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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. What I am saying is that too many people are too incredibly narrowminded about the subject. Plus these people are forcing their religious views upon the rest of the country. Open question: Who does gay marriage hurt that it is such a big deal to discriminate against GLBTI's?
  2. its actually 7 percent of all americans
  3. i was raised by a bisexual man and he did a better job raising me than my straight mother and her abusive boyfriends did. BTW I am straight, so don't start that crap about gay men spreading their sexuality to their kids. Also, I see no harm done with two men or two women getting married. What is wrong with a couple regardless of sexuality vowing to love each other?
  4. sorry when w. acts way too much like daddy and mimics him an awful lot, you can't help but call him junior. kinda like you have to call him a hypocrite when he is pushing for all of the steroids investigations when he has consumed a great amount of cocaine in his life.
  5. kind of? is that supposed to mean that they are decriminalizing it?
  6. with voter turnout as high as it is, this probably means bad news for bush (im hoping so).
  7. the Blackout Rule sucks... small market, big stadium, no break for the fans.... typical No Fun League rulings
  8. lol and bannan pulling.... its too sad that i can't watch... damn bs blackout rule
  9. Damon Shelton... we need a real fullback... instead of using neufeld on every other play
  10. congrats... at least you can cheer for one team that is doing well
  11. 50 yards by halftime on the ravens? that is high expectations against a VERY STRONG defense that plays run first agressively.
  12. How bout a real curse: Since Donahue joined the Bills, no playoffs, no winning records, and a wasted three years dealing with idiots like RJ, GW, and Killdrive.
  13. it's bad enough people can't say my Irish last name rite (not hard at all), but my initials are JZPM and a few of my buddies rearranged it to sound out like gypsum (because i can hard as rock to deal with sometimes) so you have to be careful, cuz this stuff sticks forever. I also had the misfortune of being named Justin Zane. I wonder what my parents were smoking the nite they chose that name
  14. I am very much one that comes from this school, thanks to george carlin's skit about racism. "there is nothing wrong with these words, they are only words. You have to be worried about the racist motherfugger that uses these... These words are only racist in context. You don't get pissed off when Richard Pryor says "ni***r", because he is (one). It is within context." -George carlin If I am talking to one of my black residents on my floor (I'm a resident ASSistant), I am not going to say the n-word, but if he says it, I'm not going to get offended. kinda like any of my buds wouldn't get offended by me calling myself a cracker.
  15. you forgot the one phantom call on the clements punt return in oakland. the refs have been redonkulously horrible. the best game was the felons game and it was not great.
  16. as a blue jay fan/ yankee hater, the sox are making it interestin at college... go sox.... curse killing w/ curt schilling
  17. God I feel so weird at Brockport as a Blue Jay fan from Buffalo. the yankee fans always rub it in on me, where the sox fans are usually kind and sympathic/empathetic... main reason why i am rootin for the sox... that and steinbrenner spending much more than the rest of the league can afford (baseball needs a cap)
  18. play taylor w/ lewis suspended, he will get a majority of the runs... hope that he does bad as a Bill fan, but realize as a fantasy manager that he is a better bet than WM, unless henry sits agains
  19. I almost agree, but i would love it more if miami earns 16 bagels for their 16 hours of "work" this season (maybe that should be the new minimum wage standard j/k). And it would be grand if miami is still winless when the last undefeated team loses, just to see dierdork and greaseball look like bigger idiots than they are already.
  20. I hate to admit it but kelsay and denney did a good job today too on the rush. Kelsay pressured the red headed stepchild a few times and denney got in at least too. i think thay both of them are starting to prove their worth to the team.
  21. afro. that is a very intelligent post. i agree with you wholeheartedly on this and i think that bledsoe has been proving himself to the powers that be. however, you should have included bad playcalling as a reason for about 20% of the sacks
  22. i still think that is garbage... you guys are prolly the same ones that were talking about how henry was the whole offense last year.
  23. nah... this is all garbage... henry was hurtin, and it is best that he got the day off to rest up.
  24. hahaha. Bledsoe looked good today(considering the elements). no picks, didn't take 80 sacks, and threw a touchdown
  25. thanx for not leaving a name guest. no quarterback in the world is guaranteed to make that throw. if i go outside rite now (rochester area) and throw the ball, I will gun it at least 60 yards, and I have a crappy arm. the ball is going to take off on ya no matter what.
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