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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. that is cool... i work with freshman as an RA up here
  2. Depew,NY/20/ SUNY Brockport
  3. Does the McGee bonus effect the cap in any way?
  4. Honestly Rich that is the way to go. That is how i have lost weight for track season this year, and i was faster until i hurt my knee, but this has worked for me during high school for wrestling, and now in college for track
  5. 42??? what was that like 2 months ago
  6. Not a chance in hell. the man will be askign for too much $ and would stunt the development of evans
  7. aussiew, we would be prolly be talking about the guy still and if it is for the money. As a 20 year old, there are a few 50 year old women, i wouldn't mind being in a relationship with (then again $ is prolly my motive on that) Edit: yes and we would think it is cool. Eg) Ashton Kutcher and Demi is a cool couple
  8. Now that is some fan loyalty... too bad michael jackson's fans are shallow, shallow people (then again it might be a good thing)
  9. Nasty lol... Followed by "smells like fish"
  10. i am saying it should be... "Red Balls, They give you Wings!!!!"
  11. I'm surprised that i haven't seen anyone bag on Pasties DB Randall Gay or Former Browns RB Ben Gay
  12. lol...ok man have a good nite
  13. he definitely was one of those selfless warriors that brought every down. I loved having him as a FB paving away holes for Thurman and Davis
  14. 1. i'm not judging you 2. I think the whole topic of beastality is messed up and immoral. 3. Just because you know of beastality tactics does not make you messed up, but using those tactics in real life is messed up. 4. If you want to talk about sex, i have no problem with it, especially if it is not about animals. 5. chill out and lay off the caffeine
  15. Being for execution makes me not a democrat? ... ok buddy
  16. chill out man. i just think that what you put was gross, on a totally different level that what is usually said around here. I never mentioned anything about other than saying that you confused me with why you put that up there.
  17. Jung Bong pitcher for the Reds... i'm still waiting for the guy to get a hit. so i can hear one of the sportscenter anchors replay "the Bong Hit" over and over like a bad flashback
  18. ...kinda sounds like a chappelle skit including Tyrone Biggums
  19. I'm sorry but didn't anyone else ever notice Tom Barrasso kinda sounds like bare-***hole
  20. to even know that is disgusting!!! to post it just leads me to wonder why anyone would share such info.
  21. Mike Brown's level of ineptitude never ceases to amaze me. The only bright thing the Bungles have done in the last few years is the hiring Marvin Lewis
  22. we gotta change that name to buffalo wing... but otherwise more lineman the merrier willis and JP are
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