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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. for fear of stoking a 10 page thread about punters, I'll keep this brief. I recognize that Moorman has a challenge this preseason. However, I do see that Lindell isn't as safe as some would think.
  2. Mullet, they had Fred Jackson, Kaleta, Joe D, Jim Kelly, and Bill Polian there as well. Just because we aren't winning the super bowl every year like you do in your madden franchise, it doesn't mean that Russ is doing a bad job.
  3. well thought out post. I want to see with the backup TE vs FB vs HB battle if Finda Cinnabon or Dickerson can step up and be athletic threats. 2nd string QB: I think Mr. Wonderlic wins this one, where we'll have a mental midget backing up a mensa member LT: I think the Rook gets it. IOL: I think that those 4 are locked, and they may keep brown to be a backup Center, thus creating a battle for a backup tackle. It should be Hairston, imo. Y spot: I think either Hagan or Aiken comes out of the camp with it. I hate to call it, I think Easley is doomed by his body, and will have something else come up Sam backer: Morrison early season with bradham, by end. K/P: Lindell isn't safe with the draft pick. Chan will have to see if Potter is a good fit for FG's and PAT's and if he wants to use a 3rd spot on a specialist. The guy has battled injuries each year. A bad back may be the kiss of death for him, but at least he got on the field unlike Maybin, or Hardy. If he is healthy, I think he stays over Johnson.
  4. He won with Earl Morrall, Bob Griese (who was good but not great), and David Woodley, before he had Mrs. Isotoner for the rest of his career.
  5. I'll submit Troy Aikman. With the great line and run game he had, and an elite TE and WR in Novacek and "Coke Head" Irvin, he only topped 20 TD passes once in his career. He made it to the Pro Bowl 4 straight years in a row with less than 16 TD passes in a season, in an era of Kelly, Marino, Elway, Moon, Farve, Young, Montana, and even Scott Mitchell (where they were all putting up better numbers than him). How Aikman is a first ballot HOF'er is a mystery, they won despite him. Another HM is Chris Chandler leading the 98 Falcons to SB to lose Elway and TD's Broncos. He is the epitome of a journeyman QB that played for 5 teams before the Falcons, had two good years, and played for two more teams after.
  6. well if we are 5th in AFC that means playoffs
  7. It isn't that there is no decent medical care in Boston, it is that Ballard has no reassurances that the doctors of the Flying Elvi* will continue with the same prescribed plan that the G-men's doctors gave him to begin with. It may psychologically hurt the lad.
  8. No, but telling somebody mid-recvovery you have to move 400 miles and go to another set of doctors wouldn't be favorable to anyone.
  9. he may have taken his time on the test and not finished the questions. That said, Spiller did earn his degree in 3 and a half years in sociology. Meaning he couldn't be that void of intelligence.
  10. Even if the parents shot them, I'd have to side with them as the law failed to stop a criminal from victimizing their daughter, and they stopped him. Sad reality is that if the parents are convicted, the daughter may still sell her services to johns.
  11. If first you don't succeed, go home and drink a beer.
  12. That's just it, it was on the basis of being able to move him to injured reserve so they can continue his care. Most decent men would leave Ballard alone. We all know Beel Bellycheat is not a decent man. Now Ballard has to adjust to an entirely different medical staff in mid-treatment, which isn't easy on the lad psychologically.
  13. If everyone but Belicheat thought like that, then yes. But it is no coincidence that no other team picked up Ballard, as there must be some gentlemen's agreement amongst GM's not to do such a thing.
  14. They had to inorder to fill out their 90man roster. He would have occupied a spot. So, they took the risk figuring nobody would pick up a player that won't play this year.
  15. For those numbers, white people had more to lose than black (and other non-white) people to begin with. So, they would have a more dramatic median income loss. I assume you meant non-white mean in the second line. That could be explained to a small degree (in a stereotypical way) with higher numbers of Indian doctors, Asians in silicon valley, Blacks in rap/hip-hop/urban clothing, and Blacks in pro sports many of which coming from poorer backgrounds.
  16. What I mean in particular is that there are many single parents that have to work 60-80 hours/week and aren't able to be parents to the kids as much as the kids need to be. Nonetheless, there are many parents that abuse a substance which degrades their parenting, and obviously, any parent in jail is providing a poor example of how to live for their child.
