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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Really is irrelevant who starts at RB when the Defense allows 80 points a game
  2. F'in Adrian Wilson. The day Trent became Trentative
  3. You are still coaching at collegiate level right? I don't think I'd be able to get away w/o scrutiny from the high schoolers on that one. Maybe that is a benefit you get with age
  4. Yeah comparing that a pedophile is apples and oranges. What Vick did was obviously wrong. However, he has served his time and is done with probation. So, legally, no one can do a thing to him. If one of his kids wants a dog, the kid shouldn't have to suffer. However, Mike should continue his role in the PSA's he does for animal rights.
  5. This. Choice should have seen some carries today, if not the bulk load.
  6. This, the physical and mental burnout are high. The only RB ever to take such a pounding and be consistently productive is Dickerson.You must have multiple weapons in your backfield. Getting 2000 yards is great, but not at the cost of reducing your career by 3 years.
  7. eww... gingers... they have no souls! back to point, I saw Spiller as a poor choice, but the only other players that would have made any sense and have panned out in the next 10 picks are Anthony Davis and JPP.
  8. I trust Sully as much as I trust a chick who tells me to flip a condom inside-out and re-use it.
  9. The fine for this is bull. He was in motion to hit Boss low, when his shoulder hit Boss's head, due to the way Boss fell to the ground. The rule is there to prevent DB's from launching up at a receivers head with their head. Tackling with the shoulder can still cause concussions and drain bammage, but it shouldn't have been fined/discouraged in this given case as the replay shows in favor of Searcy. he was not "down", he needed to be touched. Boss went down, where if he stayed up, he would been hit low at the knees instead.
  10. I like the design of Seattle's uni's but these are pretty bad. That all said, I wouldn't mind wearing them for a game as a novelty. Also, it is not the worst football related thing to come out of Florida this year. That dishonor goes to "jaguaring"
  11. CJ Spiller is making me look like a fantasy genius as I picked him up in late rounds and am winning handily this week
  12. I think we can drop the "bust" label for CJ
  13. This. As I have been taught, it is not cheating until you get caught. yes, only if he likes my avatar.
  14. Yeah, it was tear halfway across the ligament. For one week, I was in excruciating pain on par w/ an achilles partial tear and a pen stabbing in the face. Afterwards, it only hurt if I was trying to do too much.
  15. No, but I can say with fair confidence that when I returned to the track, I also could have played on the turf. The drills that a college track athlete does in training for a decathlete is very intense, and involves many of the same agility and power drills that football players do. The injury is one that didn't linger. Once it is healed, it didn't come back. Painful as hell until it is healed, but when it was done, it was done. Chances of reinjury are slim as there are very few ways to injure the LCL, usually the way that Fred did today.
  16. actually as a decathlete at a SUNY school, where I had trainers giving me exercises to strengthen the knee. It took a 19 year old me 6 weeks to heal from a partial tear. I came back to finish 8th in conference in 4x200 relay, 7th in the 500, and won the 1000 m in the pentathlon competition in U of Toronto, during that indoor track season. If Jackson has a similar injury, expect a similar amount of time out, possibly less due to the advanced facilities and attention that he may receive. Given the way that he was walking around, I'd hazard to guess that he didn't do as much damage as I did back then. That all said Al, show respect instead trashing another's opinion and story. Yeah, it will hurt but I think he'll miss at most two weeks based on how he was walking to the locker room/ medical center at the Meadowlands. When I injured that ligament, my knee hurt so bad that it locked up to avoid any more damage within 2 minutes. Crutches were helpful to me during the first week of recovery. So, I'd be encouraged by the sign of him walking period.
  17. according to the Bills twitter, they are more worried about Nelson's knee. That said, Freddy was walking on his. Probably at most 2 games off.
  18. LCL is on the side of the knee next to the IT Band. I partially tore mine back in 03 and it took 6 weeks to recover back to running track shape. Painfully, but recovery shouldn't be too bad unless it is completely torn. A sprain shouldn't be too bad, but depends on the severity
  19. I'll nominate C Mac for overpursuing on the punt return which allowed for a big lane up the middle.
  20. Apparently they billieve in Stevie and Brad's groins enough, because it can't be that they trust Ruvell as a receiver.
  21. My condolences Guff. As he would want, Go Bills!
  22. very well done DollarBill
  23. Here is the half asleep ramblings of a madman, enjoy or flame away. Good nite and Go Bills!!! Twas the night before Sanchez got hit down low, Not a creature was stirring, not even Tebow. The banners were hung high on the stadium with care In hopes that St. Mario will soon be there The Bills faithful were nestled all snug in the beds With visions of offensive touchdowns danced in their heads. And Chan in his 'kerchief, and Buddy in his cap, Had just settle their brains from an offeseason's nap When in the Meadowlands is a such clatter, Littered on the ground with Ryan's brain matter. Away to the TV I flew like a flash, Zoom and slo-mo to replay the crash Tebow and Sanchez no where to go, The Jets offense a one pony show When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a defensive line, angry without fear With a little old coach, so lively and quick I knew in a moment it must not be Dick More rapid than the Eagles his defenders came And he whistled, and shouted, and call'd them by name; "Now! Anderson, now! Dareus now! Williams and Williams. On! Sheppard, on! Gilmore, on! Wilson and Williams; To the Meadowlands! to their endzone! Keep Santonio out of the red zone! As Stevie J dashes on the fly, His hands meet with an obstacle from the sky! Beating the house over top those corners blew Maybin just sucks, Revis too Tebow is tinkling down to his hoof Ryan is a dog prancing for each woof As Fitz drew in his head and was turning around, Down the slant Dave Nelson came with a bound. He was dressed all in Nike from head to his foot And his clothes were not tarnished by and Jet. A footlong pigskin was tucked in his arm, As he danced down the feild inflicting Jets harm. CJ's eyes- how they twinkled! with every carry, making New Yorkers even less merry. Greene's mouth looking like a sow, The beard on his chin bloodier than slaughtered cow. And I laughed when I saw this in spite of myself Pouha, is injured again, one more time on the shelf. The offense again attacking like a missle Leads to the ref blowing the whistle I hear the acclaim from end zone sights The Bils beat the Jets on upcoming nights.
  24. http://events.wgrz.com/The_Playbook_for_Dads_Parenting_Your_Kids_in_the_Game_of_Life/260221614.html
  25. ha now it is predicting rain. I guess the weather can be Rosened as well
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