky should zip it, as he was more worried about getting Lucky Charms from Shredd and Reagan during rookie season. Wrong. When they list Pro Bowl seasons, it is for the year of the season. He did have 12.5 sacks off the juice and was named a Pro Bowler for that season. Even though the Pro Bowl itself is played in the next calendar year, he made the Pro Bowl for the 2007 season "steroid free".
  8. even though Senator beat me to it, The Bills drafting Bucky Brooks in the second round was an act of desperation. He was such a good receiver that he got converted to DB after being cut in his second training camp. If Bucky Brooks knew anything about desperation, he may have worked harder to be a good pro player as opposed to hammering on his former team in a crappy column. Bucky is a symbol of a bad John Butler pick along with the second rounder before him John Parella who revived his career after being waken up by being cut.
  9. http://espn.go.com/espn/greatestteam/index/_/teamId/6757688/vote-players-stars-2014-16-dream-team-tomorrow pretty retarded that ESPN lists Byrd as a strong safety
  10. dumb old lady who doesn't live on property sued becuase the construction would obstruct her view of the lake. She sued on environmental grounds when the proposed site was next to a coal power plant.
  11. After Giambra and Antoine Thompson, I don't know how that is possible. The town I live in is full of nepotism and cronyism, where my uncle had his 73 Chevelle sitting in the driveway for 10 years until the town said it had to be moved citing some variant of eminent domain. We can't have open flame fire pits, our garbage men routinely skip streets, and they allow shady deals of paper street properties to be sold and developed without asking consulting the people in that neighborhood. So, me thinks there is a ton of corruption to go around, and Niagara Co. is just a different brand of stojan to smell.
  12. I don't think anyone besides Kelsay's family and Ralph can be called a Kelsay lover. I think everyone on this board can agree with #1, but to his defense, he was respectable as a 4-3 DE last year. IIRC 3.0 of his 3.5 sacks came after the Bills switched to the hybrid 4-3 scheme at midseason.
  13. I was being exaggerative to being offended, but that said we are in agreement.
  14. That is a whole lot of wording for non-blind hatred. Football Outsiders actually graded whitner pretty decently against the pass as the ranked him highly for limiting YAC. That said, he has one of the weaker run support scores due to making tackles on average 8 yards down the field. This is in large part because he was about the most consistent run defender besides Kyle Williams and Dwan Edwards last year. I can agree with you that he was not the right pick, but he is far from the biggest problem on the team. As far as best players on the team I think he ranks in the mid teens, and I'd rather get rid of #52 and #53 and replace them with better talent. I would cut, McCargo as he has been utterly useless on to this regime, and I would probably get rid of the crappiest tight end on roster. EDIT from Football outsiders: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2011/best-and-worst-run-stop-rates-2010
  15. this. Also, I still don't understand the blind hatred thrown at Whitner. It wasn't his fault that Dick and Marv overreached to draft him. He is not a Polamalu, Reed, Berry, Sanders caliber player, but he also isn't Raion Hill, Keion Carpenter, Coy Wire, or Travares Tillman either. He is an average starter for an in the box scheme for a SS. He'll get a ton of tackles in run support, but he won't get you a ton of picks. It is what it is.
  16. ok here are the facts as I can't bring myself to ever reply direct to some dork called pimp on da net. The population of NYC is approximately 42% of the state's population (if you believe that the census adequately counted everyone in the city that is) According to Former Comptroller Alan Hevesi http://www.osc.state.ny.us/localgov/datanstat/annreport/06annreport.pdf, NYC generates 52% of revenue and 52% of expenditures. It does help that four of the wealthiest zip codes are in Manhattan, this the most accumlated wealth is there. That does not say that either Upstate supports NYC or vice versa. DML is right that our local politicians have failed us immensely. However, there are ways to revitalize an area under good leadership. Unfortunately, that would mean some growing pains but would be best served by utilizing the best assets of the area such as the lakes and especially the Falls. That said, I do take offense to DML's statement about those of us who remain are stuck on our parents, work in education, public service, medical, or is a drunk. This is area is a great area to live, and the grass isn't greener in a lot of other places. I know many people of my generation who have left town and came back because other areas are struggling, have nothing to do, can't navigate through traffic, or have lost their homes due to natural disasters. The only real way that we can make this area and the country restore its luster is if we can get rid of all of these politicians that are holding up progress.
  17. I only saw what I quickly read on wikipedia, but probably as we are a nation of pussies that can't face the fact that racism is a part of our past.
  18. Heck you can't watch loonie toons on tv anymore, and only on cartoon network can you find Looney Toon. FWIW, they may be releasing the 11 most "racist" looney toon shorts this year to DVD so you can watch Bugs and Daffy make fun of Japs, Krauts, Blacks, and Jews. Besides there were a few years when Speedy Gonzales was taken off the air, because it could be offensive to Mexicans, who consequently protested to get him back on air.
  19. I agree with this QB- obvious reasons LT- Guaranteed protection of the QB's blindside (or a raving cokehead that gets to the qb, or a dual threat RB j/k) NT- for a 3-4 is the most important spot. That said, KW is not the prototypical pro bowl 2-gap NT I have in mind, but a great LE in a 3-4 imo C- makes the calls on the line, and are very tough to find good centers, the last great one we had was Hull, and besides Kreutz, Saturday, Mangold and Hangartner, can you name another one? A coordinated line makes it easier for the skill players. TE- A great TE stretches the secondary, destroys cover 2 schemes, and eases the double coverages for the WR's. The reason that Brady has been good with no name WR's, before moss and welker, was in large part due to the number of weapons that were respectable receivers, last year it was gronkowski and hernandez, in previous year, faulk as a 3rd down back and watson and graham out of the TE spot did wonders for marcia. Look at SD when they doing well under marty, it was easier for their subpar receivers to do their job when Gates and Tomlinson were dangerous receivers. McNabb at Philly with no receivers and a decent TE's in Celek, LJ Smith, and Chad Lewis, made it work.
  20. I agree with the NF stadium idea. Unfortunately Buffalo is a dying city, much to the fault of the politicians in the area. The best to way develop city growth in an area is to utilize the best natural and man-made resources available to you, like the city did with Lake Erie and the canal. The most logical way to develop large scale growth in this area is to exploit the falls as the featured piece in a large scale revitalization effort where in the long run Niagara Falls should become the dominant city in the area, and absorb Buffalo into its metropolis similar to NYC absorbing Brooklyn 110 years ago. The idea of a Falls stadium makes too much sense for it to happen. You'll probably get some old woman suing the Bills on grounds of environmental issues because she wants to see the Falls from her house, much like the Verizon debacle last year.
  21. in general, dhgate is ok counterfeits that are good value for their price. That said, I would not trust first generation counterfeits of a new design to chinese slave labor.
  22. I do think most players actually make the most of their educational experience. However, there are some mental midgets that you know didn't that make it to the NFL with single digit wonderlics. The best way that the NCAA could get the players some compensation is to institute some form of revenue sharing that levels the playing field a bit. However, this is not likely as the BCS schools are so resistant to change for the greater good (ie no playoff system, archaic bowl system of meaningless postseason games).
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