  17. The education system here is in completely cash strapped at the moment due to retired teachers collecting incredible pensions (while current teachers are getting scraps in comparison), unfunded mandates from No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, and many states limiting districts on how they can raise funds while cutting aid to them. Generically speaking, your lowest performing schools are in areas of higher poverty, crime, and drugs (Buffalo, for example). A big problem with our society is that many parents are working multiple job, addicted to drugs, and/or in out of the correction system. By creating a voucher system, underperforming schools have been shut down, while well performing schools take in an influx of students at their own discretion. So a lot of the kids formerly of the underperforming schools that are victims of circumstance are shipped to another school together and bring down a school that was formerly at an acceptable level. In essence, the voucher system masks a lot of problems instead of fixing them. The best solution is to tackling the woes of our society: put more funding back to the schools and programs from kids like the Boys and Girls clubs, provide a higher living wage/ rebound the economy, and invest more into trades programs for kids that aren't cut out for school. In other countries that have fixed these problems, their scores on international tests have increased dramatically. Though to be fair, we have average results, and are among the few countries that mandate that all students take part in education through 12th grade (and still count dropouts in our results), but I digress.
  18. I'll also second Nick Kroll and Patton Oswald. I'll even second Dennis Miller as a liberal. Another I'll add is Brian Posehn, he has a good self-depricating style. I'll also mention the late Greg Giraldo, he was a great standup.
  19. I'm surprised Nick Swardson hasn't been mentioned. I would go with Brian Regan or Mitch Hedberg (two different directions there) I love Aziz Ansari as well, but that may be another that may not translate well to older people.
  20. Well, enlighten me oh holy one on how this is so monumentally flawed? Because what I am saying seems like a simple premise: The average punt goes roughly 45 yards 45 yards away from goal-line is opp 45, 45 yards from the 20 is the own 35 For a generality sake, I say that most punts inside the 20 are from in between the 40's, which accounts for the ones just outside of FG range Punters that have a high percentage of their punts inside the 20 as a result of the offensive drive dying out between the 40's at a higher than normal frequency. So where in this am I wrong?
  21. holy crap, you are unbelievable. I agree with the stats you are posting, in fact i linked the same ones. What I am debating is the fact that you keep misreading and in turn distorting what I say. I never said that all inside the 20 punts must come from the 40's. Stop saying that I have. What I did say is that the inside the 20 stat is bull as it is more of a guage on how often the offense stalls in between the 40's as that is the most likely place that inside the 20 punts come from. Nothing more, nothing less. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  22. I haven't insinuated that. All I have said was a majority of the punts inside the 20 come from a field position in between the 40's, hence a punter with a higher % of inside 20 punts has an offense that dies out more frequently in between the 40's. I haven't stated anything to directly say that punts that land outside of the 20 must come from behind the offenses 40. However, it is possible that it can occur, and in fact it is most likely that punts that are not in the 20 (or touchbacks) come from behind the offenses' 40. What I originally claimed is that inside 20 is a BS stat because it is strongly contingent on where the offensive drive dies. I have actually agreed with you that his directional punting has been ****, but also pointed out that Moorman had his highest punting gross average last year as well. So maybe he still has a bit in the tank. You got me going by dismissing my original claim without considering the merit behind it Whereever you are coming up with me blaming Fitz for Moorman's production is crap. The fact that he has a higher amount of touchbacks is strictly on his coffin corner kicking. What I did say was that a kicker with a higher number of inside the 20 punts likely has an offense that dies out near midfield more frequently. That is not me blaming Fitz and the O as it is Moorman's job to keep it from hitting the end zone as he should have more inside the 20 punts, not less. I hope that whichever punter is best is on the franchise, and that the other is bagging groceries in Nez Perce.
  23. As the founder/president of the TBD Jasper Fan club, I approve of this thread and the content in it. Hopefully, he pushes to make the 53 man squad and works his technique where he can be a servicable backup this season before lighting it up in 2013.
  24. ok so tell me where you think the drive stalls for most inside the 20 punts? Use logic there, instead of your dandy convenience of ignorance.
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