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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. http://espn.go.com/n...7/brian-moorman 2005-2008 all over 30% inside the 20. when you add inside the 20 plus touchbacks, those four seasons add up to 40% of his punts as well as last season. I am not arguing that his coffin corner accuracy last year was subpar, but I argue that inside 20 punts come from field position between the 40's which is common sense as you add 40 yards (conservatively) to a punt from such a field position and it will be inside the 20. However, your closeminded approach to a logical statement that I made before shows how little you actually understand, and how unreceptive you are to new ideas based upon facts and logic. So enjoy your 5-2 defense and double-wing offense
  2. yes. the best representation of a statistical group of data is almost always the median.
  3. Then you are a fool. I explained why it is a BS stat on the basis of how good your team's offense is. Moorman's highest % of in 20 punts were during the Holcomb/JPL/Trentative era, where the offense would die out at midfield, frequently. Inside 20 is more of a stat of how often did the offense die out in between the 40's.
  4. Inside the 20 is kinda a BS stat, as a punter with a good offense that stalls at midfield more frequnetly will land in the 20 than a Trent Edwards offense that stalls at their own 20. The best stats way to judge a punter's effectiveness is net average, touchbacks, hang time, and the subjective idea of outkicking coverage. Aesthetically speaking, he hasn't hit the booming 70-80 yard punts lately, but not many can, however those can be more dangerous since he would outkick the coverage in the process. The stats do indicate that he had the best gross average of his career last year, but also had a high number of TB's, and a slightly below his career average net. So, it is safe to say that his leg still has a bit left to it, but he needs to control the directional punting that much more.
  5. happy birthday rock
  6. yep, she'll lose her teacher license for this one most likely. Not that I condone what she did, but if she waited a year after he graduated, there would be no consequences, but would still be frowned upon IIRC.
  7. I can vouch for this as I lived in Douglas County for awhile and would drive into Cobb to visit family in Powder Springs. As a teacher down there, word got to my students that I am not religious and they wanted to "convert me" to the lords way. I think that the Southerners took up a staunch belief in religion to compensate for losing the civil war. I agree w/ slash's statement that creationism and evoulution should not be mutually exclusive as much as some people try to make it. Religious documents were written by man to have man live a more honest life. Is any of it influenced by divinity, only God and those men will ever know. Religion is about being a good person, and not about facts in my opinion.
  8. it could be, or it could be the converse of your question.
  9. You mean there is a possibility that the Big Bang Theory doesn't start with Kaley Cuoco and a bunch of nerds creating this planet and the life on it?
  10. i'll encourage you here and discourage you on PPP
  11. Good, F--- him. He is a big POS that needs to get the hell out of the way for the greater good.
  12. http://youtu.be/s6txmM8M9Iw The greatness of robot romney
  13. anyone else think that T.O. is a real-life Kenny Powers at this point?
  14. beat me to it. VLC will play almost any media file.
  15. my disdain for Israel is based on the Jews being given land where people already occupied that was highly valued. From there Israel has been militant in mistreating the Palestinians who have fought to keep the land they had been occupying up until WWII. I also am not a fan of our gov't $ going to their cause when all of this would have been averted by relocating the Jews to a less value destination such as Madagascar.
  16. Again the Florida cops get it wrong, the cannibal was "standing his ground"
  17. I'll add more: Tom Brady vs his sexuality Rex Ryan vs feet Beel Bellycheat vs, his ego Beel Bellycheat vs. his manbra Ryan Tannehill vs. Lauvale Sape
  18. The IRA has been active the last ten years in Northern Ireland
  19. Ok, I know wikipedia is far from official, but the sources at the bottom of this page suggest otherwise Tom http://en.wikipedia....ve_Christianity Hitler advocated a single religion for a nation in Mein Kampf, and promoted Positive Christianity for a time.
  20. OH bullcrap. To single out a group that has religious beliefs different than his own, shows that his own religious convictions had some influence in his ascension to power, and enough of the German people had enough prejudices to allow for forcing the Jews to wear the Star of David, Kristalnacht, and the eventual genocide along with countless other policies in place after seizing power. If it was just about power the Jews would have been second class citizens like the blacks were in the US at the time.
  21. FISD and Jim c'mon. The RIRA is a catholic terrorist organization. Hitler essentially was a Christian war criminal as well. The Israeli gubmint is seen as a terrorist organization by a good amount of people for their attacks on Palestinians and is at the least a militant nation (for better or for worse). India has terrorism by Hindus and Muslims alike. Religious terrorists come from all faiths. They are all extremists. There is no reason to single out one religion in a country that is supposed to be about religious tolerance and freedom as our founding fathers dictated. Any close-minded attempt to state otherwise just shows how bass-ackwards and hypocritical a certain segment of our population is. WRT to Gaga, I think her music sucks, but she does a lot to promote gays' rights and that doesn't sit well in many parts of the world. If she and her management deemed it in the best interests to cancel a show, then they succumbed to some fear. Her agenda does include self-preservation and the preservation of her fans and understandably so. He killed people that ethnically weren't much different than him based on religion. The Vatican turned a blind eye to what he did as well.
  22. When I worked at Darien Lake, a group I was part happened to eat dinner after a show down the road from the venue. They happened to be sitting over a couple tables from us and a couple girls that were ~17 decided to ask for an autograph. Well the brothers obliged and gave them a tour of their bus. I never asked what went on on the bus, and the girls never mentioned anything other than it being an "awesome experience." That all said, I am not surprised that Gregg is robbing the cradle.
  23. sorry i am just catching up on stuff now. thanx gents.
  24. Wait, is he HIV Aladeen or HIV Aladeen?
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