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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I am glad that somebody reputable is chiming in.
  2. http://queencityspor...trick-contract/ I don't know how reliable this source is, but it looks like we will have Fritzy for a couple more years. EDIT: somebody reputable is chiming in. Thanks John
  3. The anti-tobacco people will find some way to get pissed about this. The PC police scour football games so venomously, that at least 3 times this season I heard announcers apologizing to views because of a field mic picking up players cursing to avoid FCC sanctions and Congressional hearings.
  4. In soccer, that can be a red card offense. That is so douchebaggish that it should only be expected from Brady.
  5. Possibly, but it does explain his facial expressions. Still not as embarrassing as John Clayton's ponytail
  6. http://30fps.mocksession.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/2013-January-20-22-38-58.jpg Must be some awesome product placement pay.
  7. http://www.thebiglead.com/index.php/2013/01/16/lennay-kekua-manti-teos-fake-dead-girlfriend-was-real-says-arizona-cardinals-fullback-reagan-mauia-who-claims-to-have-met-her/ This one throws me in a loop, if somebody met her, did she not exist? This is some bizarre crap, usually you have a gold-digger that would try to marry football player to get rich, not "fake" death to !@#$ with football player.
  8. Actually the Packers were named after the Indian Packing Company that were the original owners of the team. The company was known for packing canned meat, not cheese.
  9. I actually disagree with that in some ways. The pre-season should have a longer non-contact phase like the OTA's but as part of camp. A lot of the injuries from pre-season are from players that are not in condition, and thus would alleviate some of this burden. Furthermore, it is burdensome on the body to be going full tilt every week straight for 3 months in a collision sport. More rest time in between would reduce injury rates and raise the level of play as well.
  10. No actually, the players reps that I have talked to in some capacity would be in favor of a second bye week as it would allow for more rest and healthier players. There is a reason why the NCAA caps teams at 12 games, part of it is for rest and rehab purposes.
  11. Are you saying we should be trying to pick up Sanchez? All this says is that Fitz in gGiley's offense relied on the receivers abilities to gain YAC. In a spread screen offense, it is to be expected that "air yards/ attempt" would be low. Montana, Starr, Unitas, Kelly, Elway... they wouldn't have high "air yards" either in such an offense.
  12. While you need to beat good teams to be the best, the overwhelming majority of teams in history will winning % of opponents they beat be below .500. That is because good teams pound on the ****ty ones. These kind of stats are misleading at best. Voodoo makes a good point that the Bills haven't beaten too many good teams, simply put it is because they are who they are and the Bills are coach by a scared Southerner. This should matter more than the stat from the OP.
  13. Add Matt Millen to the list
  14. Nope, even in 2004 we finished 9th with tiebreakers. Even if the playoff system had been 8 teams all along, we would still be in a 13 year drought
  15. I agree, it is almost impossible to prove that Patterson didn't get ill in some part from the elements of the job, and the stress on the body of being an athlete. What the Eagles did is almost on par with factories in the 1800's and early 1900's firing people for being sick from the toxic fumes and substances or losing fingers and limbs in machinery. The Eagles showed to be a classless organization (just like their fans) and I hope karma bitchslaps them like the redhead stepchild of the NFC Least that they are.
  16. This reeks of Bledsoe to me. Since Kelly retired, we have wasted draft picks on Billy Joe forgot to do my homework, Rob the cripple Johnson, Drew the Statue Bledslow, Johnathan Paul Lossman, Trent Concussed Edwards, and Levis 501 Brown. I'd rather they draft a highly touted QB without throwing them to the fire as a rookie (unless they are ready ala Griffin, Luck, P. Manning, etc...)
  17. I agree about the latter statement, however with former Gray may not have been creative, but his defenses kept the yardage low and the turnovers coming. Gray got a lot of out of his talent, while the other jokes at OC and HC were bigger problems during his era.
  18. there we go Brilliant
  19. ok so we like Killdrive now? Say what you want, but Jerry Gray did a damn good good job with the defense here. Problem was the offense horrible during most of the Williams era.
  20. Out of all the weeks to critique Fritz's arm, I think this week is the wrong one in light of 4 dropped passes and a 51 yard strike to Graham
  21. Say what you want, they went to the playoffs with JV quarterback McPraytoyahweh. They had a good team around him to make up for horribly erratic QB play.
  22. that is crazy how quick that popped up there.
  23. That is just it, you are paying the NFL for its service. They should not have the right to limit the service on some, even though the price is the same for all. It is criminal what the NFL does, as blackouts do not increase attendance.
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