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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. My first thought followed by Teeblow getting Dirty Sanchezed
  2. Last year, the Bills did have subpar punt coverage, but awesome KO coverage. The biggest thing to notice about Moorman is that he hasn't been as dominant at the coffin corner as he once was. This is a tough skill for the position and even tougher for Moorman as rarely have the Bills put him in a position to kick from outside of the Bills 30. If your team has a crap offense that can't move the ball, you need a boomer like Moorman, if you're team has a better offense that stalls outside of field goal range instead, you need a Tom Tupa/Sean Landetta type coffin corner punter.
  3. 89 eagles did have 3 (reggie, clyde simmons, jerome brown) and the 91 eagles were close with jerome brown "only" having 9 sacks closest i can think of
  4. inky i know what is in the press, but I think that he will be a 2 down olb and a 1 down DE, depending on the personel needs. Besides he is size wise more suited for OLB unless we are talking Tampa 2, instead of wannstache 4-3?
  5. Guys repeat what I say: "Do not call him Bayless, he is Worthless, Skip Worthless". The only way VY steps on the field after August will be if Fitz is hurt or if VY has a 158.3 passer rating. The latter is practically while the former would have to be severe enough to put Fitz in a cast, crutches, or have him trying to drink a bagel
  6. potter was drafted for kickoffs
  7. With that field house, it would be beneficial to have a legit indoor track facility. It is sad that Buff State, Fredonia, Brockport, RIT, and Geneseo have better indoor facilities than this D-I program. What compounds is that Fredonia and Buff State's field houses are old and in need of renovation and are still better than UB's indoor track facility surrounding the basketball court. WNY athletes in general would benefit from the existence of said field house. Hopefully this AD can right this wrong, along with the football team
  8. nah he got beer goggles and picked up some ugly bar wench that tied him up for a while
  9. Actually, my master's thesis is on tracking WRT Japan, Germany, and the US. In Japan, the students take a high stakes exam in 9th grade that decides their final 3 years of "high school" education. It is rigid, but not quite before high school in our eyes. Germany actually tracks kids going into 4th grade but has some mobility in their system. The US varies depending on state and locality.
  10. wow my god. I love how in the time it took me to work today there was an attack on me and teachers in general. First off, I stated that I am a sub teacher, as in substitute. I work when I can get it and that is $85/day. I coach 3 seasons a year and I was working on coaching duties tonite until 8pm. So I put in ~14 hours today. The pay for a season as a first year coach is $2500, which is roughly $33 per day. So I worked 14 hours for $108 bucks today, which is $7.71 an hour. Now compound this with $80,000 in student loans (I was thrown out of house by parents and got max. aid by uncle sam while in SUNY schools) and the fact that the job market is incredibly tight for certified personnel, and you must recognize that it is not easy by any stretch. I am making ends meet by working a 3rd job at a local fast food operation on Weekends and nights in order to pay off bills as the $11k a year from working in education/coaching is not sufficient. Mind you because I work in schools, I cannot collect unemployment over the summer, even as I look for work. I also am not offered any health care, nor am I guaranteed a certain amount of days of work. To boot even though I am a varsity head coach for two sports and assistant for a third, if a member of this school district wants my job for the next year, they are guaranteed it over me, regardless of my performance and the teams performance. This is the reality. NYS is making it harder on younger teachers to make a decent living as many of the boomers had great earnings which are a great portion of what the taxpayers are paying now. At the district I work predominantly at, they gave incentives to older teachers that were making $100k while teachers with 10-15 years experience are making ~$55k and some of them are facing the axe as they are next least experienced in their positions. NYS put a cap on how much a district can raise its taxes from year to year and then proceeded to cut funding to the districts . The fact of the matter is that our education system is being starved and facing the burden of many unfunded govt mandates that lead to a reduction in the quality of the kids learning experiences. The only thing I will be in agreement with is that the Buffalo teachers should not have breast implants, and unnecessary cosmetic surgery covered in their benefits. Gordio, I hope you really re-evaluate your statements as you really have no idea what the hell is going on in education and your simplistic views are very dangerous, especially since you live in a district that is desperate for state aid. If you want LHS to have less resources, their teachers buying supplies for their kids, higher class sizes, higher suspension rates, and less extra-curriculars, then you should keep complaining about your taxes rising up, instead of complaining about the state and feds siphoning away money from education. Furthermore, way to demonize me for making $11 grand last year. Thanks
  11. As an coach and sub teacher locally, I second this post. I could give stories of being emasculated by administration because the faculty member was maintaining control of the room while the kid was acting like a fool. Our society sucks at parenting in general.
  12. the raiders only had 29 grand in space fwiw
  13. His uncle Rico is smiling somewhere.
  14. I think Goodell really is sticking it to the Saints to a much higher degree than necessary. Payton's and William's suspensions, I am fine with, but I believe everyone elses should be halved. The fact that the Saints are being saddled with a harder punishment than the Pats* for Spygate doesn't sit right with me as much as Goodell putting harder penalties on the players than the coaches. This is isn't the same as the soldiers of the SS killing Jews at Nuremburg so i think the soldiers following orders is appropriate to state in this secenario. Thus, the players should receive as harsh of penalties for taking part in a system that was more widespread around the league than what Goodell wants you to believe.
  15. Varsity Level, Buffalo local. I'd rather not divulge my entire ID on a post. You can PM me if you want to know more. I am already up as I have an invite to coach my kids thru
  16. 1. As a track coach, I beg to differ, and Don Beebe has speed camps as well. 2. Glenn was our #2 3. I hope so 4. I hope so FYP :-P
  17. that was comical because every sack he blamed on Franklin was a result of Teeblow holding on for an eternity. Most of his passes were frozen ropes with the accuracy of Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughan before he got his glasses. Compound that with a few wounded ducks and a lack of poise in the pocket, and it is easy to see that Teeblow isn't ready to start still and would have benefitted from being Manning's understudy. The only thing that Teeblow is ready for is having some dude "pop his cherry."
  18. FWIW, I'd put him in over Eli at this point. Even though Elisha has 2 rings, I still consider McNabb better unless Eli starts playing like Peyton.
  19. As much hatred as Whitner gets (some deservedly), at least he got on the field to produce at a certain level. Maybin couldn't even hit the field, much less a quarterback in his time here. Also that Lankster clip was funny, but i feel guilty laughing at a guy with a speech impediment.
  20. Honestly, it is a teachable movement. Your son probably sees kids in school getting written and sent to detention for acting like complete buffoons. Seeing a drunk belligerent idiot acting like such will be a moment of reality where he will get to see life outside of the bubble that we create for our youth today. In the long run, it will likely benefit him to experience such people for his own social well-being, especially under your supervision.
  21. For all intents and purposes, Rivers hasn't improved since that cheap shot from Ward.
  22. TBF Rivers looked good his rookie year until Hines Ward knocked him with a crackback block to the jaw, breaking the jaw. That is now illegal because of that hit.
  23. A FCS athlete has to exceptional coming out to be a first rounder I have a hard time believing the bills would target him at 10.
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