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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. To be fair, the best part of Maher's show is usually the panel he constructs for each episode. His condescending brand of humor can abrasive when he is ranting on and on about legalizing pot and why religious people are retarded. That said, AJ I respect you as a poster, but I have to play devil's advocate here. Where are the moderate Christians, when you have televangelists, Texans, and Republican Presidential candidates spewing off garbage about the world being 6000 years old and that evolution is false? Islam doesn't have a worldwide face for the moderate Muslims who aren't batshit crazy, where as the Dalai Lama and the Pope generally represent the more moderate rational people their religions. It is unfair to compare a moderate to an extremist in any religion, and unfortunately we have a skewed view as Bin Laden became a religious symbol as well as a terrorist symbol. That is like comparing the IRA, or a terrorist bent version of Jeremiah Wright to the average parishner at the local church. It is so inherently unfair, but we as a society have bought into the stereotype that the news networks have provided.
  2. I blame the jets game on him with that Charlie Brown kickoff `
  3. I am pretty sure that Scott had to return to backup at some point since 03 when I joined, because I know I had a 1000+ posts more than currently credited. I think the board was Rosened in 04 or 05 IIRC. That all said, the notion of post counts just shows how much of a diversion we need. Tom and Darin definitely use this board much more than the average, between Tom's multiple personalities and Darin's hatred of Democrats.
  4. with urbik likely not playing on sunday, it is entirely feasibly that he is IR'ed and Mount Jasper gets called up. That all said, he will have to crack the 46 man roster.
  5. to piggy on the above reply to this post. The NFL is killing the golden goose with ticket prices so high that people can't attend, and blacking out the games if they don't. The lack of logic from the NFL's offices in the past decade in particular with regards to fan experience is just baffling. If games were easily accessible to watch at reasonable prices, then there would be a less hostile attitude towards the NFL and consequently a far dimished market of people trying to find pirated feeds online. The Sunday Ticket idea is great, except for the cost and exclusivity to one carrier. Furthermore, if you are paying for the Sunday Ticket, you should be exempt from the blackout rule as the NFL still makes money for a service it is denying. As I have stated time and time again on the board, the blackout rule should be scrapped and should be illegal due to the gross amount of money the NFL makes off each game regardless of the game airing.
  6. While I agree that he is not a good OLB, I must say that you are not skill in the art of typing j/k just busting your stones
  7. Would you go out of your way to watch a CFL, UFL, or AFL game? Most people would say no. Using this logic, why would I care about the Goody's Headache Powders, Jeffrey Dahmer Date Rape Bowl on TBS, when it has a mismatch as bad as the thread title or two barely .500 teams?
  8. eh, until there is a playoff at the top tier of college football, I will continue not to watch the pointless, not worth anything in relation to championships, overpaid Corporate Sponsor Bowls. Reality is that Boise has a good program and the BCS penalizes them for their conference which means they can destroy every opponent 70-0 and not be in the national championship game. A 16-32 team playoff system would be appropriate like every other team sport in the NCAA to determine who is best, instead of having a month of pointless games leading up to one meaningful one.
  9. seriously, i can think of quite a few more disgusting places to have sex (basically anywhere in Miami for starters). That said, it was a poor decision of these two individuals, and it wouldn't be a story unless they were teachers. As one in the education field, a part of the job is not doing anything stupid enough to get arrested. I'm all for kinky locations for sex as much as the next guy, but due to my profession choice, most public places are off limits.
  10. well there goes sneaking in a sixer down the legs of my pants. NFL needs to relax a little as they are really getting greedy and big brother-like
  11. ... as well as the victims of Jerry Sandusky too soon?
  12. I am wondering if there will be a fine on that. That was a pretty flagrant hit on a defenseless player
  13. It's not just the fact that he is religious that makes him an easy target, it is the fact that he has appeared nationally on commericials preaching his faith, and it is so blunt about keeping his schoolboy image. The reality is that he is probably not a virgin and isn't as devout as he presents himself to be. He is using religion like a congressman that "believes in moral values" and then is found blowing a guy in an airport bathroom. IMO, Pro athletes, in general, credit God for their own successes way too much, which I found especially funny when Stevie blamed God for his drop vs Pittsburgh, he got flamed for saying that. Reality is either god influences it both ways or most likely the athletes play without divine intervention.
  14. True, I work w/ kids, have no health insurance, and the only flu I have had in the past 15 years was the swine flu outbreak. Frankly, I'm as healthy as can be for only having health insurance for a year and a half since Clinton left office.
  15. nice but here is a real hangover cure: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/25951-oh-this-is-nicereal-nice/page__p__371539?do=findComment&comment=371539 Easily one of the top 5 greatest posts in the last decade of TBD.
  16. You so forgot about the biggest steal from that draft: a little known wideout from Kentucky by the name of Stevie Johnson. It is debatable if he is the #1 receiver from that class.
  17. 5th round pick Not many of them become all pro's let alone starters.
  18. HBD to TBD's favorite wino.
  19. same officiating crew that butchered Stevie's catch, Calvin Johnson's catch, and now this.
  20. depends on where you are. In NY, it is a rather small stipend, usually under $4 grand to start and under $3 grand for other sports. When I taught in Georgia, the schools would give higher pay to recruit football coaches along with reducing their teaching load. I guess the demands on education are different when up here every property owner pays for education while they use sales taxes to pay for education down there. That all said, I'm glad to be subbing up here over teaching full-time down there as the system is screwed up in my opinion.
  21. By "coming", do you mean "cumming"? If that is the case, who was the first "cumming" of Jesus?
  22. Offensively, the Rams had a decent TE, Holt, Bruce, Az Hakim, Faulk, and a backup QB. Defensively, they had the top D against the run was 2nd in interceptions and only allowed 15 ppg. When it comes down to it, the Bills can't shut down an offense outside of Kansas City.
  23. Multi-billion dollar congolomerates. But no one else, imo.
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