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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. This. I was going to respond with the same thing. It is like if the Bills moved to NYC. That is why I support Toronto teams over NYC/NJ teams anyday (though it is hard to root for the Maple Laffs).
  2. Jesus H, from a production standpoint Troup outplayed Cody last year. He has a bad back, it happens. Hopefully the Bills trainers can find the right remedy as he has had bad luck with injuries this year. Now, aside from starting next to Haloti, the gelatinous blob has had 5 tackles this season and is surrounded by Ray Lewis and Ed Reed among other high echelon players. So, you can't crown him the better NT unless he stands out on that D, which I haven't noticed much from him yet when I have watched their games on Replay.
  3. To answer the question the Colts finished 1st, the bills finished last, and the bills dont face the whole AFC south this year as part of the schedule rotation.
  4. That is just it, why is a football jersey a luxury item? Considering that it represents a publicly subsidized organization, there should be some law in place to prevent any subsidized company from raping the consumer blind. While I have bought a jersey in a couple years, I can't fathom myself paying ~$75 for a screen printed replica which is easily double the cost of a cheaper non-label jersey for a varsity team (a team I coach got jerseys for under $30). The fact that Chinese "crooks" are making these jerseys is doing a service to the fans while funneling money away from Goodell, Jones, Snyder, and the crybaby players that "only" average $2million/year, with a median around $1million. Compare that to the median of American people which is around $50k/year with 15.1% of people below poverty level. The NFL used to be full of players that were working class warriors, instead they and the owners alike make so much that the have exploited the fans who in general are making less $ with respect to inflation than 30 years ago. I can only give credit to these Chinese commies for using capitalism to screw our corporate masters.
  5. The goverment helped me by allowing me to get an education at a cost much higher than any other place in the world charges for local students. Furthermore, the gov't allows the universities to charge an obscene amount for services that benefit no one, or money that gets stashed into funds for the future (I worked in the business end of a SUNY school during my college years) The other point of robin hood mentality on the board is a correct analogy as the American people are hurting with exception to the top 5% of earners. Why should anyone spend at least one days pay on an article of clothing when the main beneficiaries are stock holders, prima donna football players, and billionaires that got their operations subsidized by the taxpayers? That is like buying the most expensive GE products when you are on a tight budget, despite them being subsidized heavily. Fact is that we need factories here to produce cheap crap while raising tariffs in other countries to jack up the cost of the cheap crap from them. Until then on an individual consumer basis, it makes most sense to buy the knock off for the vast majority of people.
  6. As someone in this country that is working 3 jobs w/o any of them offering health care, I would have to resort to the cheap knockoff as my gov't doesn't provide enough for me, my employers don't provide enough for me, and I can't find a full-time job in the field I am qualified for. I am 70 grand in debt for student loans as well. So, a cheap generic is my only option when I get sick enough. However the Chinese labor used by Reebok and other major apparel companies use unbelievably cheap labor. In either case, your profit margins are still freaking high and have done enough to funnel out of America by abusing the cheap tariffs and slave labor. As the factory owner, I would be embarassed to call myself an American, but richer than freaking hell.
  7. The non-call holding and pass interference plays were bad as well, but the most obvious one was when they called David Nelson for pass intereference on a screen play to Freddy, which was behind the line of scrimmage. I had to rewind to double check that, as the pass was clearly completed behind the LOS, which means that the refs screwed the Bills there half the distance to the goal, instead of positive yardage.
  8. http://www.buffalobills.com/about-us/front-office.html Littman is the treasurer. So yes, he would have to make decisions financially. It is widely believed that Bill Polian and Littman did not get along too well and Ralph picked Littman over Polian. A move to this day that set this franchise downhill. This also added fire to the "Ralph is cheap" crowd.
  9. From my understanding the second game was to be considered a scrimmage/exhibition and wasn't supposed to count against the the All-Americans record. Halas after the fact petitioned to have the game count as a game and succeeded. This states a case for Halas being a total d-bag. I also believe that part of his appeal was stating that the second game should count more, which is why the Staleys stole the title away. The APFA needed to be more organized than it was as the city of Buffalo was screwed.
  10. Halas had it out for Buffalo as a city as he was hated for his role in the Chicago Staleys stealing the 1921 NFL Championship away from the Buffalo All Americans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1921_NFL_Championship_controversy
  11. Did you talk to your brother Captain Foresight before this post?
  12. It's actually the other way around, the Onion has been around much longer than the Soup.That and the Onion generally spoofs real news and charades as news syndicate that some chinese writers occasionally take as real news to be redistributed in mainland china.
  13. passing yardage in and of itself is not a great barometer of a QB's proficiency. Jake Plummer made a reputation of getting a lot of yardage when his Cards were down by 20 against soft Cover 4 schemes. Cam Newton on the total QBR had the worst rating of the week despite throwing for 400 yards. Comparing yardage and attempts between eras is not a good thing either as Defensive players were allowed to hit the other team in the 70's and 80's. Today's rules are set in such a way to protect QB's and WR's and turn football into a sissy sport full of Calvin Klein models.
  14. That actually might be a sign of improvement that the Onion can't parody us that well, or the fact that the Onion really got screwed by Comedy Central with Sportsdome.
  15. http://www.onionspor...o-with-2,26141/ At least the Bills are getting some legit recognition. Now which former Bill would believe that there is a cash rewards program for wins? My money would be on Billy Joe Hobert.
  16. I guess you are not familiar with Duncan Macleod. There may be only one
  17. in this case i much more right than you... so you better post a lot to validate this claim
  18. astro is the draft droid... if anyone in board history would have power of veto it would be mile high as he used to keep track of power rankings in his signature.
  19. I take it you have been watching a little too much Archer as of late http://www.babarshouse.com/@Archer/Images/charpics/woodhouse.jpg
  20. I won't link a site for it, but one you can use is the bay of notorious sea dwelling criminals that routinely have scurvy. That is my backup plan when I have to work and if for some foresaken reason my DVR doesn't work.
  21. i'm very mixed on Aaron Williams at this point. McKelvin hasn't been great in coverage, but better than people give him credit for (Wilson was at fault for the one bomb that Campbell completed). I am also not sold on Searcy, so a 2nd or 3rd round corner/safety may be a wise pick. A rush backer would be a huge thing as well, but an upgrade over Kelsay would be nice at the Sam spot. Another OT, I think shoould be top priority especially with Fitz earning his way into a new contract). I would also move Kicker to a P6 as Lindell hasn't impressed me this year to this point.
  22. You sure about that promo? this is the board where one genius suggested that we used mike jasper as an inside backer.
  23. Jones did make some big plays, but I have to think that David Nelson has shown that he is the more capable receiver and Jones is the more capable blocker.
  24. The NFL is too stupid for its own good with regards to broadcasting. It would only make sense to: Kill the blackout rule as most of its money comes from TV revenue, and is a big cause of piracy of games. Start the early game at 12:30 the middle game at 4:15/ whenever the last 12:30 game is over. So every game came be seen in entirety and the NFL controls more of the television time Cut the crap with the studio telling us each play instead of showing us. Allow both Fox and CBS to have doubleheaders everyweek, including games at the same time as the local team on the opposite network. Controlling more airtime and showing more games = more $ Expanding NFL Sunday Ticket to cable and other dish providers. Many people don't want or can't have Direct TV for a variety of reasons. Thus, you can still expand enrollment by opening up competition and would actually cut down on the number of piracy instances.
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