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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. well wacko jacko is definitely the messed up one, but for any anti-bush american w/ respect to rap, they may like the song mosh, which blatantly rakes stabs at bush and kerry
  2. nice response :-D however the relavancy of your response was about as relavant associating the dolfelons demise to knitting a scarf for vicky williams
  3. damn that is pretty arrogant thurmans, but as bills fans we can hope that you don't get the satisfaction of winning again. OT- daquixers who is the guy on your avatar?
  4. atlantas D has been stronger than their O this year... but otherwise your perspective seems very valid
  5. wow looks like we have a catfight here... I have to wonder why Thurman's loves our board over any pasties board.
  6. he will just give it time, anyway your pasties are not going to make this year. you can quote me on that. I think their secondary will not be ready until next year (im counting on a rodney harrison supsension)
  7. I have to disagree on the colts game, i think the colts D+ ST would 17 points due to clements, T mac, and fast freddie, as well as macgahee getting a solid 130 yds. i repsect those predictions and i would love to see the pasties out of before the AFC champ game.
  8. this is a toughy but for any dinner i would have to include aussie, cablelady, R.Rich, and stojan. All genuine individuals that are strong with their beliefs, even if Rich is last in our fantasy league :-P
  9. brees has had the unfair treatment throughout the past couple years and he deserves to be ripping it up this year. i'll enjoy it more when he burns san diego in the future as Rivers is out of the league in two years
  10. I can't understand the hating on peyton, but i agree daquixers as any Bills and Pasties fan should be happy that marino does not have the record in two weeks.
  11. What a bunch of morons gettin up so early, when you have another month to go shopping. if you don't see the person until after christmas , no reason not to wait until the 26th to get the gift
  12. Thurman's, there is nothing that can take away from mannings season. he is having one of the greatest years ever. James has been doing great, but Indy has the fortune of having a potent passing game that sets up the run.
  13. our offense has been steadily improving, but is still not effective enough to compete against top-tier defenses
  14. Ummm a$$munch, the steelers kicked the living hell out of the pasties... and when the teams are saying that they do that crap before a game, it means that they saw it on film.
  15. The pistons lost to an expansion team that is pretty bad considering they hardly lost the talent that the pacers did.
  16. great job sue... I had the same feeling on sunday too... but i have noticed every week that i don't wear my DB jersey at some point, he does decent and the bills win... anyone in favor of coming up to brockport to steal my jersey and burn it so i can never touch it again (and maybe it will lead to the bills running the table)
  17. Wow another half baked idea by erie county politicians. Lets get rid of plow drivers in an area that is infamous for its snowstorms. It is no wonder why I want to leave this state when I get out of college, bad economy, high taxes, and a state that can't pass a budget on time
  18. the fight footage from ESPN this is still unbelievable to watch... the penalties were too harsh on Pacers and not harsh enough on Walllace
  19. what an !@#$, he should be locked up in jail permanently for being such a dip$#!T.
  20. Bledsoe's teams road record's best i could do 1993 Pasties 2-6 (bledsoe missed three games that year) 1994 Pasties 5-3 (active in all games) losing on road to browns in wildcard 1995 Pasties 3-5 (missed one game) 1996 Pasties 5-3 (healthy all games) losing in SB, i guess that is a road game 1997 Pasties 4-4 (healthy all games) losing in divisional round 7-6 in PIT 1998 Pasties 3-5 (missed two games) losing at Jax wild card 1999 Pasties 3-5 (healthy all games) 2000 Pasties 2-6 (healthy all games) 2001 Pasties 0-1 w/ drew, if i am correct though he did bail the pats out on the road at PIT in the AFC championship cuz Brady played like crap. 2002 Bills 3-5 2003 Bills 2-6 2004 Bills 0-4
  21. Rico, that is pretty harsh. Anyway I am in favor of keeping JP on the bench. If you look at the teams that tucked away their first round quarterback for at least a year, these players have done much better than say Ryan Leaf or Tim Couch. Some teams have even tucked away these quarterbacks for two years and these QB's have done great (pennington and Culpepper). For the second season for those two qb's they had mediocre starters ahead of them (Vinny and Jeff George), and these organizations realized that it was the smart thing to do. I have criticized the hell out of the bungles for throwing in Palmer this year as he struggled this year, and Kitna was very solid the past few years.
  22. As much as I love breasts, I have to say that it is good that we won't have a Congressional Investigation this time around to figure out what really happened. Anyway, if I want to look at boobs there is always playboy channel , The surgery channel, and oh yeah pro wrestling
  23. well slow freddy are you called that due to your knack for boring the chicks with your sexual performance?
  24. steve i feel the same way. As a college athlete, if i kicked the crap out of a competitior from the home team and the fans starting throwing partially full to full containers at my head, i would charge at them and throw them down the fuggin stands. No fans (including Bills fans) should ever throw any objects onto the field or directly at a player as it is a truly classless act. The Pistons players and fans showed little class and respect in defeat. When you lose, you have to work harder to win the next one, simply put. kinda like we expect the bills to play like they did today after being so flat last week. I think Artest should have been suspended a bit (30 games) but not a whole season. People from the Indiana organization should have been trying to restrain him from going up in the stands in the first place.
  25. Dude the ball was in air for enough time for the guy to adjust to get ball. Most Division 3 receivers would have made that catch in that situation or at least not knocked straight up. As the case with a few of those dropped passes that were picked (eg. henry's drop in the ravens game) should have been caught
